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Everything posted by 72Nova

  1. I started work on the railings, the detailing just never ends on this build, I'll probably be officially blind by the time I complete this. Michael D.
  2. Thank you Steve, With the super structure completed I finished modifying the anchor davits, installing the ladders along with the remaining stern decorations. I used 24g brass wire for the ladder supports. Michael D.
  3. Hi Frank, Your Vasa is phenomenal, leaves one almost speechless!!. Congratulations on your well earned awards Sir. Michael D.
  4. I finally have the fore super structure completed and secured into place, I also modified the anchor davit with a pulley. Up next will be more work on the benches and railings. Michael D.
  5. Nice work Frank👍 on a very tricky phase. I wish I had paid a little more attention in this area on mine as there is a slight rise at the center. Michael D.
  6. Hi Frank, Thank you for the complement, the scale is 1/75 and the overall length is approx 34". The gold leaf is finished on the starboard panels and once I finish the port side I'll glue all these pieces together. Michael D.
  7. Thank you GrandpaPhil, it's a pity it didn't survive. Work continues on the area I honestly do not know what to call it other then the starboard upper platform, as you can see I made some modifications to the panels. Michael D.
  8. One last update for the weekend, applied the royal blue and gold leaf, some touch up still required, but looking okay to my eyes. Michael D.
  9. Thank you Mark, I'd been sitting on it for 10 years before I started it. Made a few modifications, mainly relocating the eye bolts for the shrouds to the rail. Michael D.
  10. I started this about 3 months ago after finishing my Victory of 1765, while not up to par with some of the wooden builds I've seen it looks okay Here's a current picture and the link to my album. Michael D https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipOpM2553-s03IIGshB6OXM5n6_PwUd4yhtXbhuc
  11. Hi, Your craftsmanship and attention to detail is just phenomenal!!, It's a shame there are not more active builds on this beautiful Galley. I'm currently building Heller's version of this ship, so I'll be following your build with interest!. Best regards, Michael D.
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