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    mrshanks reacted to donrobinson in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    Thanks Lawrence, it has been slow here lately I think it is the lack of sunshine we have only had one day of sunshine since Oct 4. I may have to install a sunbed in order to pick up the pace around here
  2. Like
    mrshanks reacted to donrobinson in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    Thanks Ian it's good to hear from you. It's funny that you are looking forward to starting planking and I'm sooooooooooo looking forward to finishing. The scary part now is to mark the hatches masts and etc. on the planking and hope that my measurements are correct. This where the accuracy of the MarisStella plans will really prove themselves. 
     I still have not seen a build log for your Brazzera yet.
  3. Like
    mrshanks reacted to donrobinson in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    Thanks Bob, hopefully when the time comes the first cut will be the right cut
    Hey Dave, that's what I was looking for "riffle file". Not only do I need reminder notes for myself now I need name tags on my tools  
  4. Like
    mrshanks reacted to DocBlake in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    Looks great, Don.  I believe you were using a riffle file!
  5. Like
    mrshanks reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Hello again..
    Just a short note to say that I was able to work with the tiny dead eyes and managed to complete the rigging of the foremast shrouds with their lanyards.  Have a great evening everyone and..

  6. Like
    mrshanks reacted to Jerry in BLUENOSE By Jerry - Model Shipways - Scale 1:64   
    Good morning everyone..
    First I'd like to say hello to Dan...Thanks you for visiting my log and for your good wishes.  I hope you have much success with your Bluenose and enjoy the build as much as I am.  I look forward to watching your progress...
    Dr. Per...So nice to hear from you again,  The Bluenose is popular indeed...and also a decent challenge.  At least that's what I'm experiencing.  Please call again..
    Rick,,,I appreciate your visit and your very nice words.  Thank you so much for taking the time to write to my log.  I hope you have much success with your build and i'm very happy that my log may help you.  It's a pleasure to know that my efforts may pay off.
    Bob... It's nice to meet new people so many thanks for stopping by and for your  nice comments.  Please come back again and watch me prod along toward the finish line.
    As for progress, I have finished the foremast shroud dead eye attachments.  The next dead eye to be rigged is the 2.5mm one to be attached to the top mast shroud.  The fact of the matter is I can hardly see the darn thing, let alone rig it.  I hope my magnifiers will come through.  Here are a couple of pictures to illustrate what I'm ranting about.

  7. Like
    mrshanks reacted to xken in USS Constitution by xken - Model Shipways - Scale 1:76.8   
    Main mast standing tall at 32" high. I have been busy with details on this mast using the Navy Yard drawings for details not clearly explained on the plans. Just a note on the drawings that I noticed was the indication of the rope lead ins where the sheave slots are located. These are the oval shapes on the drawings.
    Here is the mast test fitted.

    Following are a series of mast details that were added after the main mast portions were tapered to size.




    Note that there are larger sheaves that are at the base of the masts.


    Now onto the foremast.
  8. Like
    mrshanks reacted to JSGerson in USS Constitution by xken - Model Shipways - Scale 1:76.8   
    Here are some of the pictures I had hoped you would of received full size by now

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    mrshanks reacted to xken in USS Constitution by xken - Model Shipways - Scale 1:76.8   
    Back at it after helping wife and getting my NRG presentation on a CD mailed off. I checked the chain plate photo-etched parts and again the holes did not match the nails supplied. I darkened all the part sheets with Black Patina both sides and once set started to very carefully enlarge the holes with a small ream to fit the nails. Would have been great if the kit builder had checked these first.
    I also stropped  all the deadeyes and twisted the number of eyebolts needed. All was slow tedious fussy work. The eyebolts were twisted using a #76 (.020") drill bit shank and 26 gauge black beading wire. Also keep the two hole in the deadeye up as best as possible given the hole locations on them.
    Working off the plans I transferred the bottom backing link hole locations and drilled them with a .020" drill bit to receive the nails. Added the backing link to the hole and used a brass rod to align the link to drill the top hole location. Once drilled the chain plate was added, marked, cut and bent to fit it's location against the eyebolt or deadeye. Keep in mind that the top hole of the backing link needs a eyebolt to hold a ring instead of a nail. Again using the plans for the location of these rings.Once one section was competed the painted wood strip cap was added.
    Here is a sequence of photos showing the process I am using.





    Now to continue on with adding the chainplates.
  10. Like
    mrshanks reacted to xken in USS Constitution by xken - Model Shipways - Scale 1:76.8   
    Finished up making the rope coils for all the rest of the carronades and as the glue set overnight I decided to do a test of a fully rigged tackle for the carronade by adding the side and in haul lines. The side line can be seen in the photo above and thanks to Jon I now know where the eyebolts on the deck are located for the in haul line. I also decided to trammel the in haul line like the side lines which would eliminate coils on the deck that would have got in the way, and makes them more visible. 
    As I was adding them I was glad I did not glue all the deck structures in place as I trammeled the lines in place using .008" rope after being hooked to the eyebolts. I started out using 5" rope lengths and these need to be just a little longer for easier knotting once wrapped. Once rigged I sat back and pondered the results of the finished test. I decided that it looked a great deal more finished and complete looking than just a breech and side line. This also means a great deal more tedious work but I results will be fantastic. I started this ship for my son and it will now be for him and his new twin boys.

    Here is a close up showing the trammeled lines. Ran out of blocks after the adjacent in haul line.

    A rear view.

    Placed an order with Chuck for more hooks, blocks and .008 Lt. Brown rope. I will add the balance of the rope coils while waiting for the order to arrive. 
  11. Like
    mrshanks reacted to Pieman in Gunboat William by Pieman - Caldercraft - Scale 1:32   
    Many thanks for that. I think I will do what you suggest and do some measuring and marking of bulkheads to give me an idea of how the remaining planks will lie.
    Cheers, Jack
  12. Like
    mrshanks reacted to Beef Wellington in Gunboat William by Pieman - Caldercraft - Scale 1:32   
    Jack, glad I found your build.  This looks like a lovely kit so very interested in how she comes together, you're off to a solid start.  All the CC kits seem to have their foibles despite being of generally good quality, sure you'll overcome the challenges.
  13. Like
    mrshanks reacted to stripehunter in Swift 1805 by stripehunter - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:50 - first build   
    A year to the day since I bought the kit, I am finished.  My only regret is I wish I would have kept track of my total hours worked.  Will do that next time.  Thanks for all the likes and kind words along the way.














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    mrshanks reacted to stripehunter in Swift 1805 by stripehunter - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:50 - first build   
    I stained the sails to age them a bit by soaking them in Tea.  I read that somewhere, and like the outcome. my tet sail is centered unstained for comparison.

    First sail rigged up:

    With the jib added:


    If all goes well I may have this completed within the next week.
  16. Like
    mrshanks reacted to stripehunter in Swift 1805 by stripehunter - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - 1:50 - first build   
    Got my anchors rigged and installed.   I spent the day with the admiral's sewing machine stitching up sails.  I suppose I could toss them in the trash and basically be done, but I think I'm going to string them up and have a look.




  17. Like
    mrshanks reacted to Thunder in Gunboat William by Pieman - Caldercraft - Scale 1:32   
    From what I can see in the photographs the planking looks really well done. You cannot really avoid some clinker effect as your first planking is thicker planks. The only way to avoid would be a lot of steaming and pre-shaping. In real practice each plank would possibly be cut to suit the position, which would not be practical with the supplied material. You can however divide your hull into sections and then divide up the bulkheads by amount of planks required at the middle of the hull. from this you can work at the taper of the planks and shape each to suit before application.
    I don't tend to start at top or bottom of the hull but at the wale position.
  18. Like
    mrshanks reacted to Pieman in Gunboat William by Pieman - Caldercraft - Scale 1:32   
    Well, I am continuing slowly with the first planking. I have been steaming the planks at the bow to ease them round the curve and using plank nippers at the stern to help get the planks tucked up below the stern cross member. Apart from the first three planks, I have followed the advice given in the Model Boats article and joined the planks lengthwise. I would have had real difficulties gettting the bow and stern bends correct and the correct distance apart on each plank without doing this.
    I am fairly happy with the stern but I think I am running into trouble at the bow! I have tapered the last couple of planks down to about half their width but I am struggling to get them to lay flat down to the bulkheads. As you can see in the photo I am getting a bit of the 'clinker built' effect. I am thinking that at some point I might be better to start planking from the keel? Any advice on how to proceed would be gratefully accepted!
    Cheers, Jack

  19. Like
    mrshanks reacted to GuntherMT in Armed Virginia Sloop by Hill202 - Model Shipways - scale 1:48   
    If you have a Hobby Lobby near you, they sell packages of random sized blocks of basswood (some fairly large) for under 10 bucks.  If that fails, you can get them from various wood working places, as carvers use it a lot.
    You can get a 10lb 'grab bag' box of basswood from Woodcraft if you have one near you (or you could order it online, but shipping might suck).
  20. Like
    mrshanks reacted to DocBlake in Armed Virginia Sloop by Hill202 - Model Shipways - scale 1:48   
    Joe:  Don't worry about the fit of the notches at the bow, or even the fact that one broke off.  This will all be covered by the waterways and decking and will not show at all on the finished model.
    As to the scuttle location:  It's your call!  The AVS is a fictitious vessel.  Dr. Feldman drew the plans with the scuttle on the port side, but you're the captain of your ship, and a scuttle on the starboard side is absolutely appropriate.
  21. Like
    mrshanks reacted to donrobinson in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    Good Day All, Thanks for all your gracious comments, likes and checking things out. Not much has changed other than scraping, sanding, planking and painting  . I did a little cheating when I planked the bulwarks, rather than using the planking strips I cut and shaped veneer strips. I did this as I knew I was painting and to go from five planks at the bow to three at midships seemed like a lot of work that was not necessary. With the painting and stanchions placed every 15 mm the illusion of separate planks would have been hidden at any rate.
     After bulwarks were planked the scuppers then needed to be re-cut. I did this using a 1 mm end mill bit in my rotary tool followed by some filing with a needle file and the other thing I can't remember the name of right now      .
     Next up is the final planking of the deck :)      on top of the .5 mm planking goes a central plank and after that I will be happy to see that all planking on this ship will be finished.
     Not much to see but I hope you enjoy

    Mystery tool is the second from bottom
  22. Like
    mrshanks reacted to donrobinson in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    Good Morning All,
     I have a small update to show, the planking of the deck. Before you start wondering what I am doing not staggering the planks properly this is the first layer of planking. There is another layer of .5 mm planking going on top of the walnut planking you see here. Normally I would not have posted this until it was completed but I needed a break from the sanding and scraping, this layer (1,5 mm) needs to be sanded down by .5 mm so I thought I would post what was done so far. As she sits now I have about half the deck done and will hopefully have that done today. Then second planking then deck furniture.........Finally.
     Planks were glued using Weldbond on the edges and a spot of ca on each bulkhead to act as a clamp.

     Alright back to sanding and scraping .
     Oh some real good news for, those interested, Rick Shousha at Modellers Workshop is now a distributor for MarisStella. Check it out at http://modellers-workshop.com/category/maristella-wood-ship-kits/.
    Have A Good One
  23. Like
    mrshanks reacted to cog in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    Marvelous details, Greg. So you've been running around with 350 meters of cable on your back and a blowtorch... must be devastating on your physique ... it does look great though ...
    I won't be working with a carpet underneath when working with these small items. Either a sheet, or concrete/wood
  24. Like
    mrshanks reacted to RGL in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    I slide out the drawer to my desk and put a tea towel on it. Yes, some pieces occasionally go off but it saves a LOT of them.
  25. Like
    mrshanks reacted to amateur in IJN Yamato by RGL - FINISHED - Tamiya - 1/350 - PLASTIC   
    Delays in work?
    Just kidding
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