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Mike Dowling

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Everything posted by Mike Dowling

  1. Len, it looks smashing, well done. Are you going to swap the little out house you made for the battery for the chicken coop? Then no one would know your secret inside !
  2. Gosh, so many people watching I had better not make a hash of this ! I have faired the stem and stern, not a job I am very good at. We shall see when I start the planking - another job I'm not very good at ! I have planked and installed the bunk room and engine room floors and gone the extra mile by planking the sides as well. As for the bunk room, the kit comes with pieces for the beds but they were too big so I made my own. I realise that these would not show once the model is complete but I took pity on the crew and because I am such a sad person I made them a galley as well, we can't have them starving down there after all. I may try and make the companionway removable so that with a magnifying glass and a dentists angled mirror the internal wonders may be beheld!!
  3. Welcome Derek, I hope I can make as good a job as you did with yours.
  4. Hello again folks. Having finished my Viking boat I have started another kit from my stash, the Mare Nostrum. I see loads of other people have done this kit as well so it will be interesting to see how I get on. This little boat has to be planked properly of course, no clinkering this time!! Anyway I am sure you all know what's in the box but I'll show you anyway !! So far most of the bulkheads have been fitted to the false keel and her rear end has been stroked until round and smooth !! More soon.
  5. Just in case anyone is interested my next build is going to be Mare Nostrum. I will start a build log soon. I see a lot of other people have done this kit so I hope I can do it justice.
  6. Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I am glad now that I didn't put it on the fire!!
  7. Sorry folks, looks like I got there in the end. I hate computers and I hate change but I guess I will get used to both !
  8. Still doesn't work. Let's try this !!!! No, that didn't work either ! More help please!
  9. Sorry folks, with this new system I have no idea how to add pictures. Help !!!
  10. Hello all, She is finished!! I decided in the end to have the sail up and put oars on one side only so that I could have the best of both worlds and also narrow the width for a shelf. I added some rope coils and a water barrel just to complete the picture. I hope you like it, it is definitely not the Oseberg but could maybe pass as a Viking boat.
  11. Thanks Chuck, that makes sense and their isn't much running rigging for the one sail. What do you think about Captain Al's suggestion ?
  12. Thanks for that, I find it rather tempting to do both after spending so long making 28 oars !! As a model ship builder who knows absolutely nothing about boats or sailing, if a sail is furled, should all the rigging for that sail still be evident on the boat? It occurs to me that it would look a bit odd without just dangling from the cross beam or whatever it's called.
  13. If I dare make a suggestion why not have the battery outside of the boat? I think it will show a lot if you put it in the pilothouse. Also tricky when you have to change it. I would have thought a tiny hole either through the hull or between decks for the wires would hardly show.
  14. Chuck I saw that model too, it looked very smart. Width is not really a problem for me, I don't make display cases for my models as I don't have room for them and as the boss keeps telling me I have got too many of them! Anyway, I am nearly there. The standing rigging is done - if that's what you call it on a Viking boat. The shields are on. I had to make a couple of boom like thingies but I have no idea what they were for. I have to make the sail, rig it and then put it on. I am still not sure whether to do oars or sails or both. The oars will not look right if they are half in and half out although it seemed like a good idea. The rigging for the sail on this doesn't really allow it to be furled. Any bright ideas ?
  15. Thanks for the comments all and thank you JL for the photo. It does indeed help, I had thought of putting a pin there and indeed I will.
  16. Well folks, I have added some 'deck furniture' as it were. The strange oar holders, benches that I made for the rowers to sit on, cleats, the mast and the external oar rack holders are on. Not too much to go now, the anchor is drying as is the rudder. By the way, and ideas as to how the middle hole in the rudder attaches to the hull ? And, do you think it will matter if I put the sail on in the sailing position and have the oars in the sides as well ? I know when it was afloat it would be one or the other. Every model Viking boat I have looked at is rigged differently, does it matter ?
  17. OK,OK I'll keep going. (I don't like to be beaten by a pile of wood)
  18. So now you are cheating !! Leaving bits off is just not British !! I know it looks a wreck and I know it's supposed to but leaving bits off, oh dear oh dear!!
  19. I know my resume about the Chaperon had some criticism but compared to this one Model shipways are brilliant !!!
  20. No JL the kit is dreadful, it is simply our brilliance that makes it better !!!
  21. Some progress. The deck in on with some 'modified' planking. The concern about the exposed parts of the bulkheads except for one was solved with an extra layer or two of stain/varnish. A whole lot of oars constructed, bit more varnish to go on those and the spacers for the shield racks are done on both sides.
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