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Don Quixote

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Everything posted by Don Quixote

  1. I primed and spray painted a piece of waste from around the lazer cut parts and applied electronics tape. Didn't pull any paint off so that's what I'm using. I've used electronics tape on plastic models for some 45 years, so I'm very comfortable with it. However, I'm getting little chips in my paint on the hull... This was my first air gun experience, but it all seemed to go well. Took 4 coats, and I sanded with 600 grit between coats. SO... I think I do want to put something over the paint of the hull. Any ideas? I'll leave the deck as is, unless someone expresses a concern that the wood may warp or something at a later date.
  2. Wow, I'm glad you mentioned that. I'd have done the same thing. Makes sense. You could paint that water line and inch thick and who would care. Thanks. I was just starting to tape it off, too.
  3. Guess I should stop looking at the box. Looks like you used a black above the water line? I just downloaded the relevent photo's you used for your build. Most helpful.
  4. I bought the paint kit that belongs to this model from model-expo. It was supposed to come with 11 bottles, but I have nine. I have no blue's. When I look back at their site at the colors that belong in the kit, I see there are no blue's listed. (Where BB King and Eric Clapton when you need them?) Anyone know what MS numbers are required for this ship? Example, Yellow Ochre (yuck) is MS4829. What do I need to order for this ships hull?
  5. I found it, thanks. I'm blaming the tri-foculs. Plane as day. I'll probably do the same with the block of wood and pencil, because I like tools, so I bought ME's fancy water line drawer thing-a-ma-bob. Which is a POS like their fair-a-frame. It's good to BE back. I love this site!
  6. So, here's the current state. LOT more filler than I'd have liked but I learned a lot. Going to sand it next. Start with 150, then 220, 320, 400, then 600. I think I'll sand it with 400 and 600 between coats of paint too. Any suggestions on whether or not I should put some kind of coating over the paint to protect it? Urethane or something? How does one know where the water line should be? I'm not seeing it on the plans. Like what the Admiral made me? No, their not riveted into the refrigerator, the rivets hold the Velcro to the material. Too heavy otherwise. I bet you thought I gave up! Nope. MAJOR remodel project. Complete renovation of the kitchen, made it larger went from tile counters to granite, new counter and cupboards... Major problems with a broken water pipe THE DAY after I finished putting in the laminate floor. Wasn't going to do the 800 sq' of floor again, so I hired a contractor with the insurance money. (Came out $3500 ahead on it) MAJOR problem with him. I found something called Luxury Vinyl Tile. Long strips and looks exactly like wood. Impervious to water, REAL hard to scratch, It's only been out a couple years, but the contractor said he'd installed it many a times. It was a nice day here in California so I had all the windows open in the house and was in the garage, when I heard the apprentice telling his boss, “you KNOW that's not how it's done! You KNOW you start in a corner!” Uh oh... Even I know that... I go inside and the apprentice (herein known as “the kid”) is laying on his belly over the counter, trying to lay a strip next to the counter. The entire living room floor was covered with glue. The pieces were not straight and there were gaps in the strips. I used some 4 letter words, grabbed a set of instructions that had been tossed aside and read out loud, “This is a floating floor, it is not meant to be glued down. Start in a corner at your left and lay the boards going right” ...etc. We argued a bit, me telling him he's fired, him telling me he needs to be paid for what he'd done so far, me telling him he'd pay the cost of clean up and any difference if the next contractor cost more, me telling him I intended to report him to the licensing board. Which I did. His quote was for $4500. The kid said he'd do it for $2000. I figured I could supervise, it's not rocket science and he obviously knew what he was about. He did a fantastic job! Even did a great job on the baseboard which can be a bear here in California because all the corners are rounded. Another $2500 in our pocket. The kid is smart. I've had him cleaning gutters, fixing our privacy fence, staining our deck... We have a neighborhood web site I mentioned him on, saying he's qualified to do a lot of different projects. He's been hired several times by neighbors. __________________________________________________________________________________________
  7. Looking for a few plans for display cases.
  8. My 2 cents, I'm glad you went with the oak. It looks like it went on better and I always like lighter colors anyways. And thanks for the tip on the pre-stain.
  9. You're not kidding. You'd have to use a hammer on those gears to break one!
  10. Serving machine arrived yesterday. 10 days. Not bad at all, ya ask me.
  11. Oh yeah. And in my own defence, I grew up in Michigan and have been on the Niagara. Ask me they never should have built the ship. I mean, so what if Detroit was the UK's problem?
  12. So I've heard. And noticed. And learned. Unfortunately, my daddy didn't raise any quitters. I've a couple mini maomi's, both solid halls, one of which is a solid hull and single planking. Plenty simple. (Though I think double planking gives us a second chance) I've promised myself that I'd set this one aside before starting the masts and rigging, and do both maomi's before heading back to this one. Sure hope I don't get stubborn and not quit! I re-did the gun ports and sweeps 4 times. Dunno how many times model shipways has sent me more wood.
  13. Came across this one and saw "first build" while checking out Carlmb's Niagara, because that's what I'm working on. For a freaking first build. BAD idea. I was hoping to find someone doing a worse job than me but so far I'm leading the OMG what happened to that pack Beautiful job. If I'm ever in Arizona I'll swing by and steal it.
  14. Very nice. I have a couple mini mamoli's, solid hulls, one with planking (shoulda started with, but I've been on the Niagara and lived in Michigan the 1st 42 years of my life) Both solid hulls are supposed to need no sanding. I want the rigging experience before I go back and tackle this some more. Time was I thought I'd learn from my older brothers mistakes, but he never built a wooden ship. Nor did he marry my X wife.
  15. Hey, I'm glad I found this build. I working on the Niagara now. Or should I'm making a mess now. I keep having the same nightmare every night. It's about this garboard plank that's laughing at me and taunting me. Nice job! I'm still debating on setting the coamings on top of the deck planking or planking around it. Probably plank around it. This is my first build and I not too concerned about its looks, I'm more interested in learning techniques to apply to the next one.
  16. I'll let you know how they work. Should be here around the 17th.
  17. I just got these http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00D8WPW78/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Supposed to fit over my tri-foculs. 3X, 9.8" work distance. Spent several hours doing research, then a couple more finding what I wanted. I didn't want to have to extend my short arms for some 16" work distance when working on rigging. These were the shortest work distance with the most powerful lenses at that length that also fit over glasses, flip up and have a light.
  18. Anyone know how powerful these things would be? 3.5 X 420 mm? http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KV9YMMW/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=3UJ8SXMROHAOP&coliid=I1PDKM3UNWOA6M
  19. I have one of those visors as well, but it sticks out too far and I end up bumping into my rigging when I get close enough to see. I like the glasses, but the part that holds the lenses wears out too quickly so the lens wobbles. I don't want to glue a lens in place because it has several lenses to swap out.
  20. LOL Guess I should have posted that in the "What happens when you get old forum".
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