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Everything posted by jdbradford

  1. What do you folks use to secure the deck planks while glue is drying as you get closer to the beam? The outside edge. My clamps are getting to a point where they cannot grip the bulkheads and press on the deck planking. Jeff
  2. As you know Dave, I am using Bob's practicum, so I have started laying the deck planking. Then I can take my own gun carriage to see how much Bulwark needs to be added. Jeff
  3. I must have missed it earlier. I did not know you planned to have a moving ship's wheel and rudder. That is very nice. I was waiting on your last posts to see if you were having some of the same issues I was having on mine. I am planking the deck so I can use one of the guns to see how much height I need to add to the Bulwark. Your port work looks good too. Jeff
  4. Now I have to go look up what "let to the planks" and "left them proud" mean. I was not planning on going to school. Jeff
  5. Can anyone explain why this model has a deck pad of 3/32" thick x 1/8" wide 5 planks on each side of the center-line and the remainder of the deck is 1/16" thick x 1/8" wide? I read that it is a raised area, but then what do you do about the transition from 3/32" to 1/16"? Seems a trip hazard to me. LOL Jeff
  6. Wayne, I notice you have not had a chance to stop by the Practicum forum at Lauck Street yet. If you need any help at all, please let me know. There are ongoing builds of the exact model and seeing them may provide tips or direction as you work on yours. Can't wait to see this model go up in the shipyard. Jeff
  7. Also, after discussions with Bob Hunt, I removed the primer from the open area on the starboard side. I was not planning on leaving the primer on the exposed framework, I just did not like the look of the raw exposed MDF material that was supplied with the kit. I suppose I could have attempted to recreate the frames using some hard wood, but I don't currently own the skills needed to transfer the information from the drawing into software to create the proper shape. Also, I could use some assistance with a necessary modification to the height of the bulwark. I need to add another row of planking so that I can frame the gun ports. When using a test gun and carriage, the barrel comes very close to the top of the bulwark as it is currently. I am not sure how to proceeed with the adding of "stanchions" to provide the support for an additional row of planking. And second, I am unclear how to get the proper measurements for the gun port openings transferred from the plans to the model. Here is an example from the practicum showing the need to add another row of planking, but I could not find instructions on how to lay out the stanchions or where they actually needed to go. Jeff
  8. Great start Dave. And, I think you are correct Brian. On my order Bob had originally been looking for 4 commitments before starting production. Apparently, 1 person back out at the last minute, so he has one kit ready to go. Jeff
  9. Glad you were able to get started and Bob's practicum should be a great help. Jeff
  10. What would you all recommend as I plank the second layer in regards to not having a rabbet joint available? Jeff
  11. After sanding and filling, sanding and filling, I sanded and filled some more. Then I primed, filled and final sanded before getting started on the 2nd layer of planking.
  12. Can't wait to get started on mine Dave. Mike has started the log of his on here, so if you want to see what he has done with the kit, especially the 3D parts, take a look at his here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/10886-patrick-henry-by-mrshanks-lauck-street-shipyard-scale-132-pof-admiralty-style/ Bob did say he has one kit left that is packaged and ready to ship. His model and supplied practicum is nothing like the MS kit of the AVS. I wish more folks would go and look at Bob's kits at Lauck Street Shipyard and support his manufacturing of these exceptional kits. Because he may quit the business if there is not more interest. Jeff
  13. I also see they have a 150W laser cutter as well, but I can't part with $24k just yet. LOL Jeff
  14. Hey all, did you see the article in the latest Ship's in Scale magazine on the LaserKnife by Griffith Henson? I may end up with another "tool" in my shipyard. Jeff
  15. I completed the 1st planking, filled and sanded. I will still need some more work before I put on the 2nd layer of planking. Some additional items I got today to assist with the finishing.
  16. I too have this model waiting on a free shipyard. Maybe I can call for some overtime. but, my guess is they would wildcat strike on me. I have Bob's practicums and would definitely recommend them. I will follow along as you work on this log. Great start. Jeff
  17. You beat me to it Barry. I use NRG a bunch and the articles and tips are great. Here are a couple of books that I have and have seen others mention in building model ships. http://www.amazon.com/Ship-Modeling-Simplified-Techniques-Construction/dp/0071558675 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0830628444/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1944687742&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0071558675&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0E698V58508YDN4BJP6T http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1557509700/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_3?pf_rd_p=1944687742&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0071558675&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0E698V58508YDN4BJP6T This is just the few that I have and would recommend. Jeff
  18. This is absolutely craftsman quality work. I think I will burn mine in effigy to yours. Jeff
  19. Wow!!! I had not really looked at the scratch-built logs much, but after seeing this one, I will be looking much more. I cannot believe the detail. It almost looks like a regular full-sized shipyard in action. I too wonder what this thing will weigh when done. Also, do you have any sketches or plans that I could plagiarize. Just kidding, I would love to build this someday. Jeff
  20. Dave, How many shipyards can you man at one time??? LOL This is another great build by you and I want to build this one too someday. Jeff
  21. I am trying to figure out how to plank this next section. The planks seem to run right down to the next plank already attached, so cannot figure out how to get a full or half stealer in there. Jeff
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