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Everything posted by sfotinos

  1. In many build logs people refer to using sanding sticks. My question are these just sticks made from scrap lumber with sandpaper attached via glue, or are they simply talking about emery boards used for filing nails or both. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks Shawn
  2. You can get those blades, or similar at MicroMark http://www.micromark.com/Micro-Knife-W-1-Ea-4-Blades http://www.micromark.com/Micro-Blade-67M-5 http://www.micromark.com/Micro-Blade-61-5 Regards, Shawn
  3. Druxey, could you PM me his address. Thanks Shawn
  4. I'm looking for rough pear wood 8/4 in the US. Don't seem to be having any luck what so ever. Anyone one have suggestions that are not in this post? Thanks in advance. Shawn
  5. All, I have a couple questions. I have been granted permission to purchase a mill. I have decided on a Sherline 5400. Where has everyone purchased their equipment? Directly from Sherline? An authorized dealer? Obviously I'm looking to get the best deal I can. Also which does everyone prefer, imperial or metric? I don't want to start a debate, but just looking as to which direction everyone goes and why. What about DRO (Digital Read Out) seems like it would be a nice feature to have. What about CNC, I've never used CNC before and for what I will be using the mill for it doesn't really seem to be an option I would really need right now. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks Shawn
  6. I suffer from flat surface syndrome, If there is a flat surface I'm not happy until it has stuff piled high. At least this way I know about where everything is. Shawn
  7. I also find that a 4 3/8 Freud Diablo blade is a must have.... http://www.amazon.com/Freud-D0436X-Cordless-20-Millimeter-Reducer/dp/B0002TUFAO Shawn
  8. So I have decided that a Byrnes is in order. For those of you that have them, did everyone purchase the "deluxe" saw? Meaning with the tilting table, micrometer stop, extended fences? Basically a saw with all the works? Or is the best bet just getting the saw? Also where are you purchasing blades? Let me know. Thanks Shawn
  9. I'm look for a good set of chisels or carving tools. I currently have a set of dockyard micro carving tool set and a set of Woodcraft bench chisels. I understand that sharp tools are happy tools and happy tools makes a happy modeler. I am look for something in the middle of these. These will be used for carving and chiseling on scratch built projects. Does anyone have any recomendations? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Shawn
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