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Everything posted by *Hans*

  1. Keith, the laser is a very nice thing! But what if you put a 9 Volt block on it instead of the 4,5 Volt? Will it cut your ship in two? Kidding. Great work you're doing!
  2. Stunning details! I very much like that!!! (btw - I like baking bread as well - its always nice when you put some effort in mixing up stuff and a good tasting bread comes out of it )
  3. I did have the same "problem", really not knowing which colours these ship would have had. I bought me the book "The age of Galley" which has some colourfull images on the cover. However, in the book itself hardly anything about colours. I think colours like pale red, black and ocre and maybe some blue-green were used - but no official sources for that...
  4. Hey Anton, You're making a very nice ship over here - with some remarkable fine details! Personaly I should fit her with furled sails - as this still give you a nice view on rigging and decks (although it makes it a bit more difficult as the fabric is often to thick to make realistic furled sails).
  5. Don, definitely a book with a lot of interesting history and information, and a wannahave for me as well (but over 100$ to get it here, so to expencive ) So if you can lay your hand on it - just do it!
  6. Don, I have send you an email via the normal way - have you received this one?
  7. Ehh - when you mean the one you send on the 14th of march - yes. I did reply on that one. If you have send me another PM after this I haven't received it....
  8. @Don, Looking at the plans: starting with the vertical beams 46 and 48, and the horizontal beam 50 - beginning from the stern - the first 3 of them have no vertical number 46. Number 46 starts at the lower deck in the middle of the ship. Number 48 which is al the way round the outside upper deck (made of 49 and 50) have the diagonal beams 51 al the way around, als on the smaller part at the stern. Hope this info will help you. @Marc, The Dordrecht was build in1618 on the Peperwerf in Amsterdam - the same wharf where in 1628 the Batavia was built. As they had no drawings and plans for building the ships, each one was build merely by heart, and so each ship was quite the same as the others. The Dordrecht therefore must have been similar to the Batavia (other stern of course, but further in shape and looks similar). On her fatal journey in 1628-1629 the Batavia sailed out in a convoy of 7 ships - one of them being the Dordrecht. Opperkoopman Pelsaert who was skipper on the Batavia had previously sailed on the Dordrecht. After finishing the Batavia I have started a small company in making wooden modelkits of 17th century Dutch VOC ships - started with the Dordrecht - as I do not have yet permission to make it as the Batavia (being busy on that though). The Dordrecht is merely the same as the Batavia. The Stern is diffirent of course. In the town of Dordrecht there is an old gateway/arch with an image of the virgin of Dordrecht on it: On this gateway (which is from the year 1616 there is this carving: And this the resin cast I made for the wooden kit of the Dordrecht: The wooden kit of the Dordrecht will be available on the Dutch market this summer, via website www.kolderstok-models.com (not yet online). If you are interested on this kit, please send me a pm.
  9. Hey Don, Can you give me the numbers of the parts? Maybe then I can give a proper answer - now it is a bit difficult for me On the other kits I will reply later in a pm
  10. Hello Garry, welcome. I recently have bought the book The Age of Galley as I was eager to know which colors the ancient Greek used on their ships. Unfortunately not much information on that, so I used black and dark red. But it is quite an interesting book - describing (roughly) the period 1200 BC up to AD 1300 Because I am busy on starting my own range of modelkits of Dutch 17th century VOC ships I have stopped working on the trireme temporarely. But once in a while I will post here. Btw - please feel free to have a look on my scratch Batavia project (link hereunder)
  11. Haha never tried this, but I'm sure it will work. Only trouble might be to find a microwave which is wide enough (or deep) for the planks.... Oak was quite a new material for me to work with. Not the most easy, but manageable. Unfortunately, due to a related project for my Batavia I will not post very often here the coming period. But be sure - more posts will follow.
  12. Due to the fact that I'm busy making another model of almost the same ship as the Batavia, The Dordrecht - 1618 (this for a wooden modelkit to be released later this spring) It is a bit quiet on this topic. Hope you readers don't mind. And if there are any questions - please post them!
  13. I must say carving was quite a challenge for me as well - and I didn't come far because my son introduced greenstuff to me. So instead of carving I started claying, and this went very well in fact.
  14. To my humble thoughts to get a pulling strength of 13,5 tons, only twisting could be a proper method. I also thought of making the rope wet, so it will expand, mount it as tight as possible and then heat it up so it will shrink again - thus creating pull. Mind you - these are only pop-ups in my head. No written evidence.
  15. Nice build Marc! I know it's still a long way ahaead, but how are you going to make the ornaments?
  16. To be honest - in the Netherlands the 1 and 2 cent coins are already almost out of circulation. It's easier and cheaper for everyone to round amounts of money to a value of 5 cent - Every article in a shop can cost f.i. 1,69 euro and 24,99. This is then a total of 26,68, but you pay 26,70. Other way round also occurs. Your total is f.i 16,52 - you pay 16,50
  17. In Europe we have the Euro. The 1 cent, 2 cent and 5 cent coins are in diameter between 12 and 15 mm, and these 3 coins i used for the shields. I hammered them a bit convex, filed the edges thin and removed the euro-marks and value. Then tinned them and blackened them. Now I have to think of coloring them pale red and put some extra markings on it - like this:
  18. It's all going a bit slow at this moment - due to other projects and things I'm working on. However - I know you are all eager waiting for further steps. Busy on the bow, made some ornaments out of small coins. That's all I can show for now - sorry.
  19. Don, In this case I cannot help you because I did not follow the plans from the box. As it is a scrap-build for me I decided to put the wales slightly diffirent. Sorry!
  20. Don, Thank you! Blessings to you as well, and hope you have enjoyed your days with your son! I'm not leaving a part of the deck open - no. Will make it as a complete model. In fact I just finished the deck. Pictures will follow later.
  21. Thanks guys. December is a busy month - it has been a while since my last pictures. The structure on the ship is getting in shape more and more: And in the meantime cutted some wood for the oars: I figured out (being a mechanical engineer) that the structure of the original kit isn't made in the proper way - looking where the oars will come. To my opinion the whole structure will distort when speeding up the rowing (when the captain wants to waterski f.i.) The immense forces on the structure aren't brought to the hull when the diagonal beams are lacking. So I added them. View on the front with its closed nose: And the deck being placed:
  22. Update. Busy on the structure on the ship, all done in oak sticks of 4 x 4 mm - cut in length - with dowels and coppernail mounting. Not really boring, but not the most exciting job to do. Just some pictures: structure for the third row of seats Impressive view and
  23. Haha nice - already thought so! I'm very familiair with green stuff - even introduced it on a Dutch modelbuilders forum. I made my lion on the Batavia out of this stuff. Indeed not "noble", but often very usefull!
  24. Cristiano, Just had a quick scroll through your post to have a look at the pictures. You're doing a wonderfull job! How did you make the wolfs heads? Woodcarving or sculping them?
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