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About jburchfield1@wowway.com

  • Birthday 11/27/1951

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  • Location
    Ohio, USA
  • Interests
    Many and varied

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  1. Your boat is looking really amazing While I can't really point you to anything specific, I used small brass tube (with a smaller brass rod for the pin) and the strips contained in the kit. You will probably want to use/learn silver soldering (I had to learn, it's really easy to get too much solder on these tiny things) for the strongest joints. I just finished blackening those items, using Birchwood Casey Brass Black. It's really easy to use.
  2. I did mine the other way, but your right, the problem is caused by spreading after removal from the form and I think everybody who has worked on the boat has encountered it to one extent or another. I installed the center thwart, the one just forward of the main mast thwart, first. It's the longest I believe. I used CA, glued the one side, then gently squeezed the top of the hull (I guess the sheer?) and glued the other side. Then I worked on the quarter deck. I still had to re-make the two thwarts with the mast supports. The main mast thwart was just too short, and the foremast thwart had two problems, it was not wide enough and the cutout for the foremast was too large. I had purchased some sheet stock of the appropriate thickness and it was fairly easy to do. But since this is only my second build (actually, 1.5 because I didn't finish the longboat, it was just too small) don't take anything I say as necessarily right.
  3. Well, just to let you guys know I'm still here. Pics soon, got my camera, just need to learn to use it well enough to get close-ups. Nothing fancy, just a pawn shop buy. Still working. All my oars are done, but look nothing at all like Matt's. Just oars with a plain, rope wrap. Also, got all my soldering stuff. Took me a couple of days to learn not to use too much solder (used to soldering copper pipes) and have the hinges for the rudder 'bout half done. Should be starting the masts/spars this weekend, so getting closer. Pics real soon.
  4. You gonna be in a lot of trouble now!
  5. I guess I got lucky, my candle worked perfectly. I had to purchase one (bachelor's don't really use candles) so I bought it unscented. The launch lifted right off the form with no problem at all.
  6. The build is going kinda slow right now, Matt. I decided that super glue just wasn't strong enough for the brass to brass gudgeons/pintles. Ordered a pencil torch, solder, 3rd hand that kind of stuff. Got everything but the silver solder, due next week. I'm also working on the oars right now. Wishing I could find a way to use "power" on them, but by hand seems to be the best way. I've got 6 shaped but not yet wrapped. I'm not doing that fancy thing you did, just gonna do a single, straight wrap. Unfortunately, no, I've not found a camera yet. I don't really know what kind I'm looking for, (other than macro capability) and I've been doing research on what kind of point/shoot camera can do a decent close up. Can't afford much so I'm hoping to find something used for under $100.00 Been watching your build tho. I also ordered that collection of small brass bit/tubes so I can try to build a new anchor. This one just seems to small for this particular boat.
  7. I found more trouble doing the tween frames on the inside. Had a lot of buckling. Best Wishes
  8. Found the same thing at Amazon for 6.31. Course you gotta pay shipping too. Search on brass tubing. I'm gonna try making that anchor a bit larger using the kit-basher sample.
  9. Well, I didn't get that lucky, but I did buy some brass tubing to do the same thing. As an aside, have you looked at the anchor for this boat. It's the same size as the one on the Longboat and sure seems to be awfully small.
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