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    NMBROOK reacted to korablik1979 in Carving from Belgorod   
    I realized, Nigel.  Thank you very much for your support and kind words. And now, and during the previous pages. You have always been kind to me. I thank you.  If nevertheless I hurt you something,  ask forgiveness for it.  P.S. Very hard when I do not know English. Translators do help approximately the written
  2. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Simply wonderful details Doris!!!Truly incredible work  
    Kind Regards Nigel
  3. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from jml1083 in Carving from Belgorod   
    I think you may have miss understood my post Alexander.The Russian English translator is not the best.I really don't know what it must have said at the other end I meant it was your choice to say who you produce these carvings for.I know you are posting on here to show how you do it and I am sure I speak for everyone when I say we are very grateful for you doing this.
    Kind Regards
  4. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Jeronimo in Carving from Belgorod   
    Fabulous to see the work in progress pictures I was aware that you produce carvings to order for various master modelers,but it was not my place to say anything I can see a lot of sense in that specialist tasks are given to certain individuals.With following the shipmodels forum I realise that several modelers have certain specialties and offer their services to other modelers.
    Kind Regards
  5. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to korablik1979 in Carving from Belgorod   
    I do not know if I've translated and understood your words. If I wrote an answer wrong, I apologize.  Master, for which I made ​​this thread young. He is 21 year. But he was already an experienced master and I'm sure he knows how to do the installation. Thanks for your advice, I will tell him.  I do not know whether his model masts and rigging. Later try to show a photo with his model. I really like his ship model.
  6. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from korablik1979 in Carving from Belgorod   
    I think you may have miss understood my post Alexander.The Russian English translator is not the best.I really don't know what it must have said at the other end I meant it was your choice to say who you produce these carvings for.I know you are posting on here to show how you do it and I am sure I speak for everyone when I say we are very grateful for you doing this.
    Kind Regards
  7. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    That looks simply stunning Matti   Like the rest of your build,it just looks real!
    Kind Regards
  8. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to bigcreekdad in Walnut again....ARGHHH!!   
    Started assembling my HMS Convulsion top mast trestle tree. 3 pieces overlap 2. The latter pieces have 3 notches for the cross pieces to sit. As usual, the notches are a hair too narrow. As I carefully try to widen one with a small file it breaks off at the notch. I tried gluing it with no success. That's OK....it's a small enough piece that I can cut a new one from the piece of walnut it came from. 15 minutes later, after some careful work with my scroll saw and belt sander, I've got the right size and shape. I figure I will use my Byrnes saw to cut the notches. I experiment with blade hight and finally have some cuts at just the right depth with some scrap wood. However, as soon as my newly made walnut piece touches the blade....it breaks off! So, back to square one, but this time I make it out from a piece of cherry left over from my Hannah frames. Go through the same process, including notching with the Byrnes. Perfect. I then glue the cross pieces into the notches. Waiting for that side to dry, I take the other walnut piece (the unbroken one) and realize the notches, again, need a tiny wee bit of widening. Remembering my first attempt at this, I am SUPER careful of any undue pressure with the small file. Well....you guessed it.....breaks off. I will now be making 3 of these out of cherry.
    I'm not crazy about walnut even for planking, but for small, thin pieces, I will build my own going forward with something else.
    Anyone else share this frustration? 
  9. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from derebek in Peleng-i Bahri 1777 by derebek - 1/48 - POF - Ottoman Galleon   
    Truly fabulous work Ersin!!  
    Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to korablik1979 in Carving from Belgorod   

  11. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egen in Model Ship Building Secrets Dvd   
    I bought same video a course from the Russian shop, as a part of 12 disks DVD. Yes, all understand that it very poor quality cinema installation, but the main thing in it not it, and examples of work of this master.
    I think, you know a site of the Russian modellers where it is possible to  give ask und to look at their new works, you can ask questions in the English, many people very well understand this language, but also always there is Google the translator.
  12. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to mtaylor in Model Ship Building Secrets Dvd   
    We buy books on how to build, why not a DVD.  I've been considering this one but haven't bought it yet.
  13. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to korablik1979 in Carving from Belgorod   
    yeah, it was hard work. Everything is very subtle. And legs and wings. At this time, there were no accidents, nothing had to be restored as a lion. I tried. Well, it all worked out.
  14. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Jeronimo in Carving from Belgorod   
    Fabulous Alexander    A truly beautiful piece of carving!You must have taken extreme care to avoid anything breaking off,particularly the claws that run against the grain.
    Kind Regards
  15. Like
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    NMBROOK reacted to rafine in Frigate Essex by Rafine - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Kitbashed   
    Time to start making guns. After searching around for barrels to replace the kit castings, I could find none that closely matched the sizes needed. As a result, I had two choices: use the castings or make my own. In this case, I chose to try to use the castings. After a lot of filing, drilling out the bore and adding the rings for the breeching rope to the button, the barrels looked acceptable to my eye. They were then painted black.
    Next came the question of the carriages. This time, I decided not to use the kit parts, but to use the laser cut pear carriage kits from the Lumberyard. Here again, because of the odd scale of the kit (1:76.8), finding a size match was a bit of trial and error. I ended up using their 1:64 6 lb carriages. These still required some modification to allow the barrels to fit. After assembly and finish with Wipe-on Poly, I added the eyebolts, ringbolts and the quoin handles (these were done with the smallest brass belaying pins that I had on hand). The bolt heads on the carriages were done with a fine tip marker. The barrels were then glued in place and the cap squares added using black painted tape ( another concession to the very small size of these pieces).
    I'm going to rig these guns with blocks and rigging line from Chuck. Sizes are again the issue and I'm now awaiting my second order from Chuck to pick what I want to use.

  17. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Sjors in Frigate Essex by Rafine - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Kitbashed   
    Can i have 52 of those Bob ?
    They are looking great !
    I think they belongs to the Aggy   

  18. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to korablik1979 in Carving from Belgorod   
    Good afternoon, everybody. 
    I finished another small order. This is the most difficult job, that I had. But very interesting. I very much enjoyed the thread. 
    This figure rooster for the French frigate «Le Francois». 
    That's how this figure looks in the drawings. 

    And here is what I got

  19. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to mij in Model Ship Building Secrets Dvd   
    Worth every penny I paid for it.
  20. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Model Ship Building Secrets Dvd   
    To be honest Nils,after reading your post four times,I cannot work out whether you are having a go at me personally for posting my find of this DVD.After all in your eyes I could be seen as promoting it.My only question is,surely your argument would then apply to any modeler who chooses to write a book.After all,are they not 'cashing in' on the hobby?In my opinion a DVD is no different to a book,other than it probably does demonstrate things a little.better.
    I would mention again that I have no connection with this DVD's producers.
  21. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Thank you Nigel and mobbsie, your comments are most appreciated!
    Nigel, your pointers and tips have helped me alot so cheers for that.
    Mobbsie, I also think flags are hard to get right. I'm still more afraid of getting the sails to look realistic.
  22. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Coming on well Buddy   The contrast of timbers at the transom sounds a very nice idea I confess to watching Father Ted and am at present a big fan of Mrs Brown's boys
    Kind Regards
  23. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    That looks fabulous mate!!!Once again you have demonstrated your ability to 'pull something out of the hat' in an area you have no previous experience in!.I would allay any fears you have over rigging my friend,I am sure will excel in that,like you have in the other areas of your build.
    Kind Regards
  24. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Hey all,
    one of the things I've been wanting to do for a while are the big flag. The ones included in the kit are silk but only printed on one side. They are pretty good shapewise but I wanted to make my own based on the oldest three tounged swedish flag that has survived. It's from the battle at Öresund 1658. Im basing mine on a drawing in the Landström book.
    After painting it I shaped it with the beer can method I learned from mtaylor. Cheers Mark it worked great, thanks Nigel also for pointing me to dennis pinks thread where it's described! It was nice not to get good controle of the shaping and then not having to worry about destroying the shape while the dilluted white glue dries.
    Here are pics:

  25. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    All Righty Then.. Here's a few gratuitous Clamp, Peg & Pin Shots for all ye folks into that kind of thing (You Know Who Ye Are.. For Shame!    )
    To Quote Father Ted.. 'Down With That Sort Of Thing'  ...  'Careful Now'... ! 
    (Anyone out there who doesn't know 'Father Ted', just Google it, and enjoy.  There was actually a Fr. Ted festival over in the West of Ireland last weekend and people from all over the world came to it!   )
    Ok on with the show..
    Got some more planking done this morning, the Port side is slowly catching up with Stbd.  I'll catch up fully before continuing on down both sides as I think I'm at the Wale Height on Stbd. !
    When they are level I plan on planking the Stern immediately below the Transom Piece, that way the Hull Planking will Overlap the edges of this Stern Planking.. I might even plank the Transom itself as there is a Walnut Surround to go on it and the contrast could be interesting!
    Thanks for checking in and have a great Weekend ok
    Sail 'er Easy

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