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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. I have had much enjoyment reading through your log,absolutely stunning build AJ ,love it to bits I look forward to the next installment. Kind Regards Nigel
  2. That's some great metalwork Clare! I thought the ring may have distorted out of round by the flattening process. Kind Regards Nigel
  3. Thank you very much indeed everybody for your very kind words In answer to your question Kevin.I am looking back and thinking how I could of progressed differently.The problem with this being a partwork is there are no drawings and the model being supplied is vastly different from the model advertised.This did start out with the intention of being a near stock build but as the part work progressed and looking at the Italian forum(which is about 6 months infront)the difference with what we are building to what was advertised was becoming obvious.At this point I had a fully planked hull which due to sourcing my own more expensive timber stood me at quite a lot of money. So then the 'modification ball' started rolling and I found that all the supplied ornamentation was going to be inaccurate.Inspired by Bill Short's log which I used to follow before the 'crash' and becoming a member,I decided to take the step of 'having a go'at producing my own carvings. What started out as a stock build had now turned in to probably 3-4000 hours work.Thinking on this made me think that 'dummy'canons didn't quite come up to par with the rest of the build.Helped in no small part by Chris Watton's amazing victory prototype.I think though the biggest discovery was Arthur Molle's amazing model of the Sovereign.I looked at that and thought 'I have to do that'.I include a picture of Molle's model that I am going to try and replicate to some extent for the deck structures,I am not planing on sawing the model in half though Back to the question of would I have done things different?Yes I would have bought Sergal's plans and worked from there,full scratchbuild. Kind Regards Nigel
  4. It has been a while since my last update,although I have been doing lots of hours on the build,it doesn't really show.I have now profiled the hull inside.I have cut and relined the main gunports on the starboard side(upper ports still to do.) the gunports have been cut on the port side but lining to finish.I made a start with the internal planking on the inside of the starboard side.I am only representing caulking on the decks internally.The first deck beam shelf is in position and notched.I have now told myself I must complete all the railings before going any further as I am fed up of breaking the uprights.I have made a start on this as my pictures show.There are some gunports to cut out in these but I shall do that when they are all in place.The red is coloured veneer,not paint. Kind Regards Nigel
  5. Hi J.Pett Looking at your drawing,an easier solution in this case,would be to cut the notch out before planking and glue some scrap ply to the right hand side of the notched bulkhead.When set this could be sanded to the hull profile and provide support for the planks. Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Fabulous work Michael great attention to detail Kind Regards Nigel
  7. Excellent work Matti she's looking fabulous Kind Regards Nigel
  8. More fantastic work .What goes in the circles on the last piece you have carved?They are just shaded in on the stern view you showed us. Kind Regards Nigel
  9. Great looking mouse Ferit I can imagine quite a long fiddly job to create. Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Exemplary carving work Looking forward to the next instalment Kind Regards Nigel
  11. I get completely what you are saying Jim.You choose ships to build without lots of rigging and ratlines,it is the original subject that dictates this.I myself prefer to work with wood rather than thread.I don't think this detracts from the skill involved to build a model,you only need to look at some of the Navy Board style models in the scratchbuild section.If it is your hobby then surely do what you most enjoy.Personally I would rather spend hours carving ornaments than tying knots.I think many of my future builds will be stubmasted,compounded by the fact I do not have a full size museum at home to display all the ships on my build list.One fully rigged first rate takes up more space than three admiralty style ones. Kind Regards Nigel
  12. I think the scale makes the level of internal detail even more impressive.I honestly thought it was 1/48.I have had a look at your blog,the Santa Ana is just as fabulous.I look forward to seeing some more pics. Kind Regards Nigel
  13. Beautiful model Fernando wonderful work!what scale is she? Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Fabulous craftsmanship,and amazing photos as well! Kind Regards Nigel
  15. Hi Ferit With this debate on scale and the fact of Corel's complacency towards it,are you certain Berlin is 1/40?Just a thought Kind Regards Nigel
  16. Hi Ferit They say a picture is worth a thousand words Kind Regards Nigel
  17. Both builds are looking great Matti I hope tha'ts not one of Vasa's cannons going astray Kind Regards Nigel
  18. Hi Matti, I think it's great that your son is keen on what you are doing.It was my Father that got me into modelbuilding many years ago.Your sculptures seem to be coming on nicely,I agree though,you are right to take your time.Some jobs come together quite quickly,but others are done better when you slow down and take your time. Kind Regards Nigel
  19. Hi Ferit I think I have started quite a discussion here .You have created a very beautiful model and have demonstrated a great amount of skill.It would be a great shame that your skill is not utilised further.I understand your frustration regarding the scale of WVH.At 1/40 though it would be a huge model. The model building aside,I think you have a lot of friends on MSW and we will miss you Kind Regards Nigel
  20. More fabulous work again Ferit As you are starting to near the finish line,have you had any thoughts of what you would like to build next? Kind Regards Nigel
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