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Everything posted by chompsalot

  1. Summer time I don't get a lot of "Me" time, so I won't have much time for the rattlesnake for the next 2 months or so. If for some miracle I do, I'll be sure to post it here
  2. The deck looks good Scott. I haven't had time to mess with mine the last couple weeks. I think I'll follow your advise and plank the deck before adding the hatches.
  3. Woohoo, no more brush strokes in my future painting efforts! Unfortunately, I found a few more spots that needed filler. So I can't play with my new toy until tomorrow..
  4. Martin - The Chop-it is awesome. Micro-Mark seems to have tons of cool stuff. I might pick-up the other item they have like it, called the Sand-it.
  5. Yeah, I'm thinking about picking up an airbrush today. The paint I'm using is pretty thin and it's tough to keep the brush strokes out of it.
  6. Pretty much the colors it was previously. The bottom of the hull will be parchment white, then a brown and black stripe along the wale line.
  7. So after wasting some paint and several hours....I decided to prime everything. I figured it would be easier to see ALL my mistakes and I could add filler where needed. My new cherry grating showed up, so I finished making the two pieces. Still need to paint the coaming, but haven't decided what color to use yet Yay!, new tools. I must say, these two might be my best investment yet.
  8. So here is my finished abomination of the lower planking..lol The strakes at the bow are not even close to being done correctly. However the shape looks good, so I might skip the second planking and use my new best friend....wood filler.
  9. And we're off! Here is my feeble attempt and planking the lower hull. Nothing was really lining up, so once again I decided to wing it... I'm thinking about adding a second layer of of 1/32" planking after i cover the bulkheads. I'll see how it looks once I'm done.
  10. It looks like we're the last ones left. Maybe i should go back to my Latham build.
  11. Yeah, the problem I had was those little tabs break off really easy. I've been putting off planking below the wale for about as long as I can. That's my next step I guess..lol
  12. Scott, not sure if you've made these yet or not. If not, it seems you cannot make any mistakes because there is just enough to make the two pieces. Looks like I'm headed to the hobby store.
  13. So the more I looked at the colors, the more I hated the red. Still need a few more coats on everything, but I like it more now.
  14. Added the handrail scrolls. Made them from 1/4 square stock. Added some filler around the gaps. Need to clean them up, but the idea is there.
  15. Welcome David. There are a few things I wish I could do over. But it's a good learning experience.
  16. Here are the colors I was playing with. Going to add black to the quarter deck sides once the trim pieces are on. Still debating on keeping the red.
  17. Well here is my latest bit of progress. All of the planking is now complete above the wale. I still need to add the trim pieces, but wanted to fill, sand, and put one coat of paint on it first. I should have faired the gun port framing a bit more, it was a bit bumpy here are there. But after sanding and some filler, I think it came out ok.
  18. So I started planking the quarter deck area. I'm a bit unsure about the breast beam location. From the plans it looks like it goes all the way to the end of the bulkhead. If that is the case, then does the center rail rest on top of the beam? The second picture shows what I mean.
  19. I think it might be a good to build everything except the two end pieces. Then adjust those to fit where you need them.
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