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Everything posted by sfotinos

  1. This hull is definitely a beast. Fairing still needs some touch up, though I would get the sills done first.
  2. OldChur, It is a purchased item, there have numerous posts about its building jig. In my option save yourself some money and create your own. Again many post about how to go about that. Shawn
  3. Here you can see the ham fists in action...I used the binder clips as suggested by Chuck, but neglected to reinforce the last 2 bulkheads and now have repairs to do.
  4. All, This is the start of my very first building log. My name is Shawn and I reside in Lincoln NE. I don't know if you call it building, but have been trying this hobby for probably 20yrs. The problems I run into are I seem to have 2 left thumbs and ham fists. The second has been I take the approach of it's good enough, even though I know I can do better. With this build I'm going to try the I know I can do better approach. We shall see. I use my modeling time as relaxation and therefore enjoy a few adult beverages, so that probably also contributes to my sloppyness. Currently I'm in the fairing stage, I will get some pics once there is something interesting to show. For now here are some obligitory pics. Shawn
  5. I was finally able to speak with Bob, my book has arrived. Once again I'm a happy customer! Shawn
  6. I’m have the same issue and have posted a similar question. fingers crossed. Shawn
  7. This looks amazing! This can only take all of us to a whole new level. Thanks everyone involved!!! Shawn
  8. Just curious if anyone is still waiting for their Young American vIII? I placed and paid for mine on Dec 2nd. I have been unable to reach anyone via phone or email? Just wondering if I’m the only one. Shawn
  9. Received my boxwood carvings today from Jack. They are even better in person! These are truly works of art! Shawn
  10. Any update on this wonderful project? Shawn
  11. By the looks of him, he may have already had a yourkie or two... Sorry Shawn
  12. Maybe I didn't explain what I'm looking for very clearly, sorry. What I'm looking for is how much to take off to create the stepping line. In your post you mention you used your mill to create this stepping line, but how much did you mill down to create it?
  13. Mike, Wonder if you could help me a bit. I've started on this neat little ship and have the backbone completed. The question I'm looking for an answer to is where did you get your measurements for things like the stepping line? I'm not finding this on the plans? Are you just making assumptions? Or am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Shawn
  14. I purchased one of these Dremel 2050 to complete the treenailing on Cheerful. Works great, fits my hand with little fatigue. If you are considering one, I would highly recommend it. Shawn
  15. Any updates on Speedwell? Or the book? Asking for a friend... Shawn
  16. Thanks everyone for the great insight! I found my problem was not with how I was cutting or sanding these planks. It had everything to do with apparently I cannot see. Slip on the old optivisor and I wow I can really get these dead on now. Thanks again. Shawn
  17. All, It seems like there should be a simple answer to this simple question, but I'm struggling with this simple processes of building. How does everyone go about cutting their planks? My example would be planking between gun ports. I cut one side and then mark for the next, cut as close to the mark as I can but the cut end needs cleaned up. I have tried sanding (always round off the end a little, even using sandpaper on a hard surface), disk sander (usually then take to much off), table saw (all the way across the room, inconvenient). Seems there should a very simple way of finishing off these planks I'm just not thinking of. Can you tell how you do it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Shawn
  18. Zack welcome from a fellow Lincolnite...
  19. Mike, Are you using the graphite paper transfer method for all the necessary parts that need to be copied from the plans? Or did you use a copy machine to make copies? Interested in hearing how you transfer your templates to wood to be cut. Thanks Shawn
  20. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. These all look like they will fit the bill. Shawn
  21. All, I'm trying to amass my tool library and looking for some advice on a good bench vice. This will be used for modeling purposes only so the jaws need to align well and no plastic. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks Shawn
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