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About schnu

  • Birthday 01/01/1998

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    Switzerland, Fribourg

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  1. Nice to see that you are working on your ship again. The blackening solution looks amazing. I will buy it for my next build. You are right, rushing is never good. But I am sure that it will turn out great, like the rest of your build.
  2. Hi Jan-Willem, This product looks very promising, thank you for mentioning it. It is a shame that Switzerland is quite behind in online shops. At least the Germans are here to help . I will definitely use this product for my next build. Talking about build: how is your build coming along? Jean-Luc
  3. I guess I could go with the weathered look. I think I might put them in the solution a little longer, so that they look even more weathered. But I doubt that a sailor would want to shoot with such canons, they look like they were fished out of the sea...
  4. A quick update. I tried to blacken the guns but I failed, any suggestions? Should I just clean them and paint them black? This is the result of them after being about 3 days in the solution ( it should never take so long I think). The solution I used was Copper Carbonate and ammonia. Could it be that I should have used more Copper Carbonate? Is it too late to fix this? Thank you for all the likes and nice comments. Jean-Luc
  5. Impressive cabin decoration. I also wanted to do one but I gave up, thought the scale was too small. But it seems that with experience everything is possible. I was wondering how you made your stern, is it only made out of planks or did you reinforce it? Jean-Luc
  6. Thank you, I did know about this trick, but I never thought of collecting the dust. I was always creating dust only to use for this purpose, talk about material waste . Anyway I think I will keep some empty yogurt cups and store the dust in it, thank you for the idea.
  7. Hello Like always my progress is slow . I took a little brake from ship modelling, but now that I have vacations I hope to get something done. I have continued to work on the stern for the past two days. I had problems bending the stern, because of its thickness and because of the plywood on which I glued the wood strips on. So I took away the windows and `sanded away` the plywood. This worked fairly well, but it led to a problem. Now that the wood strips are only glued to each other, the structure is less stable. I hope that it won`t lead to a bigger problem. I have changed my mind about the cabin - I will not do the inside. This is only my first build and I don`t feel that I could do something nice with the inside of the cabin. So I just put the floor and that's it. I hope that in my next build I will be able to do more with the cabin. I have also added the windows on the side galleries. As always any advice is welcome Yes Jan-Willem, the disc sander is very helpful. I was able to get the right angles and it is quite precise. It can also sand lots of material if needed, but the dust it makes cannot be missed . But I guess that a small disc-sander is nothing compared to one that is almost 1 meter big . Jean-Luc
  8. Hei there, Amazing work on the stern. Looking at the pictures it seems I have a different metal Stern part then you do. I was also wondering about the shelves on the bell tower. Maybe they are meant to be stairs/ a sort of ladder.
  9. Yes it looks nice, a creative way to change things, how have you made the wings? But I guess that the ship should change name too .
  10. Thank you for the link, that is very interesting. You can buy a computer modeled baseball cap for 20 dollars, a real one would be less expensive . He will get whipped for that. But I guess one sees the enemy ship approaching and dosen t need to quickly draw his sword .
  11. Amazing build, good luck on your next build, with those skills I am sure that it will be a nice model too. I am wondering, how are you going to handle the dust that will settle on the ship?
  12. Amazing, the flow of the clothes really match to the movement. The sword of the master dosen`t look like it could be drawn quickly, I wonder why it is not near the hip like foot soldiers.
  13. Nice progress, I hope that the plywood didn`t seperate too much.
  14. Nice wheelbox, while reading through your log one can easily forget that this is your first model. Have you contacted Wieser Modellbau?
  15. HI Gene, nice progress, did you follow the instruction for the deck planking? They look really well done. If the false keel is warped it might become a big problem if you do not fix it, or is it just the photo?
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