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thank you cpddet its getting there just takeing time i will get more done


So I did some more work on the samson post and I got it  Installed little bit each day  Keeps the general away lol here some.pic




I am not sure what's going on but model ship ways needs much better quality control  Not sure if anybody else building this model is having problems with parts not fitting castings that are not good at all it makes it really hard  I am finding a lot of the laser cut parts are not fitting or there too big or too smalle not cut right The need much better quality control 


Seems like many parts and pieces leave a lot to be desired. My MS Bluenose was the same way. Just have to do the best you can with what you have. 

Don't get too discouraged.



Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 


Unless, or untill, you reach the point of scratch building your models, the errors in the kit are just a fact of life.


I have already accepted that my Bluenose, which is my first build, is more of a learning tool for future builds. I doubt anyone becomes an accomplished shiprwright untill they work their way through the first build.


Stick with it and make each stage your best effort. You will be surprised at how much you skill improves as you progress through the build. 

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 


i here u there cpddet iam not getting to that point of discouraged. its getting close iam trying to work with what i have its hard for me with out msw it would been in the trash can by now there so much help and build logs to help guild me along  and the great poeple to help me


this might not be the best looking ship lol iam giveing it my all 


My skills have improved since I started this build I'm gonna take it right to the end of the build  But I look at it as it is fun as well as therapy 


Yes, it's great for the brain. Just figuring out how to build each piece really expands our knowledge of tools and how to use them to our advantage.


Bluenose is my first build and I view it as a primer for future builds.


So much to learn.

Current build: NRG Half Hull

Previous build: MS Bluenose 


thanks dave for the kind words as i have two more builds after this one is done 


Ok  I am now installing eye hooks on the main rail i was going to ca glue on them  I decided not to So I went with epoxy it would be stronger when I start the rigging thay pull out





I am enjoying following your build thank you for sharing. 

Regarding the straps, I agree with you regarding epoxy, but as you have already painted the hull you will be gluing to the paint regardless of the type of glue that you choose to use, rather than gluing to the wood unless you scrape  off the paint.  I would try the epoxy, but also drill the straps before installing  to take bolts.   Small brass nails work well as bolts and are pretty close to scale at 1:48 or even 1:64 and add a touch of realism.   I have found brass nails with the shank at about 0.018" diameter and the head about 0.03 so they look pretty good because they are not overly large.   I recall seeing that some folks use brass or copper wire to make small bolts and peen them over to form a head but I find this extremely difficult at our scales without marring the surrounding wood.


PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU



thanks allanyed  yes i will drilling the chain plate out np there i will put small nails in there as i for to do it befor i put them on lol it will be done  thank you so much for your comment as i will be posting more on my build


So I went ahead and drilled out the chain plates and added the little nails came out looking better on with more of the build



iam sitting here trying to figure out how to do the masts to join the main with the top it driveing me crazy so i just took a break and had a coffee the next day i figured it out lol when you slow down in the end it works out for the good


cpddet  i gree with u on that it take me so long some times lol i guess its old age getting to me lol


Iam  Working on the mainmast Trying to join the top of the main  mast Something does not seem right whether it's too big or too small  something is not right cannot figure it out her are some pic   Comments  would really help right now thanks





yes i saw that cpddet this just a nock up right now that will be done its the spreaders thay odd i think i made to what the plans say  thay odd to me now lol


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