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Everything posted by peveka

  1. Hi Harlequin In your post from may 14th 2013 (let the planking begin) you seem to have done something to the area on the false keel below the transom. What was it and why did you do it? Thanks. Cheers Pieter
  2. Thanks for the thumbs up! Or is it the thumb ups? Today's progress. Glued the main deck. Been struggling a bit with how to get an even pressure to hold it down and ended up with this solution. Seems to work alright. Piece 6 is glued too now. Right now I'm very busy letting the glue set. Cheers Pieter
  3. Yep. Rare jongens die Hollanders ;o) Well, Belgians would expect the Dutch to try to save money everywhere, wouldn't they? ;o) Cheers Pieter
  4. You've got to start feeding your mouse, it seems to be hungry ... Cheese Cheers Pieter
  5. Hi all. After a very long break I re-enter this great forum with a building log of HMS Bellona. My first posts have been somewhere in the beginning of 2015 and after this long break I realise that I haven't had the decency to introduce myself properly. So here goes. My name is Pieter, I'm a retired physio, Dutch but not fanatically so. I have lived in Switzerland for over 30 years and a few years ago I have been adopted as a Breton in the beautiful part of France called la Bretagne. Close to the sea, close to some very nice and famous harbours. I've not built many models (a clipper-like model that goes under many names, a botter, the Gretel, the SF one -took me 18 years ... - ) and I took my time to make all the mistakes one can make. Now I feel nothing can go wrong when I tackle the Bellona. Well, ahem, I've erred before ... I am looking very much forward to this project. Parallel to this I am working on fun project: a Dutch Clog-a-War. I am rigging a size 12 clog in the fashion of a 18th century armed 2-master. If the mods don't find it too silly I will start a building log. We'll see. Thanks for reading and thank you all for this wonderful forum! Cheers Pieter
  6. Hi Submarineman Quite a project ... definitely going to follow this one. Best of luck! Cheers Pieter
  7. Progress report. Put some balsa on the bow and reinforced a bulwark near the stern where I sort of expect some trouble because of the acute angels of the planks. I cut out some space for the dummy-gun-boxes. The part of the stern (the transom?) was fidgety but finally fits nicely. When all is dry I can start fairing tomorrow. Part 3, 6 and 13 are not yet glued, I first want to place the decks. Note to self: don't forget the hole for the bowsprit in 3! Cheers Pieter
  8. Hi Jo That looks like a very pretty boat! Are you going to paint it? Cheers Pieter
  9. Hi Steven Not just Hollywood... it is known... but our history books too! Cheers Pieter
  10. Steven, thanks for the insight. I didn't know that! Cheers Pieter
  11. Question. To place the dummy guns Bellona's plans ask for some 40 small "boxes" to be placed before the planking starts. That seems a lot of work as compared to the solution for HMS Bellerophon (flyer -Peter- from Switzerland, thank you for your pictures!). What would speak against using the Bellerophon method on Bellona? Is there something I missed? IMHO gluing horizontal "platforms" and vertical "walls" between the vertical frames would only add to the hull's stability and I would have more room to manoeuver. I stole Peter's picture to show the Bellerophon method (hope you don't mind!). Any ideas? Problem solved. It helps when one compares the numbers on the drawings with the numbers in the instruction manual and the numbers on the list of materials AND the actual material in the box... Cheers Pieter
  12. Well, you didn't want to get sent to the galleys to spend some quality time there ... however nice the owner ;o) Cheers Pieter
  13. Talking about anchors: try realistic catheads ;o)
  14. I like "Life in Nelson's Navy" by Brian Lavery. I have no clue about how historically correct it is but what he writes makes sense. It wasn't all bad.
  15. Right and off we go. I think there should be an expression for this special moment in the ship modeling process where one glues the first parts together. Something like "first light" in astronomy. I humbly suggest "first glue". Everything fits perfectly, no wobbling and I only needed a few strokes with a fine file on certain pieces. I haven't yet glued pieces 6 and 13 because it was already a bit of a pain to fit the poop- and the main deck with all pieces dry fitted. Tip for young parents: it really pays off to invest in lego/duplo. Far more useful than Barbies horse. Cheers Pieter
  16. Hi Mark Thanks for the tip but I'm afraid with 2 mm plywood there's not much meat on the bone ... Fish is good, we live about 10 car-minutes from the sea, they don't come fresher! Cheers Pieter
  17. Hi Chris Thank you for your answer, that is reassuring. Cheers Pieter
  18. Thanks Harlequin, I'll do that. Cheers Pieter
  19. Thank you very much for your kind offer Harlequin, I will certainly come back to you ;o) At the moment I'm trying to figure out how to fit the poop deck with it's camber ... it needs quite a lot of pressure to hold it down. Do you remember how you did that? Cheers Pieter
  20. Hi Harlequin Aha, so not a different version then...thank you for clarifying! Right now I'm dryfitting the first pieces together, everything fits nice and snugly. Cheers Pieter
  21. Question for the mods: will this log be visible on facebook? If so, how can I prevent this? Cheers Pieter
  22. Hi Katsumoto She's definitely going to be a challenge ;o) Cheers Pieter
  23. Hi Mark Thanks for your comment. All the gilt parts are metal, no plastic around. Not building right now, we've got 20° and clear blue skies in La Bretagne right now so I lit up the bbq first time this "winter"... Cheers Pieter
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