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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Finished the M16 half track this morning. The decals were a bit of a problem due to their age. Took a long time soaking in water before they were release from the paper and then some were brittle and broke off pieces as soon as I applied them to the model. Guess I will just chalk up the missing stuff as "battle damage". Next up is some touch up of the paint and then some weathering of the model before I address the diorama scene itself. Still trying to visualize how I want it to appear. Some pre-decal photos Post decal application Little OOOOOPS on the speed limit decal - slipped after I applied it and turned to the other side of model. Oh well. Soldier must have been a little drunk when it taped the stencil on the back
  2. Yea, I've seen the Stryker, Lou, always wondered about those tires tho. A good marksman with a amour piercing round or a .50 cal round could easily take out all 4 tires on one side and disable the thing. Kinda hard to disable a tank tread with anything short of a bazooka or RPG or another artillery round. Small Update: I finished building the front and rear assemblies and getting them attached to each other. I am using Tamiya brand Olive Drab paint for the entire body. In comparing it to another model of this same vehicle I made back in the 1980s using Floquil brand Olive Drab paint I notice that the Tamiya is noticeably darker in color than Floquil was some 40 years ago. And at that time Floquil's paints match the US' Federal Standard (FS-55) color charts. See the comparison below. Model in background is the 1980s Floquil painted version. Notice how much darker the newer model in foreground is with Tamiya brand paint.
  3. The "rear wheels" are a tank tread. Hence the name "half-track". You will see shortly
  4. Assuming you have one of those newfangled Smart phones and not a simple flip-phone that just makes/receives phone calls 😁😎 like a lot of us old fossil luddites carry 😊
  5. Moving on to the chassis sub-assembly Main chassis Front axle Rear axle Left and Right tank tread assembly Miscellaneous wheels, drivers, idler wheels Chassis assembled
  6. I would recommend something in plastic, like a car or truck, in 1:24 or 1:48 scale. Or for wood, a Midwest brand kit if you can find any. They stopped making kits but I have seen some in hobby stores or maybe ebay but if ebay watch out for price gouging, these kits are old. The key is more teaching them how to follow instructions and visualized the piece.
  7. Mark, now you know they would never let an "ossifer" (Officer) handle a gun like a quad 50 ! Besides wrong war! This WWII, that's Pvt Kilroy ! Remember him ! He left his calling card all over Europe !
  8. Mark, Ken, Welcome Just a small update I completed the gun platform. Next up is the truck chassis, engine and other parts.
  9. I agree except I would prefer a Heffe weisz beer over Corona or better yet a pint of Guinness
  10. Erie County NY ran out of toilet paper, hand wipes, sanitizer, paper towels, bottled water, hand soap. THIS is a County that knows how to hunker down when Lake Effect snow storms dump 7 feet of snow in 48 hours. NY State passed Seattle and California 2 days ago in number of cases, but majority are in NY CITY with one case up here in Ulster County. But NOOOOO cases west of Albany NY. So Far ! My Epidemiology (PhD) daughter says best infectious disease control is containment, meaning cancel everything you can and keep people separated from each other, wash hands with soap and water frequently and don't touch your face.
  11. Thanks, Craig Thanks Lou, I cheated a little. I did the Verlinden piece before I started the log. Welcome Edward and OC. Yea the rabbit hole does beckon. Maybe later in this blog I will post photos of each British, American and German armor I have done in the past, in some cases I have all 3, 4, or 5 variants of the same vehicle. They are all in plastic storage boxes right now. I have to start on the half track now. Will post again as I get sub-assemblies done
  12. Thanks Lou Welcome aboard . I tried my hand at weathering the plaster. First I coated it in Tamiya Fine Grey primary, then I applied a coat of Floquil Cement color paint, then a wash of Floquil Engine Black. Followed by a few more alternated coats of acrylic Mars Black and Floquil Mud. Grey primer coat applied First pass at weathering I put it aside for a while until I get the half track vehicle assembled and painted. Then I will revisit the weathering of the church ruins once I decide on what other accessories I will add to the diorama.
  13. I decided to dig into my stash of plastic 1:35 scale kits and do the Tamiya M6 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage or half-track and the Verlinden Church ruin kits together as a diorama. The Verlinden kit is cast hydrocal plaster and is now out of production since Verlinden retired some decades back. I picked up the last two kits my local brick and mortar hobby store had just before they closed their doors forever. I will be doing the diorama somewhat similar to what is shown on the Verlinden box art with some additional Tamiya figures/accessories from my collection of completed Tamiya kits. Box art and contents shown below Verlinden Kit Tamiya Kit The Verlinden kit consists of two large castings of two walls of the church and 3 smaller castings of rubble from the church walls. To assemble them I used 5 minute epoxy
  14. And the expression OMGIF when you got to your next station. Ditto not spelling it out.
  15. I never saw combat or Nam like you guys but I did visit the wall some time ago and was surprised at my reaction. One of the guys I went to school with, 1st grade thru college, is listed on the wall.
  16. Update: @VTHokiEE : The tarmacs are from Verlinden Products probably out of production now since they retired and someone else took over the name. Here's the other mini diorama - in this one the tarmac is wet/dry emery paper
  17. The runway/tarmac is preprinted cardstock, can't remember the company tho. The grass is RR scenery over papermache mound. The base is scrap plywood
  18. Oh I have been following it. You may be too harsh on yourself. I know I was until I got comfortable doing the "soft edge" camo patterns. Really hard part is getting the paint to thinner ratio right. I did try to clean it up, but I think I made it worse. Those white blotches by the cockpit were the result of "cleaning". I have not found a method that does not destroy the decals in the process even tho they are covered by a clear coat. Many many many years ago when our kids were real young we took them to a Thunderbirds air sow at Stewart Field in Newburg. We were sitting ion a hill overlooking the main runway. Two A-10s from ANG Niagara Falls took off in formation, once airborne they split up, one vectoring north and the other continuing west out of our sight. The announcer was describing the planes characteristics etc and we were trying to follow the north bound plane. All of a sudden the 2nd one came right over our heads from behind us about 500-800 ft above us, scared the crap out of everyone on that hill, NO ONE HEARD HIM COMING, no engine sound until he was right over us. Announcer was laughing cuz he knew what had just happened (as planned). The Thunderbirds were awesome but these two Wort Hogs left a lasting impression on everone.
  19. An A-10 ? Like this ? Done with airbrush and Floquil paints about 20-25 years ago. Weathering enhanced by common household dust. I forget what scale it is. Camo pattern done free hand, no masking. Actually airbrushing is not as daunting as you would think. Takes a bit of practice but it is easily mastered.
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