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Golden Hind by Tomasz B - OcCre - 1/85

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Oh no! :)))

this is not a call for total rebuild ...

just formaly ,I feel this question must be done due to nature of the model which is galleon :)))

Edited by kirill4
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2 hours ago, kirill4 said:

Oh no! :)))

this is not a call for total rebuild ...

just formaly ,I feel this question must be done due to nature of the model which is galleon :)))

Yes you are completely right,  but i know all my mistakes and almost all parts of it that they are not right , so if i want them to be fixed then i will have to take almost  all of it including masts and boards yet even decking.

So i get to the point when asking myself can i really do this without giving up to soon on this ship ? 

So i am not sure i should go for that.

 If i fix one then i will go for another and another and so on ,till bulkheads 😅🤣 and never finish it😥


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Absolutely agree with this...I think as soon we already discussed it, we knew about  some points, and now need  just continue building...and finaly to complete it!  :)))


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Thank you for understanding, i just know  myself and this could happen. I wish to build my model as accurate historically possible but i think this is not that stage yet i can achieve unfortunately. From my point of view i have big lack of studying any models before i start and plan everything before

I really appreciate 🙏your advise and comments they are priceless. 

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Dear Tomasz,

I don't have model building experience at all , exept maybe assembling a few plastic models ... but this is a big difference compare to wooden models buildings ... but during assembling my model I knew somthing/a little bit ,about galleons, which I could share with You ,if I see something  which  need to be commented by my opinion :))) but of couse it is only my comments :)

Actually , as I found later on , there is some/a lot of information about galleons in free access in the net 

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14 hours ago, kirill4 said:

Dear Tomasz,

I don't have model building experience at all , exept maybe assembling a few plastic models ... but this is a big difference compare to wooden models buildings ... but during assembling my model I knew somthing/a little bit ,about galleons, which I could share with You ,if I see something  which  need to be commented by my opinion :))) but of couse it is only my comments :)

Actually , as I found later on , there is some/a lot of information about galleons in free access in the net 

Good morning. I have found something like this. Is very interesting 


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Dear Tomasz,

I would recommend to forget this strange rigging diagram from the kit but better to use rigging diagrams from other sources, which are made with more historic and professional accurate :)))

Well known Mondfeld 's GH rigging  diagram for  example...?

Did You found that Anderson book which we told about in the beginning of your building report?

There are presision information regarding all rigging questions including You mentioned which couldn't  be found...

such as fore top mast stay lanyard - belaying point will  poz.18




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I think there is (Mondfeld) somthing wrong with arrangements of fore and main backstays poz 17,35 - they should be shifted in this period and secured in different way - see Anderson book for details

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Good day Tomasz,

Have question , for what there is one more running end of the tie halliard , as seems on the foto there are two? but tie halliard is a single rope ...

Knight with 4 sheeves may be  correct - on Your model mast cap is continental form/type (which is not correct for this ship, but choozen by kit maker as I understood)) but not in english style as it should be/it should be like a half brick ... and such shape and method of connection mast and top mast (moveable)suppose the top mast could be lowered ... in such case , 4 sheeves in the knight quite reasonable...4th sheeve could be used for top rope...


scan 062.jpg

scan 090.jpg

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