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  1. Thank you for the answer, i bought the book and the sets also the washes that they recommend in the book but the truth is i don't own an airbrush, i always use brushes, do u av any experience on those with brushes?
  2. Hey guys! i just wanted to let you guys know im still working on the blueprints, but its going a bit slow because im also working on my main job, by the way i wanted to ask you, what kind of wood would you use for this look? a dark one like walnut? or maybe something more light like holly and then stain it? I've been thinking lots about this project and i keep on finding questions, but i dont know if i should make them here? or maybe each question in a different post in the right category? i know im too noob lol but please be patient i will learn i promise! thank you so much for your interest in my post im trying to give my best
  3. Thank you Sr! I know its far from done but yesterday i felt very pleased when i looked at all of the frames, sure it was kinda hard but it was something i really really enjoyed doing, now i will put myself to work in the rest of the details like the water line and so much more but at least the core of the ship it's already there and im really happy about it
  4. Well guys here is a huge update, it's 4:07 in the morning in my country but i had to post it before going to bed, after i think a week maybe more maybe less, and lots of math, i finished drawing the kneel and frames, the drawings are far from finished as i need to "polish" the drawing way more, but thats easier, once i get it clean i'll make them way bigger, my point is this ship gets about 30" long, once im done with that ill work in the rest of the details from the ship to get a nice and big set of blue prints, sorry for the quality of my phone camera, please let me know what you think! thats really important for me.
  5. Well actually its kind of frustrating but im already working on it there are several issues ill be fixing and hopefully it will make it look more like an actual ship, but ill be keeping up the shape of hull! One of the modifications i plan to make is changing the scale of everything on deck, i'll reduce the size of everything i can so the actual decks look bigger and we have more space for actual stuff that is not on the ship right now. Some changes are a a must, so if someone was hoping for the exact same ship of the model by revell im sorry to disappoint you, i'll try to keep as much as i can of the original ship but there's stuff in this ship that is just irrational, for example i found out that the deck at the bow is higher than the banister..... here is a picture i found online where you can spot this mistake And this is just one of the several mistakes so wish me luck and let me know what you guys think, the feedback is always amazing to keep pushing the project, suggestions are welcome!
  6. Well guys i have news for you, good ones and bad ones, so ill give first the good ones, i've been working on the kneel and i have it pretty much finished, the bad ones is i found out everything inside the decks is wrong, like really really wrong, so i had 2 options keep on with the original ship just as it is, or modify everything on top of the deck to make it look more realistic and useful, tell me guys what would you have done in my situation?
  7. Im already working on the keel so maybe ill post at least the keel soon
  8. Hi! yes i think it will be the best or at least im hoping lol, about the model i wont be doing that, this model is too tiny and i want the ship to be quite big, around 30 inches long maybe a bit more, so im going to use the clay model you see in the pictures to draw the blueprints of the frames and the keel for the ship and then enlarge it to make out of wood
  9. Hey guys! since im back and i have in mind at least 3 project that involve plastic kits i started looking for some tutorials on how to paint wood and so i came across some products and i wanted to know if you have stumbled across these or what do you think about them? thank you so much guys - Old and new Wood effects by vallejo - Old and weathered wood by AK - Wood weathering set by ak
  10. Hey! thank you so much for your kind words, i opened a thread in other part of the forum and they also told me about walnut, maybe i will go that way. but im not sure i understand what you mean with the glue and the clay :/
  11. Thank you for your answers guys, i will put to practice your suggestions, ill let you know what worked out for me the best as soon as i have it solved XD
  12. Thanks guys, im from Mexico, this hobbie is almost no existent in my country so its a bit hard for me lol, but i dont give up easily, im really gald i got to read balsa wood is a poor choice along with Oak, and speaking of full size tools i assume you are talking about saws, so i only have an electric jigsaw and a coping saw.
  13. Hey Eddie! im finally back lol, thanks for your interest ill try to post as soon as possible lol
  14. Hey guys, i literally just came back from a 3 year break and im kinda lost about where to start when talking about wood, the models I'm planning on making are for RC and i dont know what type of wood would be best for the kneel and ribs, also the planking? where do you guys get your supplies? i was thinking of balsa wood for the planking? let me know your thoughts guys it would be really helpful
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