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About pilidk

  • Birthday 02/28/1970

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    Aalborg, Denmark

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  1. Hello Allan, I have tried three times to order that book from them. All three times failed, due to an issue with their payment modul. I have written to them, but didn't get an answer- yet. They may be out of business due to the pandemic? Thanks for the advice Best regards Jean-Philippe
  2. Anybody selling the booklet or a web copy of the sail rigging from David Antscheri? Cannot find it anywhere on the web for sale . Please?? Best regards Jean-Philippe Simon
  3. Thank you so much Thomas! I really appreciate your help in that matter ! I will send her an email today. Best regards Jean-Philippe
  4. Hi Allan, Thank you very much for your advice. I have just ordered the booklet about sailmaking from Seawatch Books. I have all 4 Boudriot books about the 74 gunship, but i think that the chapter on sailmaking is very small and there are few drawings. Once again, Thanks ! Best regards Jean-Philippe
  5. Hi Thomas Dziadeczek If you could find her contact, I will be very grateful Best regards Jean-Philippe
  6. Yes, I have tried before and used tons of time to make them. But they were not good enough for the ship model I worked on (Victory) So, I think to order them from somebody who is good at it
  7. Hello, I am building a shipmodel " Le Superbe" of the 74 gunship from Mantua in scale 1:75 I have made several modelships before and used a contact in Eastern Europa (Radek) for making the set of sails needed for the models. Now, the contact is not responding anymore, therefore I am looking for a expert in sail making for modelships. Do you know anybody making those kind of sails? Best regards Jean-Philippe Simon
  8. Thank you Wefaclk for your advices. I will then build a crate for the ship, a box in a box. So I can secure it with straps. Best regards Jean-Philippe
  9. Thank you all for your input on that matter. I think the best and cheapest way will be to take a road trip to France with the beast well packed on the back seat of the car. And I will get to see my dad at the same time, Win-Win situation Have a nice day ! Greetings Jean-Philippe
  10. Hello fellow modellers, I have built a model of the frigat L´Hermione for my father. I live in Denmark and he lives in France. My question is: How to transport safely and securely a shipmodel over a long distance? any ideas? Packaging? Thanks for your input Best regards Jean-Philippe
  11. Summer is not my favourite building period, but I manage anyway at work a little bit when the sun is not shining Here are som pics from the current stage:
  12. Thank you Allan, I will try to find Chuck Passaro and aske him about it. Have a good day, Best regards Philippe
  13. Hello Allan, Thank you for your message Do you remember where you saw this technic ? It could be a technic I would like to try. Best regards Philippe
  14. Hi Guys ! I have, finally, found a former captain from the Seabourn ship on Facebook. He agreed to send me some plans from the ship, and i just received them. It looks like the one Tom found on the net, but they are more precise with the correct dimensions. Thank you very much all of you for your help Best regards Philippe (pilidk)
  15. Hi Rob and Mark, I have been crawling the net..again..and wrote to the shipyard. But just found out at they went out of business in 2009. So, as you suggest, I will have to deduce the form of the hull. For the decks, a precise interpretation of the pictures from the net is also the only way forward. Such a pitty, not to be able to find some documentation of this beautiful ship I will try to make some drawings of my build, so other model maker can use them. Have a wonderful weekend! Hope you guys are not freezing in the US Philippe
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