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Posted (edited)

I love a Spanish Galleon and have been intending to build this kit for a while. I saw a build log by Costeo a while ago and it inspired me to build the ship. I don’t intend to modify it as much as he did. Two photos from his build below and a link to his build log too. Such a shame it was never completed.




Edited by Slowhand
Link added



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings

Posted (edited)
Posted (edited)

Nice to see I have two followers, plenty of seats left in the theatre. Still have the same night watchman just a bit larger and slower. She doesn’t like popcorn.


Edited by Slowhand
Mor info



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings

Posted (edited)

A typical OcCre kit,  with nice materials, sharp cuts and the sails especially, much better since my last build. The false keel,bulk-heads and deck all fitted together nicely, tight on a dry build but with a bit of easing made a nice frame. 


Lots of metal fittings  I hope to replace, as many as possible but we’ll see.









Edited by Slowhand
Typos corrected



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings

Posted (edited)

The fit with the false keel, bulkheads and decks was so snug, I didn’t need to build a slipway, just glued 4 blocks of wood on a plywood base to hold build upright. As for my San Martin of a few years ago added blocks between bulkheads to fit false cannons to poke through gun ports.


LED lights added to stern areas to twinkle and shine in gloomy interior.


OcCre always suggest planking decks before fitting. I decided not to as wanted a deck Color sympathetic to the hull so will plank hull and see how it looks. Definitely not using veneer sapelli planking for the hull.



Edited by Slowhand
Correct auto type error



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings


The plywood hull sides went on very nicely then started first layer of planking 2x 5mm of lime, following instructions from OcCre, not quite realistic but give a nice shape. 




Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings




It certainly will be, not sure what wood to use yet.





Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings


Can't wait to see this one being built. I'm glad the initial setup was fairly painless. I built Occre's Revenge. The setup was not so painless. : )


I'm interested in knowing what you think of Occre's directions/plans. For the Revenge, they were pretty good overall. In truth, I like Mamoli's plans. Artesania Latina's leave quite a bit to be desired. 


This ship is on my possible to-do-in-the-future list, so I'll be watching along with the others.


"You're gonna need a bigger boat."


Working on: Dusek's San Martin

Completed: Good ol' first ship build- Constructo's Albatross; Mamoli's HMS Bounty; Mamoli's Golden Hinde; Amati's Drakkar; Occre's Revenge; Artesania Latina's San Fran

Posted (edited)

I find all OcCre’s plans and descriptions very similar and building the hull follows the same steps and I ignore them as I’ve build enough models now. When I built the San Martin I found instructions to be very deficient for the rigging and I expect this one will be the same. That where this site comes into its own. 

But rigging is a long time ahead and I am not called Slowhand for nothing!


Edited by Slowhand
Missing words



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings

Posted (edited)

Nearly finished first planking layer typically manage 2- 3 a planks day, slow, but waiting for glue to set slows down the process, not much sanding of bulkheads needed on this build


Edited by Slowhand



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings


You're doing very well, mate. And speed is not an issue in this hobby. Particularly not at the expense of care and precision, which is much more important, and is what you are achieving. Beautiful work.



  • 2 weeks later...

Finished the first planking layer today, not too much filler needed. Looking at Costeo’s build I think it must be walnut for the second layer so probably what I’ll go with. Turned out to be quite straightforward.






Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Started second planking layer with African Walnut, didn’t realise it wasn’t actually proper black walnut but more akin to a mahogany. Anyway, it has quite fine grain and well,  I think that’s what Costeo must have used in his build.


Better Pictures added now. The camera can be unforgiving





Edited by Slowhand
Poor images



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings

  • 3 weeks later...

And she sure looks quite good. This is a very nice build! Thank you for sharing it.


"You're gonna need a bigger boat."


Working on: Dusek's San Martin

Completed: Good ol' first ship build- Constructo's Albatross; Mamoli's HMS Bounty; Mamoli's Golden Hinde; Amati's Drakkar; Occre's Revenge; Artesania Latina's San Fran

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Finished one side above the wales. Will have to ask on this site about bending the wales as I don’t think my current method with the Admiral’s hair tongs will do the business but that’s later. Afterwards changed image to one showing better scarf joint only left hand length of wales is fixed. Most likely remove brass pins later.




Edited by Slowhand
Correction replace images



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings

  • 2 weeks later...

She is looking really good.


The wales on my current build are 2mm x 5mm walnut. I bent them pretty easily by soaking in warm water for about 20 minutes then formed them around a jar lid. I used clothespins for clamps. I just let them dry overnight. The bend may be too tight, but planks bend out significantly easier than in. I'm sure others have tricks, so I'll be watching to see what others do. 


"You're gonna need a bigger boat."


Working on: Dusek's San Martin

Completed: Good ol' first ship build- Constructo's Albatross; Mamoli's HMS Bounty; Mamoli's Golden Hinde; Amati's Drakkar; Occre's Revenge; Artesania Latina's San Fran

On 11/21/2024 at 10:42 PM, MikkiC said:

She is looking really good.


The wales on my current build are 2mm x 5mm walnut. I bent them pretty easily by soaking in warm water for about 20 minutes then formed them around a jar lid. I used clothespins for clamps. I just let them dry overnight. The bend may be too tight, but planks bend out significantly easier than in. I'm sure others have tricks, so I'll be watching to see what others do. 

Thanks Mikki,  the wales on mine are 2 x 5 mm walnut too, just been to check. I thought they might be 3 x 5 mm. Previously I have soaked and bent with heat but quite a few people on the site say heat is the only thing to have an effect which why have only used heat tongs so far on this build.


On 11/22/2024 at 6:39 AM, Louie da fly said:

I soak mine then bend them around the barrel of a cheap electric soldering iron held in a vise.



Thanks for the advice will see how I get on.

With winter here the white glue is taking an age to set. All the chemistry I studied is of some use for every 10 degree C temp drop, rate of reaction at least halves (Arrenhuis equation).



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings

  • 4 weeks later...
On 2024. 08. 18. at 23:26, Slowhand said:

Az álgerinchez, a válaszfalakhoz és a fedélzetekhez való illeszkedés annyira szoros volt, hogy nem kellett siklót építeni, csak 4 fatömböt ragasztottam egy rétegelt lemez alapra, hogy függőlegesen tartsam. Ami az én néhány évvel ezelőtti San Martinomat illeti, blokkokat tettek a válaszfalak közé, hogy hamis ágyúkat illesszenek, hogy áthatolhassanak a fegyvernyílásokon.


A hátsó részek LED-lámpái csillognak és ragyognak a komor belső térben.


Az OcCre mindig javasolja a deszkaburkolatot a felszerelés előtt. Úgy döntöttem, hogy nem akarok olyan fedélzetet színezni, amely szimpatikus a hajótesthez, ezért deszkázom a hajótestet, és meglátjuk, hogyan néz ki. Határozottan nem használ furnér sapelli deszkát a hajótesthez.




I would like to ask for help, I saw that you are assembling models with lighting I am just starting to model and I will be honest with you. I would like to ask for advice on lighting, maybe plans, pictures. Thank you very much in advance for your help!

Best regards 

Lind Mihály from Hungary

Posted (edited)



This is all I use a LED panel using 240v power. I find placed at the side creates less shadow on the side of ship I’am working on. Not particularly powerful 11.5W. I bought it in B & Q a UK superstore. I prefer natural daylight whenever possible. SORRY misread your post you meant internal lighting in the ship.



Edited by Slowhand



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Whilst concentrating  on getting windows the correct shape I lost sight of the fact the lower balcony should in line with step above transom and the windows would need to be lower. What to do? Without too much bother I cut out and raised the step and replanked. 

So now it’s on to carving the wooden brackets similar to Costeo’s version last image that’ll be interesting. As I said when I began no exposed metal or ply in this build.






Edited by Slowhand
New images



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings

  • 4 weeks later...

Been awaiting arrival of my new toy a table saw, intended to use some walnut wood turning pen blanks for brackets for stern balconies. Too hard and carving by hand with gouges set my tennis elbow off. Some dried cherry proved too difficult to carve as splinters kept breaking off so back to my old friend lime. Carved effectively a small architrave and sliced it with the Proxxon. F030A581-E0AA-431F-93A9-0C0D6319C319.thumb.jpeg.cadb49ba72604a04c51b4ab632423855.jpegDB7F97A9-DCF9-408D-B675-9EBD728F0A2E.thumb.jpeg.883bf0db63df986fa1a537817f404c29.jpeg 



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings

Posted (edited)



I carved the profile in the lime by hand with a bit of sanding and in couple of hours  ready to slice up with the saw repeated for a two more profiles. Kiln dried lime so the very best quality. Surprised how clean the cuts were as to me the blade looks looks quite big with a kerf of 1.5mm. Got a bit carried away making brackets but galleons of that era looked quite ornate, expect Spanish to be similar to Dutch and Venetian. Painting curtesy of Rijk Museum, Netherlands.  458B1DA7-9C88-4F15-BEFD-38311E62BDC8.thumb.jpeg.a143488a40603882e05650c11d6c94d8.jpeg

Edited by Slowhand
Sent image



Current build Apostle Felipe - OcCre


Polacca scratch build from Amati plan - on hold

San Martin - OcCre

HMS Resolution - Corel

Half Moon - Corel

Dragon keel boat - Billings


You've done a very nice job, and I'm sure you're right about the decoration on Spanish ships - perhaps it might have been even more ornate than the others!



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