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Mike Dowling

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Everything posted by Mike Dowling

  1. Oh I am sorry to be a pain. The photos are great but, at the moment , with my prop lying on its back, I have shaped sloping ends each end on one side only as per the diagram in the instructions. If I thin from the front I will lose that sloping end shape. Do you see what I mean ?
  2. Yes.I wish that as well. I also wish I had an old propeller around to give me the right 3d look and feel. You say the trailing edge should be as thin as poss but is that the straight edge ? If I take a lot more wood off, won't I lose the profile as I have it at the moment ? Or is it just me and I can't see the 2d drawing in 3d ?
  3. Thanks John, you are quite right, it is very difficult to explain in words and the pictures only help a small amount, but I do understand the physics if you see what I mean. Ken, your pictures are wonderful but the Sopwith propeller is not quite the same as the ends are not 'tapered' on both sides, only one. Do you both think that I need to take away more wood from the angles I have already started and then turn the prop over and remove wood from the straight side ? That would sort of be the same as I have done on the front but in reverse ? Am I getting this right yet ?
  4. Help !! I have looked at propeller pictures until blue in the face and I still can't figure it out. This is what I have sanded off so far - it is so difficult to show in pics. I have taken one from the front, one side, the back and then the other side and lastly one sort of sideways. Can someone please tell me what I should do next ? Ignore my pencil marks as they are probably wrong.
  5. I know what you mean John, and I thought ships were difficult !!
  6. After a while (!!!!) all the spars have been capped. What a job !! And I didn't break any.
  7. John, Could you be a real pal and send me some pics of your propeller from the front and both sides ? I glued mine together wrong first time and had to soak it for ages before I could get it apart to do again !!
  8. Thanks again, I thought you might have done that !
  9. That's great John - thank you. I will see what I can manage. One other thought -when you did your rib caps - did you use PVA or CA ? I realise it is a real labour doing all those, I'll bet you were glad to finish them !!!
  10. John, Any tips on how to get the propeller propeller shaped ? The view from above I can do but how on earth did you do the sides ? Did you have another one to work from ?
  11. Well folks, I have completed stage one and built the engine. I can't believe something so small is made up of 114 pieces ! Yes I am truly sad and counted them ! I did decide not to use thread for the spark plug leads but used thin wire instead. Whether it was a good idea or not I don't know. I am puzzled, not knowing anything about aircraft engines, as to how the beast ran at all. I thought tappets etc on an engine had to be bathed in oil but these would have been exposed. Amazing. Anyway, some pictures for you, sorry they are not very good but you should get the idea.
  12. Hi John, thanks so much for joining in - I am going to need you !!! I have spent the afternoon cleaning up all the swarf etc from the engine pieces, they are not the most brilliant castings I have seen. I have also polished them to remove the coating on them so that I hope they will glue OK. I will have a go with CA as otherwise I can see myself mixing epoxy batches forever. Good start - my new Dremel packed up just after I started, lucky I have a silverline version as well !
  13. Thanks John about the glue, I would send you a link to my log but I don't know how to do it.
  14. Hey John, I have started a build log of my own if you are interested but I have a question for you already !! Starting on the engine, did you manage to glue most of the parts with CA or did you have to use epoxy ? I can't think that you managed to do the small bits with epoxy ?
  15. Hello Folks and welcome to a new build. I know it's not a boat but there do seem to be an increasing number of us widening the horizons so to speak !! Whilst this is supposed to be a kit build from Model Expo (Model Airways), if it wasn't for the huge number of cast metal pieces I reckon it would rate as a scratch build !! You will see what I mean when you look at the box contents. Not a lot for what is a pretty pricey model. Included are some laser cut parts, mostly the wing ribs, A big bag of metal pieces, some separate wood, 5 sheets of 1/1 plans, a parts list 28 page instruction manual. Oh and the box of course !! I have also included a picture of some Hasegawa 1/16 Camel bits that I acquired !! My reason for acquiring same was for my cunning plan (!!!) which is to half cover the model and leave half as a skeleton so I needed some bits like the engine cowl to cut in half later. I also got the Hasegawa seat as it looks so much better than the supplied effort. So, here we go. I reckon I am going to need a lot of help so the more watchers the better.
  16. Sorry John, I don't want to pinch your log but what is Pinking ? I thought it was a problem of not having lead in your petrol!
  17. Thanks John, I hope I can do as good a job as you have. I was planning in using what is probably an ancient method of covering but one I used in my youth when I last made model planes - good old tissue and dope!! I have also managed to aquire (!!!) some bits of the Hasegawa 1/16 kit as I wanted to be able to half the bit that goes round the engine, the cowl I guess to cover that and some of the fuselage pieces, same idea. Could be interesting?
  18. I am cheating a bit as this isn't so much a build log as a final result. After finishing my Dennis Bus I went back to a boat to see if I remembered how to do it!! I have to say I really was quite pleased with my hull and the planking this time. The kit came with horrid stick on decorations which I deliberately left off but I did line the bulwarks which the kit did not allow for. It would have looked dreadful if I hadn't. My next build is going to be a non boat plane. Yes, another Sopwith Camel 1/16 but this time I will do a log because I think I am going to need a lot of help with it ! Watch this space folks.
  19. What a wonderful mode John and beautiful build. I have the kit and it is indeed going to be my next build. My plan is to cover half and leave half exposed so that should be interesting. I shall start a build log soon but I fear I may be asking you a lot of questions along the way of that's OK.
  20. The beasty is finished! Made up into a nice little model I think, 1/24 scale. More of a kit than some where you would have to make up more parts yourself. OcCre castings up to there usual high standard. I have noted that their brittania metal is really quite hard and very strong unlike model trailways which is very soft and easily broken. OcCre's instruction books are brilliant with step by step instructions and excellent photos. I have done a lot of their models and this is amongst the best. Certainly a bit different from boat building. Anyway, I hope you like the end result.
  21. On the final furlong now. The undercarriage is finished, mudguards on and the settings for the safety grills each side.
  22. Making the hand rails for the stairs was a real labour of love ! Gradually bending the wire bit by bit until it was right took me a whole afternoon. Adding the rhombus shaped pieces and finishing the stairway another day. Before I put all the signs on, each one had to have the very edge of the paper painted to avoid white lines showing around each. It really is beginning to look like a bus now, and an English one at that Eddie! There I is still quite a bit to do underneath yet but I am pleased with the way it is coming together.
  23. Er ... would you believe England Eddie ? I guess it will be more obvious when the signs are on!
  24. A progress update. The seats are done complete with handrails. The sides of the upper deck are on and the handrails done. I have put the body on the chassis a bit earlier than the instructions suggest as I think it would have been easy to knock off the rails later. At least it is beginning to look like a bus now.
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