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Posts posted by laarmada

  1. Hi, long ago in the Gallery of Models there were several images of the HMS Lizard 1697 which is now housed in the Pitt Rivers Museum. There are currently no such images, or al least I couldn't find them. 

     Does anyone know how to get them back? I think, now, to make a model of this boat and those images would be of great help.

    Thank you.


    I have seen the model of the French ship Le triomphant, also L Ocean found in Paris. What I am interested in knowing is how was the decoration, specifically the colors, of the French ships in 1805 approximately. The models are white and black, ivory and ebony, but that was, I think, a convention of the modelers. Thanks

    triomphant bow.jpg

    triomphant detail.jpg


  3. Hi minimini, 

    ---------------Detectar idiomaAfrikáansAlbanésAlemánAmáricoÁrabeArmenioAzerbaiyanoBengalíBielorrusoBirmanoBosnioBúlgaroCanarésCatalánCebuanoChecoChino (Simplificado)Chino (Tradicional)CingalésCoreanoCorsoCriollo haitianoCroataDanésEslovacoEslovenoEspañolEsperantoEstonioEuskeraFinésFrancésFrisón occidentalGaélico escocésGalésGallegoGeorgianoGriegoGuyaratíHausaHawaianoHebreoHindiHmongHúngaroIgboIndonesioInglésIrlandésIslandésItalianoJaponésJavanésJemerKazajoKirguísKurdoLaoLatínLetónLituanoLuxemburguésMacedonioMalayalamMalayoMalgacheMaltésMaoríMaratíMongolNeerlandésNepalíNoruegoNyanjaPanyabíPastúnPersaPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSamoanoSerbioSesotho meridionalShonaSindhiSomalíSuajiliSuecoSundanésTagaloTailandésTamilTayikoTeluguTurcoUcranianoUrduUzbekoVietnamitaXhosaYidisYorubaZulúEspañol
    It will be very interesting to see the work of a Danish ship, it is not very common here. good luck
  4. Hello, I thought about buying a saw. The work I do will not require cuts of more than 1 cm. thick (scale 1:96 or 1:72 no more). For the space that I have and the budget the options are two: Dremel Moto Saw or Proxxon DS 230. My only doubt regarding the Proxxon is the possibility, or not, of finding blades in the local market, here it is possible to find Dremel blades but in Proxxon. I await your comments to remove the doubt as to which saw to buy.
    Thank you very much and greetings.
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