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Everything posted by OzSatyr

  1. Okay so the boy got lucky. Despite a lot of years on football <backspace> soccer fields I managed to reach 60 with nothing worse than a couple of bones in the feet getting broken (noses don't count). Turns out I did have a little crack in one finger after all. Looks like I have a few more days of practicing patience to go. That lad owes me a scroll saw for Christmas after this!
  2. Time for an update. Work in the shipyard has unfortunately halted owing to an non-work related injury to the shipwright. An unidentified male (aka the eldest boy) helped me load some stuff into the wagon and rounded off the assist by closing the tailgate on my hand, left one thankfully. Nothing broken, touch wood (like maybe his head ), but the swelling and bruising is quite impressive. Anyways, rather than start my career one handed I'm having a few quiet days. Then I'm giving him 5 minutes head start so he has a chance at reaching his 24th birthday
  3. Thursday 28th August 2014 is officially the big day. For good or ill, I am now a model shipwright. As tends to be the case in my house, the plans are always more ambitious than the reality, so my work area is not ready. I am due to move into my "workshop", which in reality is the second bedroom, on Monday now. My wife did not quite manage to remove all her sewing equipment, but don't think of me as being mean to her, she volunteered because she also has the sunroom set up as her hobby workshop and there are no other rooms left in this little house. To further slow proceedings down my daughter has an exhibition to attend in Brisbane over the weekend so today she also arrived for a short visit and moved straight back into her old bedroom, the soon to be whorkshop. <sigh> Impatient soul that I am, I promptly moved a spare folding table from the shed to the living area and got out the cleaner and rags. What you see below is a loosely assembled collection of tools, glue, paint and sandpaper and of course Model Shipways' Phantom. As I'm an early riser (4am to 5am avg) and everone else in this house sleeps as late as they can (9am or later) I expect most of my work will be done in the quiet, early hours. I may be in for an earlier start than usual tomorrow though, anticipation being what it is.
  4. Just discovered your log and will join in for the journey. The Oseberg is one I saw when I first started looking at kits and thinking, "that might be fun". It looks like you're well on your way to producing a model to be proud of. The decking must've taken a lot of patience, and a few mighty oaths, to complete.
  5. Wayne, Testazyk and Jim, thank you all. I do agree about the size of the piece being important. Being new to modelling its something I hadn't even thought about painting until I started looking at tools online and reading through build logs. The number of mini airbrushes and the quality of some of the poainting in pictures made me wonder, especially in relation to hulls. For the first build I definitely won't have an airbrush. There are just too many things to get at the start of any new hobby that I wanted some experienced advice on how to prioritise this one, So again, thank you very much guys
  6. A question I would love an answer to. I have settled on the Model Shipways Phantom as a first build. Since my intention is to pain or stain individual parts or assembled parts before connecting them to something that will be a different colour, is it going to achieve better results if I spray or use a brush. I'd love to see some pro's and con's for both methods to get a feel for what I will feel comfortable trying first. Thank you for any answers
  7. Hi Alfons, The pictures of your model have left me utterly gobsmacked (a typically aussie word meaning stunned and amazed). The attention to detail in your workmanship is beyond beautiful. Its hard to believe from some of your pictures that its a scale model. One valuable tip I have written down for my first build as a result of reading your log. Paint before assembling. You have a beautiful ship Sir.
  8. Beautiful result Robert. I'll be sure to follow your Halifax as well
  9. Hi Pete, Beautiful workmanship mate, well done. I have a lot to learn since I've yet to start my first build, but Australia II is one I hope to do myself at some stage. If I can manage a result even close to yours I'll be very satisfied. Ulli
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