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Hi Michael,

I can only echo Kirill's comments, hopefully on your next build you'll consider rigging your own shrouds and ratlines?, your rigging especially that of the martnets and crowsfeet shows me you have the talent to accomplish that no problem. Keep up the good work👍


Michael D.

Posted (edited)

:))) вот это зашибись конечно !!!...

такая работа требует уйму времени, но есть одно " но"... здесь бы надо показать имитацию "gravity" .... а пока, мне как кадется,  этого не удалось сделать...

Но продолжаю наблюдать за работой с большим интересом.,,

как я это делал, я подробно показал в соответстсвующих" топиках"  в мрей стройке... "приём"...

and BRGDS!



Edited by kirill4

Crows feets under gravity, will come/ became each lines straight...each legs of craw feets became strait... we, modelmakers,  easily could imitate it , this gravity forces in our models, but You, Sir... didn't bother do it , but posted wrong vew of " nothing" these gravity forces... and now question...

why? Ah?

Why didn't spent 10 minutes to read our experienvies how to do it? , if don't want to read... than need to switch of your own inagination ,that under phisical process and " weight" of spars weihhts, correspondingn lines under weight should be straight... ... all these "phisical "prosess easy to imitate ... ? Pleased to hear and very apiliges my english8


Sorry... need to find pictures... in short, I punced each legs with needl trough stay, and " weight" it bu some weight ..and to use liquud CA, to fix crowsfeet legs in straight


Ah! Thank you! I will do that next time i have to do crow's feet. 


By the way, i did not understand your first message. Thank you for the advice, however. I will try it, i have plenty of CA. I sometimes use CA to straighten lines, and i always use it on my knots. 


Remember, I do not know many of these tips and tricks, and i have so much more to learn from you. However, if this is a waste of your time, i will leave and do my model alone. I enjoy your presence very much, because i always learn something whenever you are here. 


I would like to  advise to" imitate " on real phisical process with CA clues and semi weights... :)))

19 hours ago, Ferrus Manus said:

Oh, i'm not brave enough for that yet. 

you are going in the right direction.
patience 😉


But if real life" rigging  line "should be straight, in model , it have to be be straight..as well :)))

Posted (edited)

Again..very sorry for my english, but 72Nova could tell You exactly what to do!

Edited by kirill4

Good day,

Dear Michael,

Michael(72Nova ) did very impressive works in rigging,good afternoon, Mikhail 72Nova demonstrates outstanding results in rigging work especially considering the microscopic scale in which he works... he shows in detail all the techniques that he uses in his work... it would be nice to learn them before starting your own work on rigging mizzen masts.  ..for my part, I would advise using additional temporary weights to weight the cables to simulate gravity in the rigging wiring ...

it is better to use unpainted threads for this purpose ... after the final formation of the required shape, all sags, etc.  they can be painted in the desired color ... I think it makes sense to carefully study the techniques of colleagues, those works that you like and use them in your practice .., in particular, Michael 72Nova describes in great detail all his techniques used when working on a model ... this  concerns not only the Vasa, but also his previous works ... look at his french galley by the way ...

sometimes it seems to me that you show some haste in an effort to finish the model faster and the quality of the work done sometimes suffers from this ... it is obvious that the skills and potential  allow you to achieve more impressive results, but this does not always happen for some reason ... we do not run a marathon, and each model can be considered as a testing ground for practicing certain skills and abilities ...

if something is not done now on this model, then  anyway, you will have to start again on the next one from the same points ... and time turned out to be lost ...

in particular, as I already mentioned, on this model, the non-scale dimensions and shape of most blocks, and the thickness and excessive hairiness of the threads used in rigging are striking ...  these issues were discussed in great detail earlier in parallel construction projects of colleagues ... it sometimes looks like attempts to step on a rake or try to invent a bicycle, when one could just take a few minutes to read the topics of colleagues in which they share their experiences ... and time  save money and the result of my own work will be more interesting...

at least I always try to understand and adopt the experience of my colleagues...

I ask you to consider all of the above as an exclusively personal point of view, and not some kind of attempt to put pressure or somehow speak negatively... at this  At the moment, the work on the model has been done very much, but nevertheless there is still room for creativity ... :)))

All and the Best!!!



What types of thread do you use? are there any brands you like? I am using modelling thread, which is quite hairy. As i put together the bonaventure sail, i will use the CA technique. How would i go about painting threads, but not getting that paint on the sail and other threads? 

5 hours ago, Ferrus Manus said:

I am about to start on the bonaventure lateen sail. I have about four opportunities there to use CA to make 

Michael, what option is supposed to be used in the equipment of the mizzen rigging?

 Can You sketch a small drawing by hand what should be the result?


Thanks for stepping in Kirill regarding post #142, very much appreciated and well put. Michael for threads, again it depends on a modeler's personal preference, but you cannot go wrong with scale rope from Syren ship model Co., ropes of scale Etc, also take a good look at bobbin threads and certain embroidery threads as these are fuzz free and come in different weights, the aforementioned threads is what I use and purchase these online through superior threads, hope this helps?


Michael D.



Michael and Kirill, the build has progressed too far for me to just rip everything out and redo it. However, i can take tips on how to improve what i already have done. 

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