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Everything posted by DORIS

  1. These ornaments are very fine and their thickness does not exceed 0.5mm...
  2. In the past weeks I continued with decoration. I really enjoy this work. At this moment there are more than 700 gilded pieces of decoration on the model. Here are new pics:
  3. Hello dear friends, that is a great honour for me reading your praise and kind words. Thank you very much. Hello Dirk, I suppose it is O.K. on Royal Katherine cause I saw these bolt for example in plans and drawings of HMS LENOX 1678 (she is also the Restoration warship) and there are such bolts beside the gunports:
  4. Current photos Please enjoy the pics and have a great time. Kind regards
  5. And now, what's new on model.... Plenty of other pieces of desoration were added on the model and I decided to imitate treenails and iron bolts on planking.
  6. Dear friends, I am very pleased with your comments and appreciate your words and "likes" a lot. That is a great honour for me. Thank you all very much, my friends. Life challenges are sometimes very hard and bring a lot of cruel moments, but I believe, everything has its reason and will give us experience to be stronger in future. Thank you for your wishes and support. I believe it will be better. I have these skills naturally. I wanted to study at artistic school, but unfortunately I did not get occasion and my family hadn´t money for this. Despite this I have raised my skills and still continue. Nobody is perfect but the most important is to want to learn and look for new ways, how to improve. I enjoy to create beauty and share with my family and friends. In fact I often create several extra pieces of decoration and after harden I decide what will look better on final result. The shield could be placed at the horseman, but finally I did not use it. I already have a lot of similar ornaments I did not use for the model. That´s a very nice surprise for me, thank you for your appreciation. I have also found here on MSW plenty of great inspiration and admire what people here are able to create. Your words mean a lot for me. The historical authenticity of the model is very important for me and gives the work greater value. I mostly do not build the models according to commercial plans, but prefer to follow historical resources and verified information based on archaeological findings, admiralty models and paintings and engravings from that period. As I have written here, I am very grateful to cooperate with a top expert and experienced naval Captain (Kpt.KL) who helps me and my colleagues on Czech forum to achieve more realistic performance of ship models. His advice is very professional and brings many priceless and interesting information about real ships, their construction and history. I believe, his comments and advice can be very useful also for you. Here are some links; it is in Czech language, so you can use Google translator, but plenty of links and pictures can also help to understand: https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=630#p2160401 https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=645#p2160711 https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=645#p2160843 https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=112832&start=90#p2159765 https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=112832&start=105#p2159849 https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=112832&start=105#p2161069 Best regards, Doris
  7. I have decided to modify the position of fore mast and move it bit forward, to achieve more realistic result according to real ships from this period. Here you can see previous position of fore mast: After adjustment: Kind regards, Doris
  8. Hello dear friends, I do appreciate your comments and wishes, thank you all very much. I am pleased you like my work. Every piece of decoration is handmade, there are not used any moulds, cause I prefer to create each one as an original. No problem, here are my secondary tools: And here the main ones 😊:
  9. And other ones.... How I love this work .... 😎 Best regards and enjoy the pics.
  10. Hello dear friends, Thank you all for your comments and nice words, I am pleased and do appreciate your support. Hello Jan, well, I use similar goldpaint, but it is still without weathering so far. In the end, all pieces of decoration will be modified to look more realistic, I am going to use weathering and clear varnish on their surface. My feathered assistant also likes card and sometimes pieces of wood, but she usually falls asleep under the huge hull and is not interested in nibbling the model. 🙂 ************************ I have not been here for a longer time, I have harder days in my life now, but ships and making their models help me to overcome it. I continue with my favourite work - ship decoration and sculpting. I try to create it according to the Vale´s painting and relevant information about ship decoration from the 17th century. Plenty of interesting and useful information about real ships you can also find on Czech Modelforum, where is my main log with Royal Katherine and also a lot of professional advice from the TOP expert and experienced naval captain - Kpt.KL, who is my great advisor. For example: https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&sid=772034599a5b2cc19c793279d9695d7a&start=585#p2156912 https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=600#p2157251 https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=615#p2158101
  11. You can also compare the bow of Royal Katherine with my older card model - Sovereign of the Seas. And, of course, my feathered assistant is also presented there....
  12. Hello dear friends, thank you for your feedback and "likes", I appreciate your support a lot. Now I am working on decoration at the bow; mainly caryatides and decorative moldings. Sometimes it is not easy to adapt all parts together, so I have to create new ones and try again. Best regards, Doris
  13. Hello Jan, she will be fully rigged and with several sails as in Vale's painting. I would like to make her similar as my Sovereign of the Seas. Kind regards Doris
  14. Thank you for your comments and "likes", dear friends. To Tecko: You are welcome, Peter. I try to find suitable solution from available information to achieve more realistic result, but I have to admit, it is often very difficult. To archjofo: Thank you Johann, your praise means a lot for me. The same to your magnificent work. Yesterday I finished last few pieces of decoration for the bow sculptures and here is the result: Soon I will start with new decoration for the bow section and bulkhead. Best regards and enjoy the pics Doris
  15. That's beautiful! Awesome model a great job! Best regards,
  16. Hello Amalio, your model is a great inspiration and a demonstration of extremely precise work. Perfection in every detail and admirable craftsmanship. Kind regards Doris
  17. Hello dear friends, let me express my gratitude for your compliments and kind words. That is a great honor for me and your comments and opinions are much appreciated. Thank you all very much. Hello dear friend, I am glad you like my presentation of this model. As I have already written, my target is to achieve historically more accurate result and create realistic model of the Royal Katherine. I like to combine entertainment and education. And I also want to improve my work and technologies to be able to achieve better results. I am pleased I can share my build with other people.I am interested in opinions and also appreciate constructive criticism, which allows me to improve my work. The right remark, Peter. The sculpture of the horse on Vale´s painting is bigger, but when I compare it with museum models from this period, the similar sculptures on the bow are usually smaller. So I have decided to make it a bit smaller as well. There are some mistakes on Vale´s painting (for example you can find there some details used in later period - the appearance of windowpanes, some parts of rigiing) and there are also proportionate and perspective discrepancies. Vale painted the picture around 1690, but at that time RK had a different look. The ship in the painting represents her appearance around 1670. Here are some pics from other museum models from this period (HMS Prince, Saint Michael, Sheldon´s model...): And here we discussed the wrong proportions on the stern and QG and windows: https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=270#p2091987 https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=345#p2100497 Best regards Doris
  18. Hello dear friends, thank you very much for your comments, opinions and "likes", that is a great pleasure for me and also a motivation to other work. I do appreciate your support a lot. The sculpture is already placed on the bow of RK and today I have finished other sculptures and decoration according to Vale´s painting. It is not finished yet, I will fill the inner space (between knights) to match it to museum models from this period. Best regards, Doris
  19. Thank you, dear Peter. Well, I enjoy sculpting and I was looking forward to creating this figurehead. And the ice-cream flavor? Double chocolate - that is my favourite. Best regards,
  20. Before finish the rider was a little leaned forward to look like an original in Vale´s painting. Here is the final result: Have a nice day and enjoy the pics. Best regards, Doris
  21. Hello dear friends, I am pleased, you like my sculpting. I am very grateful for you comments and praise. Glad to say that the statue is already finished and gilded. The horseman was completd from several separately created parts and finished on horseback. In the end I added harness and let harden complete statue again in the oven. Here are some pics from process:
  22. Thank you, dear Siggi, your advice help me a lot. Doris
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