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My stepfather was an excellent model ship builder; on his passing I recovered several of his models. I have two which upon close inspection I'm convinced he didn't build. In later life he suffered from Parkinson's, and I'm guessing my mother found these at an antiques store, estate sale, etc.


Here's one (the other is smaller and in better shape). I'm downsizing and won't get to restoring it. I'd like to offer it FREE to anyone who might enjoy fussing with it. There's a lot of nice work in this model and I hate to just discard it.


I live near Albany New York, and it would be pick up only, or a reasonable drive to meet you.


Any other suggestions appreciated!


You can PM or I can be reached at slnightingale@hotmail.com







Thank you! Honestly, it's in rough shape, and the planking isn't well done. One reason I strongly suspect my stepfather didn't build it. He was quite a perfectionist and craftsman.




The model doesn't look to be in bad shape. A few hours and it would be good as new. I have seen models built by self proclaimed perfectionist and I was not impressed. I'm not a perfectionist, but to me perfectionism is subjective. I have found when it comes to model building, perfectionism can and in most instances create more harm than good. 


Perhaps one of the Rochester area club model-makers might help you out.

Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv

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