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    mtdoramike got a reaction from Canute in Realism....   
    No, I think YOU need to check with museums and ask what they prefer, I don't build for museums, nor do I consider any of my work to be museum quality nor do I consider it art, I consider it a hobby and what results out of that hobby. Now, if I scratched built models and hand made every little piece of the model then I would look at it as a one of a kind model that a museum would consider possessing no matter whether it was weathered or pristine and shiny. But ship models built out of a box are neither. So no, I don't need to check with a museum because I already know what they would expect and most if not all will tell you that ship models are a dime a dozen and unless there is something very , very special about it, they wouldn't be interested in it anyway.
  2. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Canute in Realism....   
    Sure, I have seen numbers of ship models built roughed up to give it that aged weathered look. Like I always tell people that see my models, that real ships of the time weren't pretty except maybe the day they were built because sea water takes it toll on wood and they used tar to help water and worm proof the wood. Now with that said, I have not built a weathered model because THEY DON'T SELL VERY WELL! Most people except for that die hard ship model lover would never appreciate the effect or the effort involved. I also have to say that I like the clean neat beautiful appearance myself especially if I intend to put it in a thousand dollar display case for display. But to each their own.
  3. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from dgbot in Realism....   
    Sure, I have seen numbers of ship models built roughed up to give it that aged weathered look. Like I always tell people that see my models, that real ships of the time weren't pretty except maybe the day they were built because sea water takes it toll on wood and they used tar to help water and worm proof the wood. Now with that said, I have not built a weathered model because THEY DON'T SELL VERY WELL! Most people except for that die hard ship model lover would never appreciate the effect or the effort involved. I also have to say that I like the clean neat beautiful appearance myself especially if I intend to put it in a thousand dollar display case for display. But to each their own.
  4. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from dgbot in Realism....   
    No, I think YOU need to check with museums and ask what they prefer, I don't build for museums, nor do I consider any of my work to be museum quality nor do I consider it art, I consider it a hobby and what results out of that hobby. Now, if I scratched built models and hand made every little piece of the model then I would look at it as a one of a kind model that a museum would consider possessing no matter whether it was weathered or pristine and shiny. But ship models built out of a box are neither. So no, I don't need to check with a museum because I already know what they would expect and most if not all will tell you that ship models are a dime a dozen and unless there is something very , very special about it, they wouldn't be interested in it anyway.
  5. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    hahahahahahaha, I know what you mean George, I have been trying to tighten a few things back up, but they keep saggin, kind of like sloppy rigging.  
  6. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from GLakie in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    hahahahahahaha, I know what you mean George, I have been trying to tighten a few things back up, but they keep saggin, kind of like sloppy rigging.  
  7. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from michael20 in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I was hopingto get a littlte more work done on the monte, but i threw my back out several days ago and just trying to get around is difficult. Getting old sucks!
  8. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to GLakie in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I know how that feels Mike. Just take it easy until things tighten themselves back up again. 
  9. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I was hopingto get a littlte more work done on the monte, but i threw my back out several days ago and just trying to get around is difficult. Getting old sucks!
  10. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from GConiglio in Buying an Expensive Kit and throwing most of it away   
    I have no fear as far as scratch building, I just prefer a faster pace when building. I don't want to invest in a bunch of tools to maybe build one or two ship models in 10 years and by the time you factor in all that scratch building material extra tools and such, you have far surpassed the cost of even the most expensive kit. To me, there is nothing like getting that package in the mail, cracking open that crisp new box and see all those nice trinkets inside and smell that nice cut wood. It makes me smile just thinking about it. I just can't seem to get that worked up over a scratch build project. But then again, I never tout any of the models that I have built as being museum quality because I know without a doubt that anyone else who buys that kit can build just as nice a model or nicer than the one I build even if I change a few things on it, it's still a decrative display. Now to me most any scratch built model would be considered museum quality. But this is just my opinion and my opinion alone so don't go a hating.
  11. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from MWerth in Buying an Expensive Kit and throwing most of it away   
    Well if that is what they do, I say shame on them when they could offer those discarded pieces and parts here on the classifieds, which isn't used nearly enough.
  12. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Canute in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    I was hopingto get a littlte more work done on the monte, but i threw my back out several days ago and just trying to get around is difficult. Getting old sucks!
  13. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from mtaylor in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Received this name plate in the mail this morning. Not bad for $1.75 cents.

  14. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Canute in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Received this name plate in the mail this morning. Not bad for $1.75 cents.

  15. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from marktiedens in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Received this name plate in the mail this morning. Not bad for $1.75 cents.

  16. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Seventynet in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Thanks George, it sure took a while. It would have been easier to plank the decks before installation, but I prefer to do them this way even though it takes a bit longer.
  17. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from Seventynet in Montanes by mtdoramike - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70 scale - next donation project   
    Received this name plate in the mail this morning. Not bad for $1.75 cents.

  18. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to Chuck in Buying an Expensive Kit and throwing most of it away   
    Model Railroading as well.  You can spend $700 on one engine and even more on other stuff.  So its not as unusual as some say.  Spending $750 on a good quality ship model kit is not outrageous at all in comparison.  Its just a smaller group of people and its tough to make a profit regardless.   The overall question is that most beginners and intermediate builders feel better when they know they have received everything in one box.  But for those who have done it for a while are more comfortable with buying a timbering set or just portions of a project.  
    I know nothing about golf....which clubs....which balls....what gloves....if I were to spend a ton of money as a beginner I would just buy a complete package or set that was not at all top of the line quality.  If I really got into it,  then maybe I would buy more expensive single clubs and accessories.  Same is true for model railroading...I can buy a small in expensive set in one box where you get a tiny circle of track and then after a short time maybe start buying more stuff thats better......its all relative.
    Some will never do it or see the need to, and they are quite happy with a straight out of the box kit project.  Others want to do better and dont mind paying for the extras later as they develop an eye for what is better....and they dont mind throwing away the crap that usually comes in a kit....the last stage is to just build it all yourself...and anyone can do that if they are so into the hobby that they have now spent money on the tools etc.....just like the other hobbies.  Its no different.
    Every hobby has its share of crappy products directed at the begginer which are cheaper...its just the same old typical beginner introduction to any hobby and it progresses from there.
  19. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to philo426 in Buying an Expensive Kit and throwing most of it away   
    I did not tlhrow anything away,but Gi did raid the AL Hermione for most of its blocks,fittings and mahogany planking to allow me to complete my Ersatzia And Admiral Vernon.The good part is,I can replace the missing components and build it if I so desire in the future.
  20. Like
    mtdoramike reacted to Chuck in Buying an Expensive Kit and throwing most of it away   
    Its not about offending anyone...its just that a beginner needs time to develop the expertise to recognize what is better or what is sub par.  This only happens with the passing of time and learning.  The other ingredient is passion.  The willingness to want to "upgrade" has to do with how passionate one is about the hobby as they progress...as well as budget.   You would not believe how many times I am asked by a beginner why my blocks have two holes and not just one.  Most dont yet realize or ahve not learned yet that its because the two holes simulate a sheave. It more accurately reflects the true shape and function of a block.  Once they learn that they can make a better choice as to whether it is worth the money for increasing accuracy and the overall look and feel.
    It takes time and kit companies know this.   So with the overwhelming majority of builders being new or intermediate they cant possibly get folks to try and take the initial plunge if all the kits were filled with exceptional parts.   For those who do have the expertise and grow to be passionate enough about the hobby....there are places to go...like the Lumberyard and Syren.   Its a much smaller group of customers.  Both have their place...its no different than any other hobby.  The typical larger kit company will never produce a kit with parts like I make....it cant be done.  They wouldnt be a large company with so many customers if they did.  Thats why I am a small company with many less customers.  
    You can sell 500 kits of the Sultana per year or 35 Cheerful packages......different audiences at different levels of the hobby .  Its the same for all hobbies.  I could have made one phone call to Model Expo and sold my Cheerful Kit design in a heartbeat.  But my guess is they want to sell more than 35 per year and what you would end up getting would be much different than what I currently offer....for the same reasons.  Its nothing to be shocked about.  Its just the way it is and always will be. 
  21. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from toms10 in Buying an Expensive Kit and throwing most of it away   
    Well if that is what they do, I say shame on them when they could offer those discarded pieces and parts here on the classifieds, which isn't used nearly enough.
  22. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from ulrich in Buying an Expensive Kit and throwing most of it away   
    I have no fear as far as scratch building, I just prefer a faster pace when building. I don't want to invest in a bunch of tools to maybe build one or two ship models in 10 years and by the time you factor in all that scratch building material extra tools and such, you have far surpassed the cost of even the most expensive kit. To me, there is nothing like getting that package in the mail, cracking open that crisp new box and see all those nice trinkets inside and smell that nice cut wood. It makes me smile just thinking about it. I just can't seem to get that worked up over a scratch build project. But then again, I never tout any of the models that I have built as being museum quality because I know without a doubt that anyone else who buys that kit can build just as nice a model or nicer than the one I build even if I change a few things on it, it's still a decrative display. Now to me most any scratch built model would be considered museum quality. But this is just my opinion and my opinion alone so don't go a hating.
  23. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from toms10 in Buying an Expensive Kit and throwing most of it away   
    I have no fear as far as scratch building, I just prefer a faster pace when building. I don't want to invest in a bunch of tools to maybe build one or two ship models in 10 years and by the time you factor in all that scratch building material extra tools and such, you have far surpassed the cost of even the most expensive kit. To me, there is nothing like getting that package in the mail, cracking open that crisp new box and see all those nice trinkets inside and smell that nice cut wood. It makes me smile just thinking about it. I just can't seem to get that worked up over a scratch build project. But then again, I never tout any of the models that I have built as being museum quality because I know without a doubt that anyone else who buys that kit can build just as nice a model or nicer than the one I build even if I change a few things on it, it's still a decrative display. Now to me most any scratch built model would be considered museum quality. But this is just my opinion and my opinion alone so don't go a hating.
  24. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from marktiedens in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    Beautiful planking job on her.
  25. Like
    mtdoramike got a reaction from pompey2 in Buying an Expensive Kit and throwing most of it away   
    Well if that is what they do, I say shame on them when they could offer those discarded pieces and parts here on the classifieds, which isn't used nearly enough.
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