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  1. Did some work on the Fair American. I needed to modify the bulkheads as they were too short to reach down and touch the bearding line. The folks at my Ship model club, ( Ship Model Society Of NJ) had some great suggestions . Thanks you Mike, Chuck, Ozzie and all the rest of the members. I decided to add a wood shim to the bottoms and carve to shape. I will need to further smooth sand shape once these bulk heads are glued in place. I am in the process of glueing them to the keel now. Thanks for all the help on this great forum! Deke
  2. I just got started on my Fair American. It is my first build. I chose this model as I felt it would be a good learning experience and I have a great support group to turn to here on this forum. I am also a member of the Ship Model Society of NJ. I began by inventory of all pieces. I then got up the courage to cut the rabbet. I then remopoved the bulkheads and checked for proper fit. My question is, If the bulkheads dot not land precisely on the bearding line, how should I go about to adjust? Should I bring the Rabbet up higher? Should I drop the bulkheads down to meet the bearding line? Should I add woodfiller to the bulkheads to meet the bearding line? My idea is to bring the bulkheads down by adjusting the joint but I then have a bulkbhead that is not quite fluch with the centerkeel pieace. I could add material to bring it flush but that changes the height of the bulkhead rails. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  3. HI There!

    Been following your progress on the MSW Sultana, I am going to start this build soon as it is going to be my first attempt at a wooden ship model.

    thanks for the build log!



    New Jersey

  4. Hi all! Well finally decided to try and start this kit. Not really a ship modeler, but would love to learn. I am currently working on the build "Moulds" and getting up the courage to tackle the RABBET CUT. My question is: Should the cut be made before I assemble the keel? Meaning, Stern post, AFT SKEG, SKEG BATTEN and other sub assemblies are attached to the Keelson? All help greatly appreciated.
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