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You made think of rosin-cored solder. However, beware of the issue with lead-corrsion on models.


Otherwise, solid lead-free solder-wire might be an option. One would have to drill a hole through, insert it into the pre-drilled hole in the hull and shape it with suitable tools.


Copper-wire drilled out and treated as above might be third option. It would need to be annealed several times in the process to keep it malleable. It would then need to be painted, unless you assume the scuppers were bronze/copper.


For small scales, I just drilled the hole into the hull, flared it out with diamond burrs etc. and then turned a soft lead-pencil in it to give it the look of a lead pipe.

Edited by wefalck



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



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I assume that this question refers to the flanged oval openings that pierce the hull sides and bulwarks of later Nineteenth Century sailing ships and steamships.


I start by calculating the equivalent  diameter of a circular tube with circumference equal to that of the oval scupper.  I then start with a piece of round brass tubing of that diameter.  Here in the USA K&S brass tubing is widely available in both fractional and metric sizes.


I have found that the best way to form the oval shape is to simply squeeze the tube in a vise.  Done carefully the tube will assume an oval shape. To ensure uniform size I use a simple wooden stop to limit the closure of the vise.


To form the flange I wrap a piece of wire around the end of the tube and solder it in place, and then shape the results with a file.  




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I think the question referred to the drain-pipes that drain the water-ways, rather than openings for mooring ropes etc. These drains or scuppers would be flush with the deck, sitting in the corner of the water-way and have a diametre of around 5 cm/2".



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



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Thanks everyone. I made the two larger scuppers for the manger today out of brass tubing soldered at an angle to brass sheet, pre drilled. The sheet was then trimmed for the flange and bent on the top for the angle formed from the waterway to the spirketing. I used an end mill with the Dremel to make a recess. I’m 



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