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  1. I agree with you. Start with a small ship. The most importen thing is that the kit have good quality and the instructions and drawing Are in good quality. Try to build a kit from Vanguard models, I have buildt 6 of them from the smalest and ti Indefatigable that is wery big. They Are all easy to build, wery good instructions and perfect materials. Morten in Norway
  2. I have finished My Speedy and Indy after that. Thea Are a pleasure to build with exelent instructions9, drawings and materiel
  3. I am just finnishingthE ring on Hms Speedy bur I have bought INdefaigable. Inspected the y bog box tay. Woawwwwh Looking forward build it. The cost is high BUT you donget walliue for your money.
  4. I really Love this build log. My Indefatigable is in My hobby rom. Have to finnish the rigging of HMS Speedy first
  5. Looking forward to HMS Indefatigable !

  6. I am also building HMS Speedy quality is imperessing. I am to looking forward to build HMS Indefatigable
  7. My name is Morten and my e mail: morten.takst@gmail.com
  8. Hallo. I want to build a clipper ship. Witch is the best quality, is it the Mantua( Sergal: Cutty Sark??
  9. Hallo. I am following Your build log too. I have started building the Vanguard and I am about a week or two behind you. I think I will stay there. Happy New year and thank you for a interessting build log. Morten in Norway
  10. I am following Your build log too. I am Learning a lot. Morten from Norway
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