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Mike Dowling

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Everything posted by Mike Dowling

  1. I am now in the process of painting the hull which has given me time in between drying to make all the bits and pieces for the deck. I modified the pilot house to have an opening door at the back so that the interior could be seen. I also added brass portholes instead of the horrid black things in the kit. The little companion way was an interesting challenge as the door was supposed to hinge with some very peculiar idea from AL who then forgot to put the bits in the kit so I made my own hinges !! Other pictures are of all the fish boxes and the guard thing they will rest against, the engine, winch, trawl doors, engine house cover, ladder and front hatch. Once the hull painting is finished they will all have somewhere to go. I can't quite understand some of the scaling on this model. Either the pilot house is too large or the companionway too small. If people could get into the companionway there is no way they could lift a full fish box!!
  2. If it were me I would make the stacks a bit blacker, they look like weathered white which has had a nasty attack by seagulls!
  3. Thanks for that Brian, Wales or rubbing strakes and stantions done !!
  4. The bulwarks are now on. Quite a struggle to do those even after soaking but I won on the end. I put on the stem and keel but found I had sanded a bit too much off the bulwarks at the prow and had to put a small filler on the stem at the top but I don't think it shows. Also planked the insides of the bulwarks and put in the waterways. I put the propeller on, just a loose fit at the moment but I don't want to do the rudder yet - too easy to knock it off at the moment. I added a bit more filler to smooth the bulwarks and did a wee bit more sanding and I think the hull is just about done. Next step is the stantions. I still can't decide what colour scheme to paint the hull.
  5. We are filled, sanded and smoothed and ready for the addition of the bulwarks. Fingers crossed!!
  6. HOF, the wheel is 20mm, fiddly to put together but well worth it. It was from a company I think called Model's parts shop and they sell loads of equally brilliant brass bits and pieces including wonderful portholes and all manner of bits and bobs I could spend a fortune! Anyway, being a sad person (!!!!) here it is in situ. The idea is that the base with the seat, dashboard and wheel will go on the deck and the removeable (!!!!) pilot house will sit on top. Whilst I am here I will ask for some opinions. Would it be a good idea to put the stem on the hull before trying to put the bulwarks on rather than do it after as the destructions suggest?
  7. I really thought you should see this ! The kit does not come with any 'furniture' for the pilot house, not even a wheel. So I bought one from ebay and it is just a wonderful piece of engineering in my humble opinion. There is even an extra spoke is case of losing one which, having put it together would be easy to do. At £3.41 I am well pleased.
  8. I didn't notice either about the wheel!! The problem is that whilst mine does indeed go round the crank arms or whatever they are called will not slide in and out of the engine room hence I have had to fix mine to stop those arms from repeatedly coming off.
  9. Thank you for that, I suspected that might be the case. I reckon the scuppers should be fine. The destructions say to put the side bulwarks on first which seems like a good idea and I hope will make the fitting of the stern easier. I'm not sure that I am going to follow the rules about the planking of them though. I think I shall leave that until they are fitted or bending them will be a nightmare. Anyway I have a fair bit of sanding, filling and more sanding to do first.
  10. Yes HOF I had thought about that Bulwark and I think it's going to be tricky. I didn't want to cut too much away to start with, I am not quite sure whether the gap should be the same as the sides? Anyway, thanks for the comment about the planking, I am blushing!!
  11. Those that have looked at my previous builds ill know that planking is not my best thing. So, for this boat and for reasons best know to myself I adopted a different process!! The first strake had to go on 3mm below the top of the bulkheads. Not too difficult. On the advice of others I started to work downwards from that for a few rows but I did decide to taper the bow end a bit. Glad I did. I continued downwards and the thought came to me - since this was working quite well why don't I just keep going. So I did all the way to the keel. The wood provided is really soft and easy to soak which made life a lot easier. I reckon that with a bit of filler and a lot of sanding this is going to look ok. What do you think?
  12. Oh very useful, what nice kids you must have allowing you to steal their things!! I'll bet you pay for it in the end! What were you doing rummaging in their toy box anyway ?
  13. There is one scheme on the box and another on the photo sheet that comes with the kit. I can't work out which one I prefer but I have a way to go before I need to choose. Thanks for the comment HOF.
  14. Steve, it would be fun to light it but a bit of a fuss for one light I think. Derek I have loads of left over veneer that I can use but, as the boss wants me to paint this rather than leave it wood I might be able to get away with one layer and some filler. I know your version looked super but I do seem to have rather a lot of wood finish models and it might be a change to paint one. I would still leave the deck, pilot house and fitments natural.
  15. I thought I had had enough planking experience with the Bounty I did Derek but it was a while ago and I seem to have forgotten everything I learnt!! I was rather hoping not to do two layers but I may well have to. The kit is very measly on wood and I would have to raid my 'spares' shelf. We shall see. Meanwhile, apart from a wheel what should I put in the peculiarly shaped pilot house ? Any ideas ?
  16. Thanks Brian and Harry thank you for the photos. OK so the garboard isn't as important by the sound of it as on some boats ? Did you taper the strakes both stem and stern and did you put them on in one piece ? Brian what is a 'chine' ? Sorry for all the questions but planking is not my best thing.
  17. Thanks HOF, you stick your beak in as far as you like !! In fact in my impatient way I forged ahead and did it anyway in line with the deck so I am glad I did it right !! In is 3mm but what's 1/2mm between friends! Since you are there I am tempted to put the garboard strake on next, does that make sense ?
  18. Brian, if you can remember, when you put your first plank on the hull did you follow the line and keep it parallel to the deck or did you let it fall naturally at each end ?
  19. Thank you all for your thoughtful comments. The thing is that there is a very slight warp to the false keel but really, very slight and not enough for the difference I have experienced. There is little point in removing the deck as it is correctly lined up centrally with the false keel. On this kit there are locating pieces for the deck to get it in the right place relative to the false keel. These were the holes in the deck planking that I shouldn't have cut out but did and had to fill in again afterwards. The problem would seem to have occurred by a very slight angle that the bulkheads were cut at where they slotted onto the false keel. I was very careful to get them square from a horizontal point of view but I didn't take enough care of the vertical. A good lesson learnt I think. Anyway I have shimmed one side and sanded the other and that shouldn't leave a gap at the sides of the deck unless my planking is really bad which is quite likely. I am not very good at it. I am going to measure the position of the first plank today and try and get it on both sides. Watch this space!!
  20. So, now I have to add shims to the bulkheads on one side and shave some off on the other side. We love making models really, I'm sure we do !!!
  21. Brian you are truly sad !!!! Thanks daddyrabbit but, You spend ages planking the deck with pre prepared lengths nicely rubbed with pencil to give good caulking, stick them on being careful not to get too much glue on the surface, leave it to dry. Cut out the necessary holes only to find that one at the front and one at the rear didn't need cutting out because they should have stayed there. So, then you fill them in carefully so that they don't show. Then you stick the deck lovely and central onto the hull with the aid to two raised points to make sure it is in the right place fighting with the clamps that don't want to stay on to maintain the curve of the deck. You leave it to dry resisting the temptation to fiddle with and watch the clamps ping off. The next day you take off the clamps and examine you handiwork and you find THIS !!!!!!!!! Just how on earth does it happen ?
  22. Excellent ! Now seriously, are you going to keep the chicken coop as well or use your little masterpiece instead ?
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