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Posts posted by mtdoramike

  1. I vote for "D" none of the above:) It looks like a neat beginner model to build. By reviewing the instructions it isn't that complicated to build for a novice or if an experienced modeler wanted a starting point for a good kit bashing. The only down side to this model is, it's a Billings kit. Although I like Billings kits, they tend to use an awful lot of plastic parts and prefrabricated wooden parts. But a good kit bashing could eliminate those issues.

  2. The model will be 49" inches in length when finished. It really is a shame that the companies are cheaping out and not printing the plans anymore. I usually build strictly by the plans and chunk the instructions in the garbage. I also checked with Office Depot and they can print out the plans on 24x36 sheets for $2.00 a sheet and I believe there are 9 sheets total. So for less than $20.00 you can get your plans printed.

  3. Yes, Constructo does use castings that are less desirable than some other kits, AL kits are the same with this issue. But one good thing is, we can always substitute inferrior castings with really nice ones with the money we saved on the kits. One major issue I have with Caldercraft that I just couldn't get over was the use of so much preformed sections from stern to gunwhales. To me these sections look better built up. Also, Constructo uses better woods than most other kits and Victory not excluded. There are very few Victory kits that I would consider not painting and Constructo's version is one of the few. But then again, the wood is one thing, but talent to build it and make it fit enough for a natural finish without gaps and wood filler is another issue. You my friend are a natural at this and I see many more models in your future.   

  4. Okey, here is an update. I have determined that either I got a bad cut kit or they are all this way, but of all the model ships I have built, this is the first kit that I have had to shim better than half of the bulkheads while planking just to get them to run true without any dips in them. Planking is getting rather exhausting after laying a couple of planks, checking them and then having to go back and shim 3, 4, or 5 bulkheads in a run. I feel like this kit is fighting me every step of the way so far. I'm just short of calling this kit a dog. But I'm not far from it. I'm missing the Mainsail and the foresail, although I have the full accompaniment of sails (19). Artesania Latina used to be one of my favorite manufactures for those lower budget kits, but after spening over $500.00 for this kit, which a bit more than I have ever spent on a previous kits, I'm beginning to wonder. 


    The white or natural wood color is the shims.



  5. The more I watch this build log, the more I wish I had went with the Constructo Vic version rather than the AL version. I have built numerous model ships and I have yet to find one that requires shimming of half or better of the bulkheads while planking in order to get a true run and to fair them. For the price of the AL kit, I would have expected better. AL is one of my favorite model manufactures or at least they used to be back many moons ago. But now I'm wondering.

  6. I might have been interested if all the parts were there. But there are too many if's for me. I like all the parts to be together before I start a build, especially one of these. They remind me of programs you could buy into back in the 50's and 60's and sometimes companies would go out of business before the project was completed leaving you hanging. You would be better off getting the rest of the installments and then selling it as a completed installment kit. But whether you would ever come close to getting your investment back out of it or not would be the question.

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