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Everything posted by DORIS

  1. Hello Rob and thank you for interesting information and attention to detail for more realistic implementation. I would like to learn more although my English is not very good for understanding and I don´t know appropriate technical terms. If possible, please post some pics, it will be very helpful (not only) for me. Question: Doris...will you be rigging this model with masts, yards(sails) and rigging? Of course, I will. Hope I will manage it well.🙂 Kind regards
  2. Great start and exceptional quality of workmanship. My deep admiration, dear Alberto. Kind regards
  3. Thank you, I am honoured you like my work. Kind regards
  4. Hello Greg, it was a difficult task for me, cause I do not have exact plans of the Royal Katherine, so I have to improvise from time to time. My solution is based on Vale painting, Van de Velde drawings and museum models from that period. Royal Katherine on Vale painting: Here was my main inspiration - the model of Saint Michael, there is also the bowsprit out of centerline and in the beakhead bulkhead there are two doors: http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/65963.html Of course, I am not always sure with the solution, so please do not regard my opinion as relevant. I am only an amateur, but I learn and want to improve my knowledge.😉 Best regards
  5. Thank you for your comments, dear friends. Druxey is right, on some ships from that period you can see the bowsprit located outside the ship's axis but its forward end is at the centerline. For example HMS Prince: I admire wooden models and their builders a lot, wood is very beautiful material. I also tried to make some wooden models but finally stayed at card/paper ones - it is much easier and enjoyable work for me, and I have found various ways how to improve techniques to achieve better results and get closer to the appearance and solidity of real wooden models. Best regards, Doris
  6. Today I finished other two seats of ease and also added doors into the beakhead bulkhead. I found some inspiration on HMS Lenox drawings. Best regards
  7. O.K. my friends, I will add others.😉 You are right. Thank you for your opinion and advice. BTW, there are also seats of ease on main channels - just here: Kind regards, Doris
  8. I have just placed two seats of ease on the bow. Perhaps there should be other two pieces in middle section of the grating as indicated in drawings of HMS Lenox. I also continue with surface finish of the railings. Kind regards, Doris
  9. About using self adhesive foils...... I am going to bring detailed tutorial with plenty of pictures, how to work with them. I think, this will be better than description only by words. Using the hair dryer is important for better adhesion and higher temperature allows to soften foils and shape or stretch them perfectly around the surface. I cut the strips using Tamiya fine craft knife and longer ruler. No special tools are necessary. Here you can see examples of foils available in our country and which I also use: https://www.tapety-folie.cz/drevo/c-2404/ https://www.kupsi-tapety.cz/samolepici-folie-renovacni-sire-67-5-cm-s-imitaci-dreva/ Best regards, Doris
  10. That's the question... I am going to analyze all my sources and will decide accordingly. Here are couple of VDV pictures for more inspiration:
  11. Hello dear friends, I appreciate your support and comments a lot. Thank you all very much. Well, I tried to create all these decorations according to museum models and original paintings from 17th century. I care about the greatest possible historical accuracy. This is my own technique and I use it more than 20 years. It allows me to achieve wooden look on paper models, but also on some plastic kits - for example I can make better and more realistic planking on ship hull or decks. These self-adhesive foils are very thin, they are kind of plastic or vinyl. I have already written about this, but if you wish, I will take some pics from progress when I work with this material. Soon I will make interior of cabins and there will be used these foils as well. Here are some links, where you can see, how I work with foils: https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=43575&start=180#p902161 https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=43575&start=210#p930223 https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=43575&start=240#p979994 Painting (with thinned Tamiya acrylic colours) is used to achieve more natural look and weathering. Well, on Vale´s painting it is shown, so I am going to make them as well. Do you mind this one? Thank you, I am really pleased reading your words. ******************************************************* Here are some current pics of RK in real colours on daylight: Kind regards Doris
  12. Amazing workmanship and accuracy. I really admire this. Kind regards, Doris
  13. As usually I am in awe. Gorgeous workmanship. Kind regards,
  14. Hello dear friends, I am pleased reading your words, thank you all very much and also appreciate your "likes". I'm flattered by your praise. Great, thank you very much for your help.👍 Hello Tom, no problem, I am glad I can help and share my tutorials with people here. If you have any questions, just ask.😉 Hello Piet, I really enjoy sculpting on ship models. I looked forward to making decoration since beginning of this project. *********************************************** Today I finished skids/fenders on the starboard and soon I will move to cabins and under the decks... Here are newest pics, so enjoy them: Best regards, Doris
  15. Well, each piece is assembled and glued together from three accurate parts made out of card and sprayed/painted with body- filler (usually used for cars) and brown colour. After drying and fine grinding it is wrapped with three separate pieces of foil. It is necessary to warm the surface to provide sufficient adhesion. In the end I use thinned brown colours and matt clear varnish (Tamiya TS-80) to improve the final look. Best regards, Doris
  16. Hello dear friends, thank you for your comments and "likes", I am pleased you like my work. That's right as well. Card/paper is my main building material for making models since I was 6 years old. I like sharing my techniques with people and I am glad to help. Everything needs time and experience, my first decorations were not very good, but I continued and did not give up. And finally I found the ways, how to do things better and have to say, there are always possibilities to improve. I wish you great success and pleasure in making models and decorating them. ********************************************************* Today I continued with other details on the hull - there are three external ribs ( I do not know, how to name it in English), I made them out of card and finished with self adhesive foils and thinned paint. At this moment there are completed on port. Kind regards, Doris
  17. Outstanding result. I admire your workmanship a lot. Kind regards, Doris
  18. These stairs are made of wood, some parts on the model are wooden mainly for greater solidity, but I try to use paper as most as possible.
  19. Hello Albert and thank you very much for your praise. Would you like to go on board of the Royal Katherine? No problem, here you have some stairs😎: Best regards
  20. Me too.😊 I have just finished the entry port on the other side, here is the result. Enjoy the pics and have a great time.
  21. Incredible precision and quality of work. What a great inspiration for all of us. Thank you for sharing, it is pleasure to watch your progress. Kind regards Doris
  22. Beautiful work and very realistic look. I like it a lot. Best regards, Doris
  23. Dear friends, thank you all very much for your kind words and comments I am pleased and appreciated your support a lot. Hello Greg, the right remark. Of course I am going to add two doors on that bulkhead at marked places: Yes, I would like to build a larger French ship probably from 17th century as my future project.Their decoration and design are beautiful so this is a great challenge for me. I admire your current project Le Soleil Royal, it is a superb inspiration and pleasure to watch. Well I am not sure with several things that I apply on the model, but suppose the entry ports could be on both sides of this ship. On Vale´s painting you can see the entry port on the starboard, so it is also O.K. on my model. On museum models of similar English ships from that period I can see the entry ports usually only on the port side ( therefore I also made it there on my RK) , but it is often missing on the starboard. And here on this model of the warship 90-94 guns from 1670 you can see entry ports on both sides so I believe it is also right on my model: http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/66333.html Kind regards, Doris
  24. Thank you dear friends, I am pleased you like my work. Dirk: In fact it is quite easy cause I usually try to find the easiest way how to manage the process and achieve better result. I have no special tools, so I don't even have other options. Yes, of course, I am going to roll my own cannons using card. The process will be documented and I will post my tutorials here. I like to share my technologies with you. I also find here a lot of beautiful inspiration that helps me a lot. Kind regards, Doris
  25. Ab Hoving: Thank you for your praise, I appreciate your words a lot. Well, I have just completed the entry port on starboard. There will be added wooden stairs of course. Now I am going to continue with the same work on port.
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