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    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Bluenose II by Dimitris71 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:75 - first wooden ship build   
    Hello , the booms and gafs are in position, except little jib boom . Some progress photos. I used a big pillow to focus on the ship.   Good night.

  2. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Bluenose II by Dimitris71 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:75 - first wooden ship build   
    Hello everyone! Just finish the foremast boom and do a little job at foremast gaff. Have a great night. Some photos.

  3. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Bluenose II by Dimitris71 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:75 - first wooden ship build   
    Hello guys !! After a long absence from  my build due to workload , I finally manage to finish it.
    Thank you for your support. I will post some photos to the gallery.

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    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Bluenose II by Dimitris71 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:75 - first wooden ship build   
    And the last once.
    Thank you

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    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Bluenose II by Dimitris71 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:75 - first wooden ship build   
    Hello to all . This is my first wooden ship build. I started at 4th of march and i would like to show you the evolution of the construction. Here  are some photos.

  8. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to GLakie in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    Been going over your build Nigel and you're doing a marvelous job on her. I wish you luck with your move and look forward to you getting started back up.
  9. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to marktiedens in Wasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Corel - scale 1:75 (Vasa)   
    Thanks very much Nigel. Although I am not totally satisfied with parts of the build I will continue on. I am looking forward to you resuming your fabulous work.
  10. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Kester & Nigel ! great to hear from ye both .  Thanks for the confirmation Kester.. looks like the Mast Rest for the Fore Mast is out !! I'll have to create a Mast Hoop Anti Fallin' Downer Device though.. to be known as (cue sinister music)  'The Device' !!     
    Oh and as you gathered I'll not be doing sails on this build 
    Thanks for the Rudder bits compliment Nigel   though I fear I may have given ye all the impression that there are Huge advances on Ballahoo when in reality you'd hardly even see some of it unless there was a big Photoshop created Red Arrow pointing to it ..  
    Got another small bit done today.. I drilled and sanded out a 'Rectangular' hole in the Rudder to take the tiller (bet ye are all breathless with anticipation to see that eh?  ) and I cleaned up the scuffed paintwork around the rudder fittings too !
    Photos Soon I Promise   
    All The Very Best Folks
    Thanks Too For All The 'Likes' .. Always Much Appreciated !! 
  11. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Beef Wellington in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Thanks Jim and Sjors, appreciate the kind words, it was a long time coming and still needs some more sanding to get it where I want it to be.  I'm going to wait for some warm weather as I find it quite relaxing sitting outside with a suitable beverage sanding, and theres no push to rush it.
    Cracking on with the gunports.  This seems to be yet another problematic area with this kit, and here was my approach to hopefully assist other builders of this kit (My thanks to Ray who first trod this path and whose shoulders I'm standing on).  The instructions are no help here, and the plans inaccurate.  I used the AOTS extensively to estimate as best I can the dimensions, and this required plenty of tinkering.  The supplied template is a waste of time as it forces the ports to be square, rather than the bottom cill following the sheer of the deck.
    Bulkheads 10, 11 & 12 are key to laying out the ports as these bulkheads dictate the positions of gunports 7, 8 & 9.  Not mention in the instructions/plans is that gunports 8 & 9 are spaced farther apart than all the others, which are equidistant.
    The arrows indicate the edge of bulkheads indicating the potential extremities of the ports, 7 & 8 are 30mm apart, 8 & 9 37mm.  The remaining ports were then marked to be 30mm apart (which does actually match the supplied template).  The edge of the plank was used to determine the appropriate height.

    This resulted in two problems, the first was expected, the second not.  I had suspected that the gunport 1 would interfere with bulkead 4, and had build up additional material so this could be cut away without (hopefully) critically weakend the structure.  
    The unexpected problem came with gunport 2 and bulkhead 5 as these coincide.

    I was determined  to have equally spaced ports, so resorted to some emergency surgery, basically cut some spare 5mm ply cut approximately to shape and inserted between the bulwarks and against bulkhead 5 - the same approach taken before planking for bulkhead 4.  Plenty of glue was used to secure this as strongly as possible.

    Once dry, the ports were cut and fully and trimmed to approximate shape.  First picture is gunport 1 (showing how much of the bulkhead is compromised), followed by ports 1 & 2 showing the same

    Finally the overall shot showing how alignment looks, still work to do here but starting to look like a ship rather than a bathtub!  All ports are 30mm apart, except for the aforementioned 8&9.  I'm a happy camper.

  12. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Beef Wellington in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Cheers Guys for the comments and likes, its nice to share a journey with friends.
    Sjors/Mobbsie - its not an exact replica of me, I had to scale down the pecs to fit 
    Well, a major milestone arrived slowly. Finally the first planking is complete.  This time the bow presented me a few problems to solve, all self inflicted because I've deviated from the kit.  Because I had decided to customize the bow so I could fit the bowsprit through rather than sitting in a notch on the stem, it essentially took away any anchor points for the fo'c'sle bulwark.  The solution I used was to shape some balsa blocks to the appropriate shape and temporarily mount on top of the bow filler blocks, this allowed the planks to be given the appropriate curvature (after soaking) and then securely glued edge on the plank above and below (Hoepfully this will also provide some protection during upcoming phases).  To ensure that the top of the bulwark has the right shape for the plansheer, I needed to shape the uppermost strips lower edge to key onto the plank below.  Because this strip would be the most susceptible to damage, I used one pre-shaped strip curved completely around the bow.  The bow on this ship looks deceptively simple but has some tricky curves, but even in this rough state the lines seem to be showing through very pleasingly.  Note that the two shaper blocks are very slightly different height which gives the illusion that the top strip is not level, but it is....I must have checked it a million times.

    A scaled copy from the AOTS Diana book to get the correct shape of the bow and many diagrams cross referenced

    Finally a technique I found very helpful, but unfortunately not until I was nearly done.  To keep planks edge on during planking I built these little 'U' shaped pegs out of some extra lime strip (the length of the slot is slightly deeper than the width of a strip) which can be used in many places to help keep strips edge on in some the tricky curving areas at the bow.  The uppermost strip is only approximately shaped at this point, I want to wait until the deck is on the determine final dimensions.  In the waist, I once again deviated from the instructions and carried the planking 2mm above the top of the  bulkheads rather than stopping at the top as indicated in the instructions to allow for the thickness of the 1mm false deck and 1mm deck planking.  Any excess should be easy to remove if necessary.

  13. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Beef Wellington in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Bit of a diversion while I continue to wait for some more Limewood from CMB.
    I had planned to replace the plywood false keel stem with boxwood, originally I was going to simply cut out the replacement shape.  However, I though this would be a good opportunity to do a little 'scratch' building to give me a flavour for it.  I followed the diagrams in the AOTS book, although simplified them slightly (using enlarged scans as pseudo plans while reconciling key dimensions back to the kit to ensure things stay in line).  Took quite a  few days to do (a full framed ship would clearly be out of the question for me!), its certainly not up to Chuck's standard but overall I was really happy with the result for a first attempt.  I lightly used a pencil to highlight the seams to a small degree without wanting to overdo this.  Unfortunately, I suspect I will be painting over 75% of this, but it was great experience.  
    I rounded of and tapered the knee of the head using approximate guidance from the FFM book 1.  I think this should be tapered more, but I stopped where I did because it resulted in a nice snug fit for the figurehead I plan to use, any more would have resulted in gaps.  I rounded the leading edge, and will wait to cut the gammoning slot until I'm confident of the placement of the head rail features.  You can see the comparison below between the supplied Diana figurehead which is clearly made to straddle a 5mm knee and result in gaps.  I purchased the figure head from Syren when I bought the kit.

    Everything in place (dry fitted for now). Took some adjustment to ensure I the bowsprit would sit correctly and clear the figurehead.

    Also have addressed the lower counter at the stern.  I got quite aggressive and cut back the transition between the lower counter and the planking to ensure this drops and sweeps forward as it appears to in the AOTS book.  I'm only going to use 1 set of the lower counter shapers

    Premade a lower counter sheet which I though might work better than simple planking.  Looks like some adjustment will be needed as the keel former extends into the hole for the rudder.  I've got my approach laid out for the upper counter and stern fascia which will probably deviate from what the kit suggests...but thats a story for a future post 

  14. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Beef Wellington in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Have started the gunport linings, this will be slow.  Fine tuning the ports so they align appropriately is the order of the day.  The technique I'm using is to first install the lower cills, and to ensure that the cills are horizontal athwart-ship am using a strip of wood to ensure it sits flat on both sides.  Lots of double checking to ensure that position is correct.  Once lower cill is fixed, the upper is glued using an appropriately sized spacer to keep upper and lower cills parallel.  Side linings added last.  

    And finally, happy Spring everyone!  I keep mentioning waiting for warmer weather to get some good sanding done on the hull.....well, this is the scene this morning, looks like I'm still waiting....

  15. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    I am so thankful, since my retirement, I shall never have to move again in my lifetime. Unfortunate to have your buyer let you down.... That's a beal bummer for sure.
  16. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to CPS_skybolt in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    Beautiful planking. So is the rest but the planking is what caught my eye. Great job.
  17. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello Shipmates, I do thank you all for visiting my build log and also for your likes. :)
    The portholes that I purchased by rbmodels have arrived today. I installed 2 of them to see how they look like. I will appreciate any comments and suggestions.
    Kind Regards

  18. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello shipmates, Lawrence-Edwin-Elia-Nils-Mike-Brian and Igor I do thank you for passing by and also for your kind comments and likes!! :)
    The bow rudder housing is almost ready.
    I begin to assembling the hatchways of the ship.
    Also I finished the four side crates.
    Kind Regards

  19. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello shipmates, Slog-Brian-Mike-Nils-Igor I do thank you for your visits to my build log and also for your likes. :)
    I continue to construct the bow rudder housing's glass dome. I copied the design from 1/84 Vespucci because I did not like the design in the plans that came with the kit. I used walnut strips 0.5 X 3mm to make it. It needs 2 more coats of paint.
    Kind regards

  20. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello shipmates, I installed the bow's and stern's decorations of the ship and I also opened the portholes below the stern's balcony.
    Best Regards 

  21. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello shipmates.
    Elia I do thank you for visiting my build log, for your nice comments and also for your likes :)
    Slog-Igor I do thank you for visiting my build log and also for your likes. :)
    So.. I finished the A.V.'s balcony on the stern. I have to say that it is a tricky spot and it gave me a hard time  bending the brass fence and installing it right....
    Kind regards

  22. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello to all. Edwin,Brian and Mike I do thank you for visiting my build log and also for your likes.. :)
    I finished the windlass assembly that includes the crane of the ship. I also glued the stern's balcony and painted with mahogany brown.. :)

  23. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello shipmates, Brian-Mike, I thank you for visiting my build log and also for your likes.   The things in the shipyard are moving slowly.. Weekend udate.I constructed the chimney, the Mantua didn't come with any clue on how to install the four rings on the chimney. The kit's  handrail stanchions are not of my taste. They look fake.So i decided to cut some stanchions to construct a base for the 4 rings of the chimney.

    I also start to assemble the windlass.

    Further more I constructed the Radar too.

    And finally finishing the quarter's deck house with mahogany varnish, also I put  transparent pieces (it was not included in the kit)of plastic to simulate the glasses of the windows.

    P.S. I decided to change the portholes with better quality products http://www.rbmodel.com/index.php?action=products&group=048
    Kind Regards

  24. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello shipmates, Elia-Brian-Mike-KeithW, I thank you for visiting my build log and also for your likes.
    Now to my build progress. I installed the portholes to the port side and also  opened the  doors with my Dremel . I also start to construct the deck house that is going to the quarter deck.

  25. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello shipmates, Mike and Edwin I thank you for your nice comments for visiting my build log and also for your likes!!
    Elia-Carl-Brian-Chevygrunt I thank you for passing by and also for your likes!! :)
    A small update to my build log..

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