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Cap'n Rat Fink

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  1. The same here I saw closed till Mid Sept. Still not open. I have sent emails and phones calls. No response???
  2. hello Everyone, Just wanted to say I am done with this model. I drifted away from this in November last year because of the holidays. 2021 was a rough year with my wife, 2 of our 5 kids, all getting very sick. We all pulled through it. But she wasn't done with us yet. My dad past away 2 days after Christmas which was very hard and still is for all of us. God blessed with him for 91 years. My mom n dad were married for 64yrs. We are a big family that has always remained close. So 6 months later it is still hard and it will be that for a while. So I disappeared for a while after our loss. But just trying to get going with life again and i guess that means working with models again. I have one picture of how I will mount and display the boat. I did not want to pile all the equipment into the boat because you wouldn't be able to see the boat. HAHA! I hopefully will add more pictures later. When I am done with the display board. I hope all of you are doing well in this crazy world of ours. later to you all and have a good day!!! Mario
  3. HEY EVERYBODY, Well as I surely get closer and closer to the finish line here. Just wanted to show some more of acceries being added to the boat. The eye's for the shrouds seemed simple enough, until I realized I had to put them together on the boat. What I did was thread the line thru the hole in the hull and glued both ends together. Not caring too much about the glue job, as long as it was a good glue joint. Because when I seize it you wont see it. I used the 3rd hand to secure it while seizing and letting the glue dry. I noted the clumsy cleat because Ronnberg and Ansel show it with leather. But yet Ronnberg's model show it with no leather padding. So I figured it was one of many ways these were left. Still need just a few more items and then i work on the display board and take it from there. I wanted to rig the sails, but decided not to. I like sails but it would just make the display case even bigger. Have too many of those bigger cases, so gotta go the other every now and then. Thanks you!!!
  4. So back to my boat now that I fill good to work on it. Just couldn't have a good time until our family pulled thru this mess. I am just about finished with all the bits that go on and in this boat. So now going to get the display board going and just a few more items to create and i will be done. The parts with the clamps are the flags. Still need to paint the material red. The oars just need the stripes painted on them and they are done. Have a good day my friends!!!
  5. Thanks guys so very much. 2021 turned out to be worse then 2020. But it looks like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Long story short 2 of our kids caught the virus late 2020. Early 2021 our daughter ended up with a live time illness. She now has M.S. But with the new meds the Dr's have stabilized it. Our oldest son ended up mental problem that went to the brink and scared the living hell out of us. it turns out he had a bacteria that was causing most of the problems. But he is now getting better. He is not out of the woods yet, but he is getting. And finally my wife and I took on tremendous stress and anxiety and just plain scared. I was able to cope, but wife started having heart problems. Long story short on her, she ended up having heart surgery and she is doing well. With our faith in God we were able to get to this point. Where things are getting back to normal. THE ONLY ADVICE I CAN GIVE ALL OF US IS......TAKE THIS VIRUS SERIOUSLY BECAUSE CAUSES OTHER PROBLEMS DOWN THE ROAD. BE SAFE AND GOD'S BLESSING TO ALL OF YOU!!!
  6. Now it has been a while since I posted anywhere, for that matter. This year has been a very long and rough year for my family and me. Things have calmed down some. And I am just now getting back into doing some enjoyable without the guilt you might say. I have started working a little on the whale so i can finish it off. I hope this to be getting a little more regular, but just hoping the problems that cropped up will stay at bay long enough to get at a more regular life. These problems will be with us for the rest of our lives but we will be able to manage them God willing. So I will be posting some time down the line to finish this model off. Talk to you all later and hope LIFE has been good to all!!!
  7. Hi John, Good to hear. So here we go....one last time. Hi everyone, Well for a while there it seemed I would never say this. But my Hannah build has finally come to an end! I will add better photos to the Complete Gallery later. I still need add barrels, and mainly figures. But I see no reason to keep this log open any long then adding a couple of photos later with the diorama completed. The windlass was finally completed, the swivel guns added, two cannons will be next to the name plate, the other two will look like they are ready to load onto the ship. I decided no tripod wenge because it would just be too much in a small area. Besides the main subject is the boat. I added rope hanks here and there. You will notice the inwales painting not completed. Thats were a figure will come in showing him painting. The little structure at this time I am thinking will show shipwrights going over the drawings of the refit of the Marble Schooner. I now have to go order the glass to cover and protect. I decided on the diorama because I thought it would kinda bring the model to life a little bit. SO THIS SHOUT OUT GOES OUT TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCH THIS BUILD. APOLOGIES FOR IT TAKING SO LONG TO COMPLETE. BUT BEING RETIRED NOW HOPEFULLY MY BUILDS WILL SPEED UP A BIT. THANKS FOR WATCHING. I AM NO EXPERT BUT I ALSO HOPE MY BUILD WILL OTHERS WITH THEIR BUILDS OF THIS MODEL. SINCE IT IS A PRETTY POPULAR MODEL TO BUILD. HAPPY MODELING!!! MARIO
  8. Thank you John. I hope you are doing and staying safe. Hope the virus is calming down down under! Thank you Brian. I will take a good look at those sites. You would think you would find a lot since 1/4 scale is fairly common. Thanks Hakan. Good to know your having fun. We have 3 Grandkids and seeing them a lot. Our oldest has the 3 and she works. So guess who is zooming school. I live in California and our Governor still has a strangle hold on us. But we might be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel soon. Just been upgrading our home as time passes. Thank again everyone. Happy Modeling!
  9. Hi Everyone, Since one of my project is nearing its end. Two of my three girls both want the BLACK PEARL, so I am considering one of plastic and one of wood. Has anyone built the Revell Kit of the Pearl? If so I would like your opinion on this kit. On the WWW it does show high ratings. But still not sure about it. Thanks for your time, Mario
  10. Thanks guys for stopping by and your kind words. And you Hakan Buddy How have you been? great to hear from you. Yeah it's been awhile. I am retired now and doing whatever. I worked for many years. I hope God grants me many years of retirement. Hello All, I plan on displaying the model as a small diorama. Not too crazy. The theme would be that the ships retro fit is still in progress. So I have been messing around on the layout. There will be a ground cover to make it a little more realistic. I also added the back stays and the swivel guns. I have been slowing making rope hanks for the model. Cleaning up the pigtails and such. As for any pieces of thread I did not see I like using a regular ol plastic straw and blow off any dust and thread pieces I did not see. The end is in sight is all i can say. As for figures it's pretty tough finding 1/4 scale size. I do not have a 3d printer, but it would work pretty good in this case. So I may display the model without figures and later add them. The first photo shows the cannon is almost ready to load onto the ship, the second is waiting in line. Those tripod hoist back in those days are cool but might not work on my board because it take a bit of room. The scaffolding goes all the way around the boat. I just put a very small portion. I do not plan on covering up my model. It's the main subject after all. Now you know as to why I never installed the rudder and tiller. I plan on adding a few hull planks next to the ship. ready to be installed. HAPPY MODELING EVERYONE!
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