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Everything posted by mtdoramike

  1. Instructions are really only meant for the first time builder anyway. Once you get past the first build, the second, third and forth become old hat. I usually didn't pay much attention to the instructions after my first build because they seemed to be more confusing than helping. They pretty much all build the same. mike
  2. Your killing me here Ronald, the last time I bought this kit, I spent $499.00 for it and had to wait three weeks because it was back ordered. I built it as a commission piece for and insurance corp in CT. To bad I retired from modeling, or else I might have been tempted to build another one.
  3. Had you looked at my ad before I deleted the content, you would have noticed that I was asking $35.00 shipped to the lower 48.
  4. The profile gauge is metal with moveable pins. I usually used it to get a profile of the bottom of the hull to aid in the building of cradles to mount on building or display boards. Yes, one side will indicate positive and the other side indicates negative. I have also used it to help fair out frames. mike
  5. If you are interested in building and selling this kit, I would keep and build it, it is a very hot seller, I have built a couple of Bounty's and I couldn't keep them for very long.
  6. Hi Gary, yes, I have the plans, but as far as using them to scratch build is another question. These plans are not to scale and are quite smaller than the actual build. They are mainly used to help the builder during the build.Dumas offers the plans on their website for $25.00.
  7. don't know quite yet, no buyer as yet. ebay only as a last resort. I will list her here on the classifieds as well as the classifieds on RCgroups.com. I'm mainly only want to get what I have in it build wise. I figure $650.00 plus shipping would be close.
  8. The Commander is almost done, everything is installed and working properly. I just have a few things to tiddy up and then she will be for sale.
  9. But you are right CD, epoxy putty would have been a good choice for this as long as it is very pliable.
  10. I used play dough from my grand babies stash of toys and smoothed it out over the exterior of the shafts and bottom of the boat, then I used 45 minute epoxy and poured it in grooves from the inside which did the trick.
  11. I'm getting ready to install the rudder shafts, but got stumped. I'm not sure what to use to seal the prop shaft slots in the hull as well as the bolt holes for the prop brackets to make them water tight. Any suggestions?
  12. getting ready to start installation of the running hardware. cut out the slots on the bottom of the hull for the pro shafts.
  13. I finished putting on the rubbing moldings and fashioning the rudders and installing the rudder tubes. Then on to the grab rails and further running hardware installation.
  14. I'm going to keep it for a short bit, then I will be donating it to my local hospital. mike
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