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Everything posted by sfotinos

  1. Building has been continuing, I'm about ready to finish gluing the front apron. Looking forward at the rising wood. However laying it on the plans, the slots for the floors progressively get wider and wider and don't match my plans. Sorry about the bad picture, maybe time to learn how to take a photo with the camera I bought six years ago? Thoughts?
  2. Rusty, you state that you "ordered copies of the first three sheets of plans". Where did you happen to order them from?
  3. Thanks everyone for the feed back and likes! I'm not much of a wordsmith, so please excuse my crude presentation. I'm getting pretty close to having the taper finished, hopefully. Shawn
  4. Welcome... I was very excited when i was able to get chapters 1 & 2 for this new project. I already have my first question. When test fitting parts of the stem assembly the instructions suggest only sanding slightly on certain edges of each piece. However when I removed the pieces with no sanding, there is a slight gap. Is it appropriate to correct the other end?
  5. I've been trying to get back to this build, getting my juices flowing reading others logs. In doing this I have learned that somehow I have managed to get everything with the Transom incorrect. There is no outward curve and maybe even inward. Things don't seem to line up at all. Really don't know what I did, but my guess is the attitude of "good enough" has definitely crept in. After much consideration of how to get this fixed and corrected, I have decided I'm going to start over. Anxiously awaiting received my new frames and chapter 1 from Chuck.
  6. For me this is a milestone. I had so much trouble visualizing in my head how to accomplish this part. Hopefully I didn't mess things up to bad. Still alot of sanding to do. Shawn
  7. In pictures and other build logs I'm seeing a couple pieces glued to the bottom of the lower counter. Presumably these will hold the planking at the stern. I'm having trouble finding these pieces in the instructions how these should be fitted. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks Shawn
  8. I'm back at the Winni after sometime away. It's time to start fairing the transom and the instructions state to take down to 3/32. I for whatever reason cannot wrap my head around this. I have checked several other logs and really cannot come up with the answer I'm looking for. Do I take the whole transom down to the 3/32, or just from the filler pieces up? Any help or guidance would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. Not sure if you produced a Naiad package, would be interested in that. And as always the package you developed for the Swan Class. Thanks Shawn
  10. This is a great way to teach/reteach how planking should done! You will enjoy this project. shawn
  11. I haven't posted in awhile, much because I have outside honey do's... I have worked a little bit on my Winny, but I'm finding me questioning myself. If i could get a couple critiques it would be appreciated. I feel like maybe I went to far with my faring on frame 28? Maybe also 27? I'm just worried I didn't "leave enough meat on the bone". Any observations you may have would help greatly. Do I need to re-cut frame 28? Sorry if the pics are not the best. Shawn
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