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Everything posted by Dimitris71

  1. Hello Shipmates, I do thank you all for visiting my build log and also for your likes. :) The portholes that I purchased by rbmodels have arrived today. I installed 2 of them to see how they look like. I will appreciate any comments and suggestions. Kind Regards Dimitris
  2. Hello Igor, a very beautiful mini Vespucci. I do thank you for your nice comments for visiting my build log and also for your likes. I would never do such a little ship with so many details on it... due to my farsightedness :10_1_10: Cheers Dimitris
  3. Hello Frank, welcome to my build log. I do thank you for your kind comments and also for your likes.Even though it is not one of the easiest kit to build (due to my lack of experience), I have really been enjoying building it so far. Kind Regards Dimitris
  4. Hello Elia, welcome back to my build log. The swivel was done for photography purposes.. :) I do thank you for your nice comments and also for your likes. :) Cheers Dimitris
  5. Hello Rich, well done. She is beautiful. Kind Regards Dimitris
  6. Hello David, I agree with Nehad, go for it. I have also read Dori's build log since I'm considering to build RC as my third buid. Kind Regards Dimitris
  7. Hello shipmates, Lawrence-Edwin-Elia-Nils-Mike-Brian and Igor I do thank you for passing by and also for your kind comments and likes!! :) The bow rudder housing is almost ready. I begin to assembling the hatchways of the ship. Also I finished the four side crates. Kind Regards Dimitris
  8. Hi Igor, just saw your build log. Amazing and beautiful, beautiful work. One question though, how can you see such a small parts? lol . I cannot even see the small parts of my build.Congrats. I will follow with interest. Kind Regards Dimitris
  9. Very good work Mike, I like the color too !! The keel and ruder are perfect. Cheers Dimitris
  10. Hello Elia, I do thank you for your nice comments, for the likes and so many visits to my build log. Yes you are right about the photo etched brass, it is very challenging.It gave me a hard time to alighn with the hull. In the end i did not use any glue, I nailed them on the hull . :angry: lol. Regarding your question about painting the brass , I am still thinking about it. Feel free to advise me.. :) Kind regards Dimitris
  11. Hello shipmates, Slog-Brian-Mike-Nils-Igor I do thank you for your visits to my build log and also for your likes. :) I continue to construct the bow rudder housing's glass dome. I copied the design from 1/84 Vespucci because I did not like the design in the plans that came with the kit. I used walnut strips 0.5 X 3mm to make it. It needs 2 more coats of paint. Kind regards Dimitris
  12. Hello my friend, how are you? I'm glad to see you again in my build log. I do thank you for your kind comments and also for your likes.Have a good day!! Kind regards Dimitris
  13. Hello Lawrence, I do thank you for your nice comments, for your visits to my build log and also for your likes. As I told you before your Annie and your work on her is amazing.. :) Kind regards Dimitris
  14. Hello Anton, your workmanship is fantastic. She is really great. Keep up the good work. :) I will follow with interest. Best Regards Dimitris
  15. Hello David, just saw your build log and I will follow with interest . You did a great job so far to your RC. I have in mind to build RC as my third build. :) Kind Regards Dimitris
  16. Hello shipmates, I installed the bow's and stern's decorations of the ship and I also opened the portholes below the stern's balcony. Best Regards Dimitris
  17. Hello shipmates. Elia I do thank you for visiting my build log, for your nice comments and also for your likes :) Slog-Igor I do thank you for visiting my build log and also for your likes. :) So.. I finished the A.V.'s balcony on the stern. I have to say that it is a tricky spot and it gave me a hard time bending the brass fence and installing it right.... Kind regards Dimitris
  18. Hello Mike, I do thank you for your visits to my build log and also for your likes and nice comments!!! Your Stavanger is awsome!! Kind Regards Dimitris
  19. Nils, i do thank you for your kind comments. They are very ecouraging, especially when they come from people with experience like yourself! :) Regards Dimitris
  20. Hello Tallshiptragic, I do thank you for your nice comments and for visiting my build log. I am always glad to see new crew to my build log. Welcome aboard. :) Regards Dimitris
  21. Hello Jerry, she looking very good my friend.Well done, keep up the photos coming!! Cheers Dimitris
  22. Hello to all. Edwin,Brian and Mike I do thank you for visiting my build log and also for your likes.. :) I finished the windlass assembly that includes the crane of the ship. I also glued the stern's balcony and painted with mahogany brown.. :) Cheers Dimitris
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