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thanks Sjors


John has done his stairs before me Sjors :P


i forgot to show you that i added a bit of height to the railings


this makes it that the side of the stairs will not be visible through the gaps in the railing



i need to smoothen that part a bit and paint it white like the rest


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


lol Sjors


i think we learn from eachother. although from now on he ll be steaming ahead in the lead so i can learn from him :)


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80




That's a very nice improvement on the stairs. Concerning building speeds ... in Holland we say 'Hardlopers zijn doodlopers' (runners kill themselves on the run), better take it easy. You'll finish her eventually :) :) :)


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...



thanks Carl. my mom used to say : "haast en spoed is zelden goed" ( haste and speed are rarely good) and i keep to that and before i go ahead with the next step plan it


didnt do anything tonight (birthday party for our youngest) but have been thinking about how to fix up the two smaller smoke stacks at the back.

they seem to spring out of nowhere. on the second deck. i assume they go into the engine room compartment at an agnle of 90 degrees.


my plan is to cut some left over dowel at about 27.5 degrees and glue 4 of these together creating a 90 degree 'elbow' .



Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


i am really strugling with getting the handrails on the stairs. thye have to bend and twist and it seems the ca glue is not holding probably due to the staining :(. i have tried being carefull but the whole construction of the stairs is starting to fall apart


have put them aside for now


i soaked and bended the rubbing fenders for the last 2 decks



also lined the stair openings




the reason why i wanted to finish that is that is the last i need of the 1x4 sapely strips


i had planned to use the left over of these strips to scratch build the outside frames of the 24 windows

i have calculated i need about 912 mm of them and i have about 990mm left :)

so i better not mess them up too much






Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


Sorry to note your problems with the stairs. Indeed the staining is causing the problem that the CA does not hold. Had the same problem, so have removed the paint from areas where it has to be glued to the stairs, which fixed this problem. Am curious to see at the time the result of the scratch build windows and doors.




<span style='font-family: courier new'>In progress: <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/177-king-of-the-mississippi-artesania-latina-scale-180/'>King of the Mississippi</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Completed : <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/176-mare-nostrum-4331-artesania-latina-scale-135/'>Mare Nostrum 4331</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/51-16th-century-galeass-imai-scale-1160/'>16th century Galeass</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://members.upc.nl/carla.en.john/Modelbouw/Rocket.htm'>George Stephenson Rocket Locomotive</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Next build : sl Louise</span>


Thanks John


i will try do the same. its a 4 day long weekend so i should haev some time for that and get a start on the windows


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


Happy birthday with your youngest :).


Hope you will fix the stairs handrails.

I've soaked them first in water, then dryfiited them on the stairs, after drying I used carpenter glue (wood) and no CA.


Current build:
Creole Queen scratchbuild and Korean Turtle War Ship

Finished: King of the Mississippi, Bon Retour, Chinese Pirate Junk, Nave Egizia
Next builds:  Gundeck Vasa; Bounty (bashed)


thank you Wim :)


i did soak them a bit but i couldnt get the bit to hold on to the stairs while drying


dont worry i will fix them one way or another :)


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80




Can't you use dowels the size of 'treenails' to fix the rail ...


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...



hi Carl


the railing bars or only like 1.5 by 1.5 mm wide so no chance to put a dowel in.


i am leaving it for now. thtas what i usualy do and then think about it and eventualy get back to it and finish it :)


the same with the scratch build windows . the procedures i worked out wherent working  so i left them


now i am back at them.it took me about an hour to make the first window and its not perfect but i feel like its going to work




i will take some pictures of the little jigs i made to make it easy to make them consistent


i remembered i stil needed to put a coat of paint on the brass railings. i need a few of them soon


i bought a test tube of ivory white and its been fine but today th epaint wouldnt come out until i pushed a bit more and all of a sudden half the tube splattered out . not to waste any of it i decided to paint both sides at the same time and hang it out to dry ;)



Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


Hi Adrieke,


I see that you are back at your windows.

It don't look bad at all.

It's tiny so you have to use a tweezer and that works a little harder then you can make it by hand.

When you are at number 10 it goes perfect  :)

I keep a close eye to you.




Hi Adrieke, nice windows, they are so tiny, nearly the scale of the gratings. Well done. Have you checked whether the height of the windows are matching the windowshutters (if you use the shutters afterall). And by the way, you need two more windows for the third deck state-room. Most probably this is all obvious to you but thought it does no harm to give you a mnemonic on this.

I paint the brass raillings piece by piece. Donot have an airbrush and by using a normal brush I am not able to prevent paint drops on the opposite site (caused by all these tiny railings).


Well the easter weekend has arrived, so wish you happy building days.




<span style='font-family: courier new'>In progress: <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/177-king-of-the-mississippi-artesania-latina-scale-180/'>King of the Mississippi</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Completed : <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/176-mare-nostrum-4331-artesania-latina-scale-135/'>Mare Nostrum 4331</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/51-16th-century-galeass-imai-scale-1160/'>16th century Galeass</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://members.upc.nl/carla.en.john/Modelbouw/Rocket.htm'>George Stephenson Rocket Locomotive</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Next build : sl Louise</span>




For the next time if you're struggling with a paint tube. Don't press on, but try to open it up through the top with an awl or something a like. It will save you some paint, and frustration.


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...



thanks Sjors

yes i am gettign in a good routine now :)


thanks  John.


yes i ll be using the shutters :



yes i checked and i need 24 windows in total. but i appreciate mentioning it :)

i paint manualy too and yes there are probably a few drops to clean up later on but this way its a lot quicker


Hello Carl

i ll sure to follow your advice next time



OK so here is how i am making the outer frames of the windows


first cutting them too size. i made some marks on the mitrebox so i dont need to keep penciling off the length



i push the top and bottom in the mold. they fit tight enough to not fall out



then i push the two vertical ones in after dabbign some glue on the edges wiht a toothpick



after waiting a bit for the glue to set i use the other part to push the frame gently  out of the mold



stacking them in a small container to finish drying



the procedure for the inner part in the next episode ;)


i am a bit concerned wiht the brass railings. i noticed that they are not all the same.

there are 63 plain ones. about 5 that have an extra horizontal part and 10 that are the same as the 5 but without an outside vertical part


calculating i need about 70 railings and if you look on the pictures they are all the same type.

not sure how difficult it wil be to cut off the vertical bits





Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


Nice window frame production Adrieke.

Regarding the railings, my kit consits of 63 plain ones, 5 with an extra horizontal part and 10 with an extra horizontal part without an outside vertical part. Think I will use them for the 3rd deck balcony and the small stacks.




<span style='font-family: courier new'>In progress: <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/177-king-of-the-mississippi-artesania-latina-scale-180/'>King of the Mississippi</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Completed : <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/176-mare-nostrum-4331-artesania-latina-scale-135/'>Mare Nostrum 4331</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/51-16th-century-galeass-imai-scale-1160/'>16th century Galeass</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://members.upc.nl/carla.en.john/Modelbouw/Rocket.htm'>George Stephenson Rocket Locomotive</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Next build : sl Louise</span>


thanks John


have finished them all today :D



same railings as me then. i think 63 is just enough for all the outside railings and the stair railings

the 6 for the smoke stacks i ll do with the other ones


now i made 2 differnt inside frames for the windows. i have already adked the fmaily and all 3 went for the same one


so its already decided but any comments on which window you like best: the ones wiht 4 or 6 little panes




Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


Since I presume my task will be cleaning windows, I prefer the window with 4 panes. Seriously, in this scale the wood of the inside frame is rather thick which is less notable with 4 than with 6 panes. (not to say it is less work :D  ).





<span style='font-family: courier new'>In progress: <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/177-king-of-the-mississippi-artesania-latina-scale-180/'>King of the Mississippi</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Completed : <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/176-mare-nostrum-4331-artesania-latina-scale-135/'>Mare Nostrum 4331</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/51-16th-century-galeass-imai-scale-1160/'>16th century Galeass</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://members.upc.nl/carla.en.john/Modelbouw/Rocket.htm'>George Stephenson Rocket Locomotive</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Next build : sl Louise</span>


Hi Adrieke -- I've been lurking around your forum for awhile now, and finally decided to jump in. I have a King on order, which should arrive next week. I'm looking forward to casting off with you, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. If you haven't already, you may want to read Mark Twain's "Life on the Mississippi". I'll probably reread this myself to get back 'in the mood'.

Steve Barth

Douglasville, Ga. USA




Current build:     AL King of the Mississippi


Previous builds:  Midwest Skipjack

                           MS Pride of Baltimore

                           MS Bounty Launch

                           Bluejacket USS Monitor

                           Bluejacket CSS Virginia



welcome aboard Barth :)


i saw on Johns topic he has already listed the many errors in this build. nothing is really dificult too overcome certainly  since you already have build some ships


never read Mark Twain but i am sure its on my ebook somewhere as a free download


both John and me wil look anxiously out for your build log


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


did a bit more finishing work on the 2 nd deck light construction


the top bit holds to the bottom bit with 3 bits of wood that wedge into it


the top wil be painted black so as it wone be too visible from the ventilation windows





when studying the plans i noticed that the outside railing of the first 2 decks will be at an angle

this because the decks get progressively smaller.





Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


Goodmorning mr Electrician, do you mind to tell the outcome of the number of window panes. Did I won the white Mercedes Cabriolet indeed by giving the right answer ?



<span style='font-family: courier new'>In progress: <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/177-king-of-the-mississippi-artesania-latina-scale-180/'>King of the Mississippi</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Completed : <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/176-mare-nostrum-4331-artesania-latina-scale-135/'>Mare Nostrum 4331</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/51-16th-century-galeass-imai-scale-1160/'>16th century Galeass</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://members.upc.nl/carla.en.john/Modelbouw/Rocket.htm'>George Stephenson Rocket Locomotive</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Next build : sl Louise</span>


i ll be going with the 4 panes John . you just won a year trip on the kom washing windows :P


John when you start on the outside railings be very careful. i made a copy of the plan to cut and use as guides to mark where the vertical 3x3 dowels need to go

i tought to be clever and make holes thorugh the deck so that the the lower 2 decks is just one dowel. after cutting the hole i notices that there was somethign odd with the spaces between them on the plan.


yup not all spaces are 35 mm wide. at the front the middle one is way longer and the 2 next to it or slightly longer. since the brass railings are only 35mm we will need to cut two halves and join them up.


i hope i didnt cut the hole in the wrong place. i will find the round precut top of the railings to make sure


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


Happy easter Adrieke, am ready to collect my price post-447-0-35381600-1364719053.gif


Have not started to look at the railings and whether or not to make holes to have one dowel for the three decks. Luckily with a wooden built mistakes can be restored, so think you do not really worry about the holes in the front.


Have fun these days.


<span style='font-family: courier new'>In progress: <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/177-king-of-the-mississippi-artesania-latina-scale-180/'>King of the Mississippi</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Completed : <a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/176-mare-nostrum-4331-artesania-latina-scale-135/'>Mare Nostrum 4331</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/51-16th-century-galeass-imai-scale-1160/'>16th century Galeass</a></span><br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://members.upc.nl/carla.en.john/Modelbouw/Rocket.htm'>George Stephenson Rocket Locomotive</a></span><br />

<br />

<span style='font-family: courier new'>Next build : sl Louise</span>


vrolijk pasen


just drop by at my place whenever you are in Sydney :P


well after checking i am happy that i did make the hole at the right place.

but i have to think about if i am going to cut all the holes (about 20 on that deck ) as it nos easy


anyway i finalised 2 of the windows and put them in a partialy planked part of the stateroom

far from perfect but the best i can do at this moment



making the inside cross the same as the gratings i gave up on as the sapely wood brakes and splinters too easy


so i ll be making 2 pieces of 5 mm and one piece of 7 mm and line them up in a cross



Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80

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