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Everything posted by DORIS

  1. Great craftsmanship. Looks beautiful. I admire all people who are able to work with wood and achieve such impressive results.
  2. The treenails and bolts are imitated using soft graphite and in the end oversprayed by matt clear varnish. BTW, soon there will be finished the podestal and the ship will be placed on it. Best regards, Doris
  3. The girdling is probably unknown technology in ship modeling, but the relevant records prove that it was necessary to perform on some ships, whose hull had excessive draft and lower gunports were just above water. The girdling helped to improve the displacement. Of course, it was an unnatural interference into the original construction. My target is to make the model as accurate as possible based on historical accuracy, and according to records Royal Katherine was girdled soon after launching.
  4. And here I am starting with the surface finishing..... Again with foil stripes, that I attach using hot air/hair dryer....
  5. On the recommendation of the Captain K.L., who is an excellent expert in the field of shipbuiliding and the history, I have decided to add another layer of planking = the girdling. Some information about this technology, that was used on real ships in 17th century, you can find in the book by Brian Lavery: The Arming and Fitting of English Ships of War 1600-1815; pages 57, 60. More information are also in the Czech forum, but you need to use translator. http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=105#p2001324 http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=105#p2001751
  6. Dear friends, thank you very much for your comments. It is a pleasure and honour for me, that you like my work. Here is the hull oversprayed with acrylic paints and body spray + primer used for cars. After grinding I will start to change it into a wooden look using strips of various types od foils. I have already written many details about this technology, so if you are interest in that, please refer at my building log Royal Caroline.
  7. Maybe you will be surprised, but I use common glues - for paper/card and wood dispersion white glue: https://www.zbozi.cz/vyrobek/herkules-universalni-lepidlo-pro-domacnost-130-g/?varianta=130-g And for plastic or metal parts and also the sculptures made of clay I use Superglue. I always try to keep my hands clean, so I have a damp cloth somewhere close to clean my hands during the work. Kind reagards, Doris
  8. Well, I use common cards available in a stationery or shops for modelers. Here is the shop, where I ordered material for this project: https://www.promodely.cz/07-5 The most suitable is the tough cardboard, which is used for example as a support for table calendars. If you want to use this material, it is O.K. for other modification - you can glue wooden strips on it or use plastic foils - it is easier. But remember - it is necessary to prepare the surface thoroughly, it is oversprayed with suitable paint and clear varnish at first to protect it against humidity and other influences. The surface must be very smooth to keep the foil strips reliably. In this case, there are never problems with the durability of the result.
  9. That´s lovely. I like animals, they can always bring us a fun.
  10. Hello Greg, of course, I am going to make interior sections of the model (upper decks) - in the high level of detail. That is my favourite part of work. Best regards, Doris
  11. It takes me sometimes more than 2-3 years, than the model is finished. There is no problem with these card models, I use high quality and efficient impregnation, so the models are similarly durable as wooden. At home i have more than 20 years old card models and they still look like new. ************ Here you can see the finished second layer of planking, made of cardboard as well.I use various thickness of this material - from 0,5mm to 2mm.
  12. The deck in the central part of the ship is covered by tapes from plastic foils, that I use on all my card models to imitate wooden look.. The inner parts of the model are already covered with a second layer of carton and bases for the upper decks. I have also a handsome helper who makes me a companion during model-builing.
  13. And here I have started with lower deck and center part reinforcement. The hull - although it is made of cardboard - is very solid and heavy - it weights more than 3 kg.
  14. Dear friends, I appreciate your kind words a lot and advice. Thank you very much. That is a great honour for me. I have to say I was thinking about HMS Royal Katherine for a long time. Finally I have found the courage to start this large project and would like to share it with you... Here you can see the complete stern of the model, some gunports and other details on the hull were changed to be more accurate and corresponding to the position in the painting of the real ship.
  15. Hull construction All parts are made of card and glued together to the appropriate thickness. The shapes of bulkheads are based on HMS Sussex's plans, but I found there many inaccuracies and mistakes!! http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=30#p1990405 So it was necessary to modify proportions and make correction. Other parts of the hull are taken from plans HMS Prince.
  16. Hello everyone, a few years ago, I finished my most beautiful ship - Sovereign of the Seas and I wished to find another similarly beautiful sailing ship which I would be able to build. There are plenty of glorious boats, but only for a few of them there are avalialbe good plans and exact information. I decided to create and build a card model of Royal Katherine from 1664. I do not have exact plans so I will proceed according to other plans of ships from 17th century - HMS Sussex and HMS Prince and use information from professional literature as well. I like great challenges and connection of fun and education, so I am looking forward to this project very much. The model will be created in the scale of 1/55, so there is an oportunity to create many details in a higher level of quality. During creation of previous models I have received many valuable and professional information about sailing ships, their construction and fitting from one of the greatest experts - Captain K.L. who has taught me a lot and I will also use his advice here. The main build log you can find here: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763
  17. Hello Danny, Congratulations on finishing this awesome model, your work is absolutely perfect and the result is professional, I admire your skills and craftsmanship a lot. Thank you very much for the great inspiration a sharing that beautiful project with us. Kind regards Doris
  18. Beautiful model and the lighting is really impressive. Best regards Doris
  19. Dear friends, thank you very much for your kind words, I am pleased and appreciate your posts a lot. That is a great honour for me. Dear Danny and Mark, in this room there are about 30 ship models and more than 60 cars (mainly plastic models in a scale 1/24). The oldest ships I built about 20 years ago. Many of these older models were quite easy, so there was not a problem to build several ships during every year. Now I prefer to create mainly large sailing ships (scratch build), so it takes me thousands of hours (for example Sovereign of the seas about 6000 hours and Royal Caroline almost 7000). Now I have only one problem - there is no spare space for more.... And the collection of bottles with alcohol - this is my husband's hobby ( but he does not drink it, only collects)..... Dear Vivian, thank you for your support and kind words. I am sure, I will continue with other projects and show it also here. Now I need to relax a little, so I spend some time to assemble plastic models. For example La Reale by Heller: http://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=95541&start=30 Unfortunately this is a poor-quality kit ( I purchase the older one), so there are many troubles with fragile or damaged parts and in addition, the model parts are very inaccurate. Next time I will rather choose Tamiya kits.... Best regards Doris
  20. Thank you dear friends. KeithW: Well, people often visit me and want to see the models with their own eyes. And I say, please enjoy. Omega1234: The liners are mostly from plastic: QM2 and Aida - Revell kit 1/400: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=175&t=79951 My Queen Mary 2: Titanic - Academy 1/400: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=175&t=49680 And the bigger one is my own scratch build (I was 18 years old, when it was created): http://www.papirove-modely.cz/galerie/galerie.php?show=363
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