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Mike Dowling

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  1. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    I don't know why, it just happened that way and I think you are right - another hole in the ceiling !!!
  2. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    And finally ...........
    on it's provided stand and appropriately, under the Sopwith Camel !!
    (I still might fly it from the ceiling.)

  3. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just to let you all know I have now completed the Albatros as well complete this time with a fully working control stick. Practice makes perfect don't you know ! I still have the Curtis Jenny in my stash to do and have been trying to find a Nieuport at a reasonable price but no luck so far. Sometimes I wish I lived in the US - so much cheaper there.
    Anyway, a few pics for you.

  4. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Do you get a fleet? Maybe a flock or a herd ? Or even a swarm !!!
  5. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Canute in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Do you get a fleet? Maybe a flock or a herd ? Or even a swarm !!!
  6. Like
    Mike Dowling reacted to Altduck in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    A Fleet? Oh, My!
    I started looking at this thread from the "bottom up", and when I got to this one -
    I thought Mike had a gastrointestinal problem.
    I'm "relieved" to see it's about model airplanes
  7. Like
    Mike Dowling reacted to cog in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    (that came from way deep down )
    I'm working on getting a shoal  
  8. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    And finally ...........
    on it's provided stand and appropriately, under the Sopwith Camel !!
    (I still might fly it from the ceiling.)

  9. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Landlubber Mike in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Well folks, another project bites the dust ! The Fokker is complete except for the stand. I am waiting for some acrylic glue to make it up with unless I decide to fly it from the ceiling as planned alongside the Sopwith.
    Thank you all for watching, showing interest and all your comments. They make the build more fun for me.
    Anyway, some pictures for you which hopefully you will enjoy.

  10. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from CDW in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Yes Danny, too late for holes.
    As you can see I did decide on the half cover option in the end, as much as anything to keep the theme Mark.

  11. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from CDW in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Some advice please viewers.
    The undercarriage on this plane was formed like a forth wing. On the model it is made of ribs like a wing and thin covered with very thin sheet metal.
    In view of the fact that I am half covering this model should I have cover this as well or do it all as per the pictures on the box ?

  12. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from CDW in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    The top wing is installed - what a fight that was trying to line up with the spars and glue them - it is covered, rigged and painted.
    Next step is the undercarriage

  13. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from CDW in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Upper wing ready to go on.

  14. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from CDW in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    There has been a slight problem with the kit. The cowl that goes over the fuel tank etc sits a wee bit too high at the back. It fits fine at the front and I notice on the instructions photographs that the discrepancy is there as well so it's not my fault. As a result the machine guns also sit about 3mm too high so I have had to modify their mounts somewhat. It's taken me ages but I think they look ok now and won't look too noticeable. I should say that the guns themselves were an absolute beast to make up. Rolling brass is great fun and those cross hairs are so tiny they would break in a breath.

  15. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from CDW in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    All the cockpit instruments are now installed. I took the precaution of laying in the cables before putting the seat in and am glad of it. I don't think I could have threaded them through some of the tiny holes afterwards.
    Next step is to install all the cross brace tensioning cables and there are quite a few!!

  16. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from CDW in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    I also discover that the piece behind the pilots seat is called a bulkhead though it doesn't really compare to that on a boat. Anyway, I have 'rigged' it on !

  17. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from CDW in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    It will not look as though I have done very much but, all the required 'c' shaped pieces are on. I think I fitted about 28 although loads more were supplied. Each one had to be filed down after removing from the sheet - that was fun!Maybe that is why there were so many allowing for the fact that you were going to 'lose' some!
    I thought you might like to see one! It'son the end of my finger.
    I have also added some other parts on the fuselage frame. I have also painted it all ready for the next step which is fitting the cockpit accessories that I have already made up.

  18. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from CDW in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    I have made up the rudder bar, the control stick and the 'thing' that will go behind the pilots seat.
    I have also started the fuselage frame.
    You need a really good magnifying glass and a degree in manual dexterity for this kit. I cannot believe how small some of the parts you have to stick on are. That control stick has six separate pieces.
    The frame requires loads of 'c' shaped pieces at the angles which will eventually take the tensioning wires. That will have to wait until another day. My eyes have gone on strike for today!

  19. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from CDW in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    How great to have you all along - thank you. The 'simple to build' bit on the box is only for the IQ of Stephen Hawking and above. There is going to be nothing simple about this build.
    You are quite right Gary about the rigging. It should be simpler than the Sopwith I built but heavy emphasis on the 'should'.
    I am also thinking of half covering the plane as I did before, the Sopwith looks quite good flying that way.
  20. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from CDW in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    So, my next challenge, and I think it' going to be - The Artsania Latina version of the Fokker Dr 1 Tri plane 1/16 scale. I think this kit is a collaboration with Model Airways. According to the box there are over 750 pieces which I can well believe.
    I had to rearrange the contents as they had been well shuffled by the delivery service.
    The first and maybe most noticeable feature of this kit is that there are no written instructions at all !!! A cd is provided which has the parts list, 340 pages of step by step photos and six 'helpful' video clips. The metal castings in the plastic boxes have no numbers but there are charts for them on the cd which enabled me to put the pieces back in the right places and make sure they were all there. They are all present and a really good standard. There is a very small wood bundle and two sheets of laser cut ply for the wing parts, all numbered. There are 4 sheets of metal parts etched and partially cut with 'millions' of pieces which all appear to be numbered. There is some thread for the rigging (although I can find no instructions for that !!) a tiny sheet of a few waterslide decals and a huge colour poster of what it should look like in the end with front, back and side 1/1 views and some enlarged areas.
    The majority of the kit is metal and the cd indicates that shares in ca glue might be useful. I am glad I have a lot !!
    The build looks as though it starts with the cockpit area but I will spend more time looking through the contents before I start anything.
    Anyway, some pictures of the box and contents to grab your interest I hope.

  21. Like
    Mike Dowling reacted to cog in Mississippi 1870 by vossy - Sergal - 1:50 - Riverboat   
    I'll wat for Wednesday .. but keep in mind you do not start to look like popeye, and  try to keep several builds in the air at one time ... 9I'm guilty meself too)  Not to shabby those railings  Those really give a finishing touch now you are nearing completion ...
  22. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from druxey in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just to let you all know I have now completed the Albatros as well complete this time with a fully working control stick. Practice makes perfect don't you know ! I still have the Curtis Jenny in my stash to do and have been trying to find a Nieuport at a reasonable price but no luck so far. Sometimes I wish I lived in the US - so much cheaper there.
    Anyway, a few pics for you.

  23. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just to let you all know I have now completed the Albatros as well complete this time with a fully working control stick. Practice makes perfect don't you know ! I still have the Curtis Jenny in my stash to do and have been trying to find a Nieuport at a reasonable price but no luck so far. Sometimes I wish I lived in the US - so much cheaper there.
    Anyway, a few pics for you.

  24. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from Ryland Craze in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just to let you all know I have now completed the Albatros as well complete this time with a fully working control stick. Practice makes perfect don't you know ! I still have the Curtis Jenny in my stash to do and have been trying to find a Nieuport at a reasonable price but no luck so far. Sometimes I wish I lived in the US - so much cheaper there.
    Anyway, a few pics for you.

  25. Like
    Mike Dowling got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker Dr 1 by Mike Dowling - FINISHED - Artesania Latina   
    Just to let you all know I have now completed the Albatros as well complete this time with a fully working control stick. Practice makes perfect don't you know ! I still have the Curtis Jenny in my stash to do and have been trying to find a Nieuport at a reasonable price but no luck so far. Sometimes I wish I lived in the US - so much cheaper there.
    Anyway, a few pics for you.

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