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Posts posted by Rich.F

  1. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 


    Well Progress has been rather rapid this week and I Must say, I have taken a bit not note from Roberts Log, ((Thanks)) LOL


    Every thing also just slipped in to place, To the point I am at the point to I rip off the side I have completed and do it the same as I am doing.

    The cost of 1500 tiles are about £40. ($60). But Not sure.. time will tell..




  2. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 

    After gluing the hull, filling sanding and repainting>


    I have tarted the copper plates, and I must say they have gone on with ease, probably because I know how to fit them, need more practice mind you..


    From the center out 10 tiles each way.


  3. Greetings All, Thank you every one for dropping by, Leaving a comment advice or a like.


    Well, I now have finished ONE side... Did not realize it's taken so Bloody long. well it was the rd attempt.  Got to right (well I like it).


    Anyway.. Ill be starting the other side soon, I have how ever, While reading posts etc, I'm going to paint/Spray the hull in copper before I start.


    Tc All


  4. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 


    The Hull is coming along the last few night I have been touching up the paint work, as we have a few friends round for amean so ""wife"" said i need to keep the house clean n tidy.


    I'm no the last little bit of the hull.



    I should have this done this weekend, Depending if I get call out into work :(


    I have just been looking at the picture, not really noticed it in the UK day light ! , a few area on the bow needs to be buffed out, I this i think ill leave till all the hull is done and give it a good going over in one go.

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