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Everything posted by DORIS

  1. What a nice craftsmanship. Looks fantastic. Best regards and thank you for a great inspiration.
  2. To Druxey: Oh yes, I use individually laid strips on all places with planking for many years. I like this clean work with self-adhesive foils that imitate wooden grain. Today I finished the last deck and now I am working on quarter galerries. It is really difficult task, but I believe in a nice result. In the pics bellow I tried to imitate the possible view of quarter gallery I would like to achieve.
  3. Wow. Absolutely perfect and professional work. My deep admiration. Thank you for this great inspiration. Kind regards, Doris
  4. Thank you for your comment, I´m glad you like the planking. All the strips are separately cut out of self-adhesive foil and glued onto black surface. In the end it is necessary to heat the surface enough to make the glue fully activated. Best regards, Doris
  5. Dear friends, I am pleased you like my work on RK. To achieve the satin tan color of the planking I use Tamiya acrylic colours - matt shades of brown, white and black.... strongly thinned by original acrylic thinner and paint retarder (both Tamiya). I apply a very thin layer of color and after drying I overspray the surface using flat clear varnish TS-80 also from Tamiya. Now I am finishing with decks planking:
  6. Hello dear friends, I do appreciate your kind words and willingness to help. Thank you very much for your helpful advice and ideas for information sources. I have an opportunity to build more realistic model of Royal Katherine so I will be very grateful for your ideas and constructive criticism. I found out a few days ago that the book is available only in Swedish unfortunatly, so we can only hope for a translation into English one day..... The main deck is already in place and now I am working on various details around it and also prepare other decks and upper construction. The hull - although it is made of card - is very solid and heavy. The model weights more than 5kg and the hull is over 1m long. Here are newest pics, I hope you´ll enjoy them:
  7. Other pics of current status: The model will have illumination, so there is already installed cables for for powering LED diodes. Best regards Doris
  8. Hello dear friends, I am spending plenty of time studying literature and browsing historical ship models and paintings to achieve more realistic result in my work. I also made several plastic kits to relax and enjoyed something easier. For example Yacht Atlantic, Yacht Corsair ii (ITC models), CSS Alabama, USS America, Constitution, Napoleon and others...). You can look through them here: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=114818 http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=109487 http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=118521 Now I continue with the upper deck and details below. Soon I will start creating first decorations and I am looking for relevant information based on original design. I have for example this book, but it is in Swedish language. https://www.archaeology.su.se/english/about-us/news/new-book-by-niklas-eriksson-riksäpplet-arkeologiska-perspektiv-på-ett-bortglömt-regalskepp-1.348854 It is a problem to understand the text, unfortunately I can't find this book in English. Please, could you help me? Don´t you have this book in English language? [Admin Edit: Pls do not ask for pdf versions of commercial books!] I will be very gratefull.
  9. Very nice image, thank you very much for sharing. I believe, this could be very helpfull for me - especially the front section and all those beautiful details.
  10. Well, I am going to create several crew members for Royal Katherine, so you will have opportunity to be one of them.:-)
  11. Hello dear friends, I did not continue on the model during the summer, but now the conditions are better and more free time, so I am here again with new pics. Thank you very much for your compliments and kind words, this is really honour for me and your advices and ideas are much appreciated. There were added some details/moldings on the hull and I also decided to change colour on wales to achieve more realistic result - I proceeded according to the original painting. The black stripe is now situated about 1cm lower. Best regards
  12. Dear friends, thank you very much for all your comments and praise. I appreciate your attention and support. That is a great honour for me. Now I have a lot of duties and work around the house and I also spend much time on cars´ care/detailing, but I try to continue with RK whenever possible. How I achieve these accurate and clean results with card and foil planking..... I use ordinary but very sharp scalpel from Tamiya manufacturer and long ruler to cut foil strips. I do not need any special tools. The strips are cut on a hard cardboard pad. In the same way, I cut cardboard tapes and other parts, but I have to repeat cutting more times because the material is thicker - sometimes up to 2mm. These cut strips are always straight. I shape and bow them during sticking to the model using hot air for attaching foils while I stretch them slightly. For bending the cardboard into the curve I use hot steam. I always attach the strips slightly tightened. The "wooden" planking is ready and improved with Tamiya colours (thinned with original thinner and retarder - it is easier to apply on the surface then) to achieve more realistic appearance.Before painting:
  13. This is gorgeous model, superb result. I admire the realistic details and the overall impression of this ship. You're really great modeler. Best regards
  14. During the weekend I made wooden finish of the hull using foil stripes. Later, it will be modificated with darker colours and of course I will create treenails and pins in wooden planks as well.
  15. Almost. She is very skilful for making varied holes in card by her beak and is able to split up most of the wooden objects - especially tiny blocks in rigging... Sometimes she takes something away and then does not want to return it ... She likes to cling to the ship and then falls asleep.
  16. Thank you very much, dear Piet. I appreciate your words a lot. The ship is already placed on the pedestal and the gun ports are framed, so now I can begin to cover the surface using "wooden" planks - of course made of foil strips. My feathered assistant almost fell asleep so I stayed alone on my job again ...
  17. I always admire all, who can made so beautiful things of wood. That is not only a great craftsmanship but also an art. Best regards Doris
  18. Excellent craftsmanship. An admirable quality of work, pleasure to look at it. My respect! Doris
  19. Hello Dan, You are right, I understand you. Thank you very much for sharing.When I look at the pictures, it's hard to find the most accurate solution. I'm very interested in the stern gallery in this image - it looks flat compared with the cylindrical shape of galleries on all existing RK models. I plan to make those galleries more flat on my model. Thank you for bringing me these useful materials and ideas. Best regards Doris
  20. Dear Thomas, your help and advice are much appreciated, thank you very much. If you have more photos of that model, please share here or send me ( my email is doris.obrucova@seznam.cz). I have thought about the position of entry and tried to simulate on the model, and also my colleagues from the Czech forum helped me and provided additional pictures of RK and other similar ships together with photos of real guns with tackles. The entrance near the gun port also appeared on some other ships including the aforementioned HMS Prince. It seems that even in this position it would be acceptable, cause there is not needed too much space for tackles. http://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&p=2004276#p2004276 Of course I am not sure, if my solution is O.K., but I try to make the model according to the painting which is the primary source of information for me. I have noticed that the already existing RK models have many similar elements. I do not know where the modelers had the information from, but when I compared the models with information from professional literature and historical models, I have found some discrepancies that do not correspond to the construction habits of that period. For example the gangway which is done on all models of RK, was used on the real ships after the beginning of the 18th century. But RK is much older and the depicted ship in the painting by Humphrey Vale represents approximately the status after adjustments in 1667-1668. http://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=75#p1995721 The gangway could be probably used much later - rather after rebuilding and renaming the ship to HMS Ramillies in 1706. That's just my deduction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Royal_Katherine_(1664) The bowsprit was out of axis on the real RK, while the models have it always in the axis... Well, it is difficult to determine exactly what is and is not right...;-) Best regards Doris
  21. Well, about several weeks but plenty of details are solved during construction and modified as needed.
  22. Dear friends, I appreciate all your comments a lot and thank you very much for your compliments. I am really pleased you like my work. Dear Dan, Thank you very much for the right remark. Yes, the entrance is close to the slot, although it corresponds to painting, but from a practical point of view this would not be ideal. I will think about it. I browse many ship models from museum, and really there is often the entrance situated in the center between the slots. http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/65963.html http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/65964.html http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/65962.html But for example on the model of HMS Prince there is the entrance also very close to the slot. What is right now? Steps will only run up to this entrance, no longer to the top rail. There will be not such a problem to place them suitably. Kind regards, Doris
  23. For me no, I make models of card and paper almost 35 years. It is much easier to use card for me - I do not need any special tools, have reliable and verified technologies which allow me to achieve expected results and the durability of such models is without changes for over many years - I can say, it is comparable to wooden models.
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