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Everything posted by Cabbie

  1. Hello again Michael I was thinking more about your false keel, which seems to extend out a lot more under the bulkheads and the little pieces that rise up above the deck. Also the stem post seems to be part of the false keel as well. Hooroo Chris
  2. Good Evening All Time for an update, not that there is much more to see. I have blocked in most of the sides of the ship, and have done a lot of the fairing. And I have nailed the decks in place. Can anyone tell me about the gunwales. The pieces supplied are 5mm x 5mm,and if I fix them to the decks, they will lean out from the ship due to the slope of the deck. So I assume that I should plane an angle on the bottom so that they lean in as per the replica. And I suppose that they should be faired as well like the rest of the ship? All comments and advice will be much appreciated. Thanks Chris A few pics
  3. Hi Michael, It is looking very good, This kit certainly has a different approach to the initial setup, compared to the AL kit that I am doing. It will be interesting to see how the two compare in the later stages. Chris
  4. G'day Michael and welcome to the Endeavour club. I started one as well a couple of months ago, but haven't got too far yet I have been looking and thinking, and thinking and looking at lots of pics and models and existing logs working out my own ideas. It looks like it should be a fun build. Here is a link to a Flickr page with lots of photos https://www.flickr.com/search/?tags=endeavourreplica A lot of the pics are links to more albums. I am only a new builder with lots to learn, but i have nearly finished fairing my bow using solid blocking, and I am finding it easier to visualize the correct shape. I cut a rabbet in the plywood and have formed one in the solid blocking on the bow. I will update my blog soon to show a little bit of progress. In the meantime, enjoy!!!!!! Hooroo Chris
  5. For someone who doesn't like them, you certainly make them pretty good. When I get to coil stage on my Endeavour, I will be coming back here looking for instructions. cheers Chris
  6. Hi Max Yes I like the coils like that as well, looks a bit more like a working ship. It is all looking top notch, I hope mine comes up as good, WHEN, I get to your stage. Hooroo Chris
  7. Its looking good David, that is some very delicate work on those hinges. I will have to go back and see how you made them. cheers Chris
  8. Thanks Wayne it sounds as though that I please myself. "Let your eye be your guide", as my father would say. It is really the nice full curve that the replica has that I like, so that is what I will aim for. Thanks Chris
  9. Thanks Joel Do you know what width the upper strakes are on the replica. They look about 180mm to 200mm going by the photos. Chris
  10. Hi Jaager I am waiting for a new print to become available 6 Oct, hopefully the answer will be in there. I just thought I might be able to gain a bit of general info. Thanks Chris
  11. Good Morning everyone On my Endeavour the waterline and wales positions are not drawn. Should the plans show these? Or is it up to the ship builder to position the wales in a line that looks good? I would have thought that the waterline is something that would have been decided when the ship was being designed. I see that the wales can be worked out by evenly spacing down from the gunwales and working out the heights bow and stern. But on the pics of the Endeavour the bottom of the wales seems to be at the waterline, which I don't have. All help much appreciated Thanks Chris Edit I should have said it is an Artesania Latina kit
  12. Have a look on google books. If you don't mind reading on the computer they have some of the older books free. And other ones quite cheap. Also an online library site called Scribd has some books free to read just by joining, and others for a monthly fee. Cheers Chris
  13. Wow, Give yourself a medal for bravery. I will be in the 2nd row Chris
  14. Just stick with it,and see it through to the end. Don't get frustrated and start another one. Cheers Chris
  15. Good Evening A little update, Some of the ply was warped, and bent and it needed a serious build board to put it in the right shape. I cut the slots for the masts and a rebate for the planks to fit in along the false keel. Can any show me how the ship is bolted to a base board through the keel. I have seen some examples but they don't show totally what is happening. Can hollow pedestals be bought? I am getting ready to start glueing bulheads and blocks in place. A few pics Thanks Chris
  16. That's good to hear, I just bought one. Chris
  17. You will get back to the Bounty. I am still wondering about the wisdom of starting The Endeavour and doing it how I want. But it is something I want to do. Its going to be another learning boat, and I know it will not be top quality. I am just planning on enjoying, learning, and doing what i want. And finishing one day. Hooroo Chris
  18. Geez and I thought I had an original idea. That's all the painting i was thinking of. I want to be as scale model correct as i can, but have the look with the timbers i want. The first planking in this kit looks to be be a bending ply about 2mm thick. It bends easy enough. But i think it would be tricky to taper the edges. Hooroo Chris
  19. PS Its going to be a slow build between here and Christmas, work is busy, I am still getting organized. I am waiting for the new AOTS to come out early October to see what they are saying And after Christmas I have to do a kitchen reno for myself. BUT there will be some time for modelling. Chris
  20. Good Morning Hof Yes I am hoping that the 2 timbers look good together, something a bit different I hope. Am I correct Hof, in saying that it is Kauri, the lighter one?. Interesting to hear that Cook might have put some into the Endeavour It is left over from kitchen jobs from 20 yrs ago, it was a trend back then to use recycled timbers in kitchens, The timber was machined to make lining boards 12mm thick to use as door panels in cupboard doors. It is amazing to see the size and quality of timbers that were used to construct buildings in the early days. Some of the Oregan that has been reused, was, as my machinist mate says it, "its like cheese you could eat it". It was very fine, straight grained, and no knots The Kauri is going to be used for the decks, and the hull planking above the wales, which I am hoping to do as single planking. I might use some below the wales to get the stripy look I like. Mostly below the wales will be the Jarrah as 2nd planking, and I am going to try and use radiata pine for the 1st planking there. I have about 15 1.5 metre lengths of the Kauri LBs I have a sliding table panel saw to break it down a little bit, but i am going to buy a proxxon mini saw to cut into planks, after i thickness it to varying widths . Only time will tell if I am capable of doing what I want. Hooroo Chris
  21. Hi Crusoe Good move, if your mind is not on the job doing this it becomes too much like hard work. There is certainly a lot to learn and get your head around. So many different new skills and concepts to learn. I had taken very little notice in the past of old sailing ships and needed to learn just about everything. I've been a cabinetmaker all my working life and this is totally different. My first boat is a swift 1805, not quite finished yet, but close. It certainly has been a challenge. I could not have done anything bigger first up, but now I've jumped in the deep end and started an Endeavour I think that if you are going to do this hobby long term you just need to take it easy and make it enjoyable. Cheers Chris
  22. Ok, Ok, you lot,calm down. I know that you have been clamouring for another Endeavour build, so I am going to do one for you. ( with a lot of help from everyone, i hope) Which is lucky for me because thats what I really want to do. The Syren will have to sit on the shelf a bit longer. The reason for calling it a kit fiddle is that i don't really know what I am going to do or how to do it. I will just fiddle with it until i get the look I want. One thing that I know I am going to do is cut a lot of my own timbers and planks ect. I have read that the Replica has used Jarrah on the hull planking below the wales, and and Oregon Pine used above the waterline. The hull will be left unpainted, I hope, if my planking is good enough. This is another learning build for me as such i want to try spiling, and bending the hull planks and just to see what ends up happening. I have plenty of jarrah, and a lot of Kauri lining boards that I will use for the decks instead of the oregon. One look that i do like on some models, is the stripey lines of the bigger ships with the constrast between the wales and planks, something that I want to do here, if i can. Something that I do not like at all is the red paint that is used. I really hate it. Therefore, there will not be much painting done except for the blue that is used. (maybe) I think that it will be done as what i am calling hybrid planked, double planking for the wales and below and single planking above. To get the look of the replica as much as possible. The kit is 20 yrs old, hence some of the ply is bent and needs some serious blocking, to straighten and square up. Enough talk here is a few pics Kauri and Jarrah PS it is going to be a slow build, which is good, because i am a master procrastinator. Hooroo Chris
  23. Good Morning Bizbilder I have an AL Endeavour that i have just started, hopefully get a log started tonight. Like you i have just dry fitted the bulkheads. It will be interesting to see how the kits vary. Though, mine is a 20 yr old one bought off ebay. Like yours, I think that mine will be a slow start, and a slow middle, and a slow end. Hooroo Chris
  24. That depends on what sort of 2 yr old Chris
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