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2020 to 2021


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Hello dear forum colleagues, hello dear admins.

During the year I am rather a silent member in here. Nevertheless I would like to mention one or the other.

The difficult year is now coming to an end . Here in the forum it was 2020 again very exciting, instructive, entertaining and extremely entertaining. Many great colleagues, people, projects, models and insights. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the operators , the admins of our forum for their constant actions. They keep the forum running,arrange / sort posts when needed. Mediate when necessary and thus ensure that we like it in here, feel comfortable and we can take care of the construction reports and the exchange of experience in peace. I find that this is not easy and also not natural. 

Even if a colleague, no matter for what reason is not well, or he meets a blow of fate, you are there and catches him. One is alone with nothing in here. That is simply beautiful. Especially in a time where "elbow mentality" is in, that is very valuable.

There are so many fantastic modelers of all ages, eras and model types in here, coupled with an infinite depth of technical knowledge on every conceivable subject. To list them individually would be too long. I mean all of you. You learn immensely and deeply about history, literature of all kinds, eras, idiosyncrasies and techniques etc....

Is there a better platform for our passion ? Is there a more beautiful community for our hobby ? > no ! In my opinion this is unique in here.

I would like to thank you for the great contributions and your professional knowledge, combined with the sheer endless will to share the knowledge of even the most inexperienced colleagues. You are an enrichment and a great community. Thank you for that.

We wish you and your families a happy new year 2021 and hope you and your loved ones are well. Stay as you are and above all stay healthy!

Is already a great troop in here ...no...no "fishing by compliments", but my impression and opinion of the forum and all its members.

In this sense Cheers New Year 

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I agree absolutely. May I be the first to say thanks for expressing  this so well?


Seasons best wishes.




A model shipwright and an amateur historian are heads & tails of the same coin

current builds:

HMS Berwick 1775, 1/192 scratchbuild; a Slade 74 in the Navy Board style

Mediator sloop, 1/48 - an 18th century transport scratchbuild 

French longboat - CAF - 1/48, on hold

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