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Everything posted by jdbradford

  1. I finished the 1st planking and cut excess to the keel. Then I removed the pins holding the planking. Here are a few shots of the boat.
  2. Very nice Sailor! How hard were the sails to make and hang?
  3. It is double planked. There are 2 other logs I have found on this model.
  4. I finished the first layer of planking on the bow section, except for sanding and cleanup.
  5. I followed this part up about a week later with the planking. I could not tell from the directions where to start, it appears in the middle, but I did as Dave and started at the deck line, and then worked my way down as you can see from the pictures. If you have any suggestions, let me know please.
  6. !!!Correction to the scale 1:80 is what it should have been. Sorry for the confusion.!!! Well, I am finally starting my build log. After much help from Richard, Dave, Floyd and others, I have my planking started. I won't post the pictures of the materials as others have already done that, and I am past that point anyway. I did build the boom and mast to start as per the instructions. As we have seen in the other logs, they are not used at this time in the project anyway. I also have one coat of flat white paint on them. I must say again, the hinge that is nailed to the mast end of the boom was a pain for me. In the mast drawing, it appears that the measurement listed to the first ring of 188mm is wrong. It is no more than about 20 mm above where the boom hinge is attached. I just used the drawing to lay it out. I also did not get the holes as I would have liked. I need a small drill press and a jig to hold the item in the correct position.
  7. I have about 7 planks done on each side from the double bulkhead to the bow. After taking the 450mm length and gluing it in place, I could cut off the remainder and use it lower on the hull, so just a little waste as I trim off the bow section. I need to get my build log started and post some of my pics. I am sure I could get some help from you folks.
  8. Floyd, my boom piece started of triangular, but just bigger than it needed to be. I sanded one end more than the other till I got close to the measurement listed and then tapered it from end to end. I am not sure I like the shape anyway, but that was what the directions showed. And as for the hinge, it wanted to buckle as I attempted to fit it around it's pin.
  9. I have a question on your first two planks on page 1. Where are the joints located? It appears that the plank goes from the bow to just short of the stern, but the planks are not that long, right?
  10. Were you able to get the hinge mounted on both sides of the triangular taper and then attach the cleats? I had a hard time with those. I guess the instructions will let me know later what the other hole I drilled through the mast end of the boom was for? LOL
  11. I like the way Amati did the mast on the 1:35 build that Richard and Floyd are doing. A ring around the mast attached to the boom that gets hauled up to the top.
  12. Hey Dave, I have replied to Richard's 1:35 build and glad I found more folks building the 1:80 kit. I too was confused as to the boom and mast coming first in the instructions, but I did go ahead and build them. Not too well as I look back. I need some tapering skills and trying to attach the hinge on the boom was a pain in my nails.
  13. Wow, when I found this build I thought "I have hit gold here" I can watch a master at work on the project I am working on. I read some of the posts and saw where the mast was 5' tall, wait, that's not right, mine is nothing like that. I went and found my box, Whew! mine is the 1:80 kit, so the wife may not shoot me after all. I can't wait to read through the rest of the posts and glean as much knowledge and tips as I can. I will also start my build log too. Yours is an excellent project Richard. Jeff
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