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Everything posted by iosto

  1. I used this product purchased on e-bay: Green / White (Tiffany Green) Patina Solution, Copper, Brass https://www.ebay.it/itm/Green-White-Tiffany-Green-Patina-Solution-Copper-Brass-etc-15-30-45ml-/262953186904 I did some pieces of copper before testing. You have to do different applications with the brush and when it is still wet, clean the surface with a damp cloth. The liquid is a bit irritating, you must use a mask and use it in an airy environment.
  2. Almost over ..... Next week the Plexiglas case arrives and the flags are mounted
  3. Aging of copper. I wanted to give an antique effect with the copper green patina, treating the surface with a product to create the green patina.
  4. Copper sheet cover: I took the 8 mm adhesive copper, I made a brass shape with guides to cut the shape of the rivets. The rivets are engraved with two toothed wheels of different sizes for the edges and for the central part.
  5. Support for the base. Made the wooden columns on the lathe, I created a silicone mold, and then made with liquid metal the final columns
  6. I covered with thin planking in walnut for the painted part, and in boxwood for the visible part
  7. The model is made in 1/65 scale so I have adopted a full hull system. Glue the ordinateho filled with foam and then grouted with fiberglass filler
  8. GOOD JOB I bought the lumberjard kit about a year ago. It will be my next job after La Belle greeting Iosto
  9. To wrap the ropes I used the French method, though now I ordered the Chuck System.
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