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Everything posted by Cabbie

  1. I should have realized of course!, with a name like Crusoe. Crusoe Res, Kangaroo Flat. I live in Campbells Creek, southern side of Castlemaine, and yes, winters here, and so are the evil frosts. I was trying to place you at spots all over the world. I am also doing my first boat a swift 1805, but found this place well after i had started. I have an endeavour waiting on the shelf, but that is a while away. I am now concentrating on soldering, blackening and sail making. I don't mind the lack of heating during the day, but don't like it at night this time of year. keep modeling Chris
  2. I'm new here myself, and keen to watch. Can you show as much as possible on the drawing process. Thanks Chris
  3. Hi Crusoe welcome What part of the world do you live in? The Bounty is looking good. I have been thinking the same thing about my work space. Currently I'm set up in a spare room in our house and it needs to be set up properly. But its not going to be a long term spot. I do have a workshop where i do my cabinet making from, but apart the fact there is no heating, I don't want to cut myself off from the family. So i will do put it in the too hard basket for the time being and see what happens. Chris
  4. Thanks again everybody for replying. I am a bit like that famous sergeant, "I Know Nothin", therefore i think that i will start with Petersson's and The Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor, and check out the rest. Chris
  5. Thanks guys for all of the reply's, if your nautical knowledge hardly goes past the bathtub Captain Steve, then mine would be small enough to fit on a pinhead. I do like the look of that book Steve. And thanks for the link Hornet, i think that Petersson's book would be ideal for me. And yes druxey, i will chase "the fully framed model" and see if i can get a look at it as well. It sounds as though the "Fore and Aft Craft" by Petersson would be good as well. I see that on The Nile .com that it is on special too. Chris
  6. Thanks Robin yes about that period but not for any particular ship. I suppose i am after a book that details generally any part of a ship's rigging, and how it is made? how it is joined to the next item? How knots are tied? How deadeyes are roped together? How ropes are attached to masts? IE The Basics Does that help Thanks Chris
  7. Yes Bob you are on the right track. I want a book for period ships, but a relatively recently produced book with lots of detail for a novice. I think that a more recently produced will have much clearer diagrams and instructions. IE "rigging period ships for dummies" Thanks for your reply's. Chris
  8. Thanks Bob that's good to hear
  9. Good evening Can any suggest a book for rigging, that goes through each and every part of rigging step by step, with lots of pictures and is a modern book. I have seen this on ebay Rigging Period Ship Models By Lennarth Petersson but without looking inside its hard to know what any book is actually like. Thanks Chris
  10. Hi Jesse thanks for the like, I'm looking forward to starting, been following your blog a little bit. I will take a lot more notice of yours and others from now on. It is such a good looking ship, has a bit of everything in it. Thanks Chris Hooroo
  11. Yes gj i have been hunting around today, and given up. An order is about to go off to Micro mark, one up to that place in Sydney you put up. And with a bit of luck i will pick something up in Bendigo. Then i should be set and get back to some serious modelling again. Thanks Chris
  12. I'm dreaming, i know that, I'm still hoping someone will tell me where to buy at the one place. Thanks Chris
  13. Thanks hornet, i will check them out, might be able to do that in person, they have a store in Bendigo. Actually, that might have been the easier way all along. Chris
  14. Thanks gjdale That will be good for the brass black. I wanted to buy stuff in oz if i could, but looking at the micromark site, they have some other things i want. Hopefully someone will come up with something locally Thanks Chris
  15. Good evening all Can anyone in Australia recommend a good online supplier of solder in a syringe, and a brass blackening agent. I have been looking at M-20 black patina dye from Barnes, but they seem to be having trouble getting it. Does anyone know if this product will do the job? They seem to think it works. Or does anyone know where to buy Birchwell Casey Brass Black online? And hopefully solder at the same place. Thanks in advance Chris
  16. Thanks Geoff I will still do the Endeavour. Its not going to put me off. I have plans for different parts of the ship. I will see if i can find the book over here. Thanks Chris
  17. Good evening all I am well on my way to finishing my swift and i was wondering what to do next. I do already have an AL hmb endeavour 1768, but i have been looking at all the rigging on it, and i was wondering if i would be taking too much on for a 2nd build. I have also been telling people over here about this Syren http://www.hobbytools.com.au/model-shipways-us-brig-syren-1-64-scale. It looks to me to have about 50% less rigging. Would i be better off to get my rigging fingers trained, by doing this first. All i really wanted for a 2nd build was to have something with a few cannons on. Any other pros or cons to either ship? All advice greatly appreciated Thanks Chris PS I am totally new to sailing ships, and sails, and rigging, and would need to start right at the beginning.
  18. Thanks jhearl That's another way of doing it, would look the same. I have a gas torch now so I will give that a go and see if I can conquer it. Thanks Chris
  19. Thanks again Hornet I will get myself organized and start learning. Chris
  20. Good Evening Hornet Thanks for the welcome Thanks for helping me sort this out. Are you saying that the metal on the end with the 90 degree bend is a tube? What diameter is it? What thickness is the copper sheet? It looks like i have a lot of practicing in front of me. Thanks Chris
  21. Thanks Doc Sometimes i have trouble seeing the cutting line because the snips are too bulky. Speaking of soldering something like this would have to be handy? Chris http://www.hobbytools.com.au/helping-hands-magnifier-w-soldering-station-led-light/
  22. Thanks Doc Haven't got around to the Dremel yet, might opt for a Proxon tool. Need to make a cylinder first. Can you suggest the correct type of snips for cutting the brass? Will just a small set on tin snips do the job? Thanks Chris
  23. On the end of my Swift bowsprit there is a brass fitting which they call the bowsprit top reinforcement. Do i make a cylinder from the 3mm brass supplied, solder the join. Then cut the ring off an eye hook and solder it on to the cylinder and then attach a ring and solder its join. Thanks Chris
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