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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. Nice move Matti,if you had just planked you may have had problems with the holes.This way should stop any splitting etc.Are the four holes gunports? Kind Regards Nigel
  2. Thank you very much your kind birthday wishes Anja,Ferit and Matti And thank you very much for your kind comments Matti Kind Regards Nigel
  3. Excellent work Matti She looks fabulous.I don't envy you getting to the lower side of the upper gallery,or have you not glued everything in place? Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Beautiful work Ferit Super clean build Kind Regards Nigel
  5. Thank you very much indeed Ferit Yes I am hoping to compete with this model. Kind Regards Nigel
  6. I have had quite a productive evening.I first fitted the remaining carvings.I then made the caprail out of 1mm pear then fitted it.Finally I applied a coat of varnish.The varnish still has a slight sheen because it is not fully dry. Kind Regards Nigel
  7. Thank you very much Janos I have seen your amazing carving work,so if you like it,I must be heading in the right direction.Thanks again. Kind Regards Nigel
  8. Thank you very much Mark The basic machining was just to help with consistancy and to try and reduce the chance of breakout of the top cap. Kind Regards Nigel
  9. Thank you very much for your kind words Matti All six are now complete,just leaving the varnish to harden overnight before fitting Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Excellent work as always Matti Looks great. Kind Regards Nigel
  11. Thank you very much Anja at the moment,yes,all the pics on here are taken with the iphone.It works great,but won't focus on really small things unless I put them on a piece of white paper.The problem with these carvings is that they are stuck to strips of boxwwood until I cut them off to fit them.This makes it impossible to place them flat on paper.I do have a super dooper digital camera,but until the software disc turns up(I have had to replace laptop since installation)it is not much use.All six are finished so I hopefully will fit them tomorrow when the varnish is hard. Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Just a small update.Work is progressing well on the pediment carvings,but as they are only 6mmx8mm I gave up trying to take a decent picture.I have now fitted the first and the autofocus on the iphone works now the carving is fitted to the hull.I am actually up to 5 out of 6, but because I am putting two coats of varnish and then leaving 24 hours before fitting,it will be a couple of days before they are all fitted. Kind Regards Nigel
  13. I first cut six pear blocks to the correct overall size of the pediments.The back face of these was bonded onto the end of some boxwood strip for handling.I set a jig up on the pillar drill(no miller yet)and cut the scallops in the front face.I then set another jig up to cut small slots on the sides to create the top cap.By doing these two operations,it should make it easier to carve them consistantly.I think the pictures are fairly self explanatory. Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Excellent work Hubert I too am using Busmann's book.I can see you have amended alot of the inaccuracies of sergals kit.She will be a fantastic model once complete. Kind Regards Nigel
  15. Hi Brian Are you aware the only bits I have used from the partwork are the bulkheads and false keel so far?Apart from said items the rest is scratchbuilt.The standard build bears little or no resemblance to my model.If they bring it out as a kit,like they did with victory,I don't think it would be able to compete with sergal's as it would be around the same price.The standard model is far from accurate.If I was to build this model again,I would start with sergal's plans and scratchbuild,altering the details that are incorrect. Kind Regards Nigel
  16. Thank you very much Mark and Kevin Yes I feel there are going to be quite alot of hours spent working on this area. Kind Regards Nigel
  17. I have decided to concentrate on detailing the bulkhead before fitting the sides to the prow,simply to make access easier.I include a snipet of the van de velde artwork I am working to.The plan is to start at the bottom and work my way up.The first job is to replicate the frames around the lower charactures.I cut a piece of !mm pear strip and cut out apertures for the carvings.Rather than leave the corners sharp like in the artwork,I decided to put 0.5mmx0.5mm chamfers on with the scalpel.I feel that this looks much better.The next task is to carve the six pediments with the climbing foliage that sit below the figurines.These will fit on the vertical sections between the panel cutouts. Kind Regards Nigel
  18. Stunning Kay absolutely stunning Kind Regards Nigel
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