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About isalbert

  • Birthday 05/26/1959

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  1. Hello, here are some pictures of the progress of the ship. Isalbert
  2. Hello, do you use an automatic milling machine?
  3. Bonjour, quelques photos de la sculpture du Séraphin et du Chérubin. Isalbert
  4. Bonjour, merci pour ces infos, si vous avez d'autres photos, je suis preneur. Isalbert. Hello, thank you for this info, if you have other photos, I'm interested.
  5. Bonjour, c'est la 1ère fois que je vois un modèle du victory fait avec une telle précision. Pour ma part, j'ai commencé le Victory il y a 38 ans et je suis loin de le terminer car je ne connaissais pas les plans de Mc.Kay c'est seulement il y a 5 ans que j'ai pu les avoirs et ça m'aide beaucoup. Je suis sous le nom de "isalbert". Est ce que tu pense qu'il peut m'aider sur des pièces que je ne sais pas comment faire comme les filets ou les fameux seaux. En vous remerciant, Isalbert Hello, this is the first time I see a model of victory done with such precision. For my part, I started the Victory 38 years ago and I am far from finishing because I did not know the plans of Mc.Kay it is only 5 years ago that I could have them and it helps me a lot. I am under the name of "isalbert". Do you think he can help me on pieces that I do not know how to do like fillets or the famous buckets. Thanking you, Isalbert
  6. Hello Philkessack, where we can contact you on this forum to see your model?
  7. I totally understand because it's been 35 years that i am on my own and several times i thought to start another model but i can not leave it like that because i have not done all that framing as your (to my regret). So still have for 10 years. Good continuation. Friendship Isalbert
  8. Hello Alexandru, why not continue until the first part of the mats ( the tops) with dormant ropes. It would be more complete. No? Isalbert
  9. I think you did very well . Many errors of knowledge that I have done, that thou hast not. Great... Isalbert
  10. Hello , of course I saw this break but I know how much it is time then I understand that Alex hesitate to redo everything . I remake but is that worth ?
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